Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3938

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Sai Baba Helps Single Mother and Daughter

Anonymous Devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba from Qatar says: Om Sai Ram. Hope my article finds you well.

I am one of the anonymous devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba, and I am writing this article from Qatar. This article is a small tribute to Baba on this year’s (2023) Punyatithi, in which I will illuminate my incredible journey with Baba and how Sai Baba helped me overcome my health issues and succeed in my career.

My journey began when I was in my mother’s womb. I bow down to Baba, grateful for giving me the thought to write this and helping me share the whole journey.

My connection with Baba started from my time in my mother’s womb. I really don’t have any clue about my past life, so I am considering this as my beginning with Baba. When my mother was pregnant, she frequently read Sai Satcharitra, and from there, I formed my connection with Baba. Despite certain complications during her pregnancy, with Baba’s grace, I came into this world healthy.

As I was a premature baby, I faced recurrent health issues during my childhood. However, my benevolent Baba and my parents held and cared for me, helping me recover from all health challenges.

The worst situation in my life came when my father left my mom and me for someone else. It was a devastating time for both of us. My mom was working as a health worker in rural areas, earning only 5,000 INR, which had to cover all our expenses. It was really a hard time for her and for me.

Soon after my father left, my mom got transferred to a city area, and her income increased significantly. She managed to support my higher education and all my other needs. Despite the hopelessness and devastation we felt, my devotion to Baba increased a hundredfold. I began to see Baba as my father. I constantly thought of Baba, performed Kakad and other routine artis at home, and started serving at the nearest temple. These routines became my habit, and I loved spending time with Baba. I really miss those adorable days.

When I went for my higher studies, I was not particularly good in academics during my school days. However, in college, I became the topper each year. Baba helped me not only financially but also by enhancing my knowledge.

Then, I finally cleared and graduated from college. Now, the days came to earn and the time came to be a financial supporter for my mom, as she had worked so hard in these past years.

I started struggling again to find a good job. Maybe it was the initial challenge; I had changed many jobs. Throughout, I kept continuous faith in Baba, regularly reading Sai Satcharitra, chanting, and writing Baba’s mantra (Om Sai Ram). I have had the habit of writing the mantra since my childhood rather than chanting it much.

Finally, in 2019, I landed a good job in a well-reputed institution with a salary above my expectations. I managed to save well there within two years.

At the age of 26, by Baba’s grace and with my mom’s help, I managed to own a flat on the outskirts of Mumbai. Then, I got an opportunity to work overseas in Qatar. Despite many challenges and struggles, Baba blessed me to fly out of India to Qatar. And here too, Baba blessed me with a promotion within one year. I am truly blessed to be a devotee of Baba. I love Baba so much ❤️.

Today, on Baba’s Mahasamadhi day, it’s a small way to show gratitude to Baba for His mercy and benevolence.

A Devotee Thanks

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from Asia says: Om Sai Ram. Please keep my name, country, and contact details anonymous.

Thank you, Admin and team, for maintaining Baba’s blog. Thank You, Baba, for everything. My pet became sick and was in a helpless condition. We applied Udi and prayed to Baba for help. Now it’s recovering. Thank You, Baba, for Your timely help. Baba, please bless all Sai devotees and help us follow the right path.

Download Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra Book for Free

We invite you to download our ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra’ book, which is a collection of powerful mantras that can help you connect with the divine energy of Sai Baba and seek his blessings. We hope this book serves as a valuable resource on your spiritual journey and brings you closer to the love and grace of Sai Baba.

© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 839


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  1. Baba, thank you so much for reducing the leg pains of my mom..This started happening when i prayed to Baba and other gods and my mom prayed to lord venkateswara..A heartful thanks for My Baba , lord venkateswara and all other gods for your kind blessings. .

  2. Om Sai Ram. Please bless me to complete coming releases with out any problem. Please save me Deva. Every time You are saving me. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Anantha Kodi Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai. Sai Dayalam Sai Kirupalam Sai Anatha Truguna Swaroopam Namo Sai Natham Namo Sai Natham Namo Sai Natham Namo Sai Natham. Shridi Pura vasinam Karnamurthi Swaroopam Sarva Roha dhosa nivaranam shridi Sai Natha darshanam

  3. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima,, bless my father and mother please protect them with good health dont let any harm to happen bless me with my husband.bless my sister pregnancy

    Happy Guru purnima baba sai rakshak Saisaranam Ayyappa

  4. As promised
    Our Dearest Sai Deva
    Koti koti Pranaams and Aabhar for approving and giving me the Annual Pass .
