Getting New Job With Sai Baba’s Blessing

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an anonymous devotee from India. This was truly astonishing as well as a faithful experience. This is about getting my new (changed) job after a few months’ break. I had already planned this to post my experience of getting the offer letter.
It is obvious for all to be happy or remember the day when you get your offer letter. Same thing happened to me also. But happiness was for another thing. First of all, I was happy, smiling (after so many months), I was relaxed because of my Baba. I was pretty much sure that my offer letter would come on Thursday and that’s how it happened as all my interviews related to this job took place on Thursday no matter what. Actually in the third round with HR, he called me on Monday, but on that day, it was raining heavily all day. So he called me saying that, that day the schedule was cancelled and that they would let me know the next date on which I need to go for the HR round. I was waiting for Tuesday, then I did not even think about calling him but on Wednesday, he asked me to come on Thursday. After that call I was waiting for the offer letter.
He told me that after one to two days I would get my letter, so I was waiting for Monday/Tuesday. But the week had gone. Next Thursday has come. So, I thought today the letter will come for sure. But no it was not that day. I asked the HR person and he said the next day (Friday) 99% the letter would come. But it was Friday then Saturday but it did not come. I called again and he said for Monday. But again Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were also gone. Now again, my day, my Baba’s day had come. I was clear, calm and faithful about my Baba’s leela that now this coming Thursday I would get my letter for sure.
One new thing is also going on in parallel, my friend called me to tell me about her health as she was pregnant. She told me that after consulting with the doctor she had to get admitted in hospital next morning for the delivery as it was too late. I understood that her delivery will also be on Thursday only. And the rest you all know as Sai Baba’s leela. My offer letter was received on Sai’s day and she was blessed with a baby girl on Sai’s day. My friend was wandering here and there to meet the doctor for some or the other reasons about her pregnancy but yet her delivery was getting delayed, because it was planned to happen on Sai’s day.
Both the leelas are close to my heart and very, very, very essential for me and her. I was eagerly waiting for that day to post my experience but however it got late this time again but I did not forget this. So, this is how Baba helped/did the leela for us.
Om Anant Koti Bhramand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbhrama Shri Sachinanad Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba Took Care

Shirdi Sai Devotee Bindu Khakhar from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am Bindu from India. First of all I would like to thank Hetalji and her team for creating and maintaining this modern Sai Satcharitra platform. I have shared some of Baba’s leela in this blog.
Today I would like to share my recent experience. Few days back my son had a fever and headache. He lives in the US and we are in India. We were very much worried about his health. After a week of fever he had a sore throat. His Covid report was negative. Doctors said that it was a viral infection but evening fever was still there after 10 days. We were just praying and praying to Baba.
One day all of a sudden I turned on TV, and one episode of the Shree Ganesh serial was going on. In that episode Rishi Tulsidasji was having some health problems and he prayed to Hanumanji to cure him. Hanumanji came and suggested Tulsidasji to create some prayers that will be helpful to solve health problems. Tulsidasji created Hanuman Bahuk. It’s said that Hanuman Bahuk is very helpful to get rid of any health issue. With Baba’s grace, I came to know this and I found out about Hanuman Bahuk and started reading. The day I started Hanuman Bahuk the fever went off. But his blood reports were not normal. I kept on reciting Hanuman Bahuk and after a week all reports were normal. It’s only Baba’s leela that I got to know about Hanuman Bahuk. So with Baba’s and Hanumanji’s blessings my son is okay now. Thank You Deva.
Please, please bless my son with good health. Deva, never ever leave us. We are nothing without You Baba. Deva please forgive us for our mistakes.
Sai Baba’s Grace For Test Results

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: Om Sairam! Thanks Hetalji and the entire team for maintaining this wonderful platform.
Om Sairam. I was praying Baba to help me on getting some fund approvals. Baba really answered my prayers and I got an email confirmation as well. Thanks Baba.
Meetings/events all went well. This was all possible due to Baba’s blessings. Thanks Baba for saving me.
I was down with a fever with COVID symptoms. I prayed Baba to get my results negative and also to recover from this sickness. I have a small kid and I was really worried. By God’s grace, my test results showed negative and I was fully recovered the very next day. Thanks to Baba.
One of my prayers that You know – please help that boy to score good marks and by Baba’s grace he has to come out from all the problems.
Om Sairam. Thanks Baba for all Your support and help. My prayers to You always is that people have to follow Your directions.
Even Smallest Prayers Do Not Go Unanswered

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks to Hetalji and team for this wonderful Satcharitra.
We planned to go on a trip and leaving on Amavasya day was my fear. That morning, there was too much tension in the house, making it to the airport on time and my son having an expired passport and no Id. I prayed to Baba to show us the path and to help us out and He took care of it. We travelled and came back safely. During the trip, we signed up for some water activities and I was very afraid, but Baba kept us safe. After we came back my friend who travelled with us was down with a bad cold, we got scared if she had Covid. I prayed to Baba and she was fine. Thanks so much Baba.
We had planned for a pooja at the temple for about 70 people, because of the increased cases due to the delta variant, some people were concerned and we too got scared. So it was cancelled, but we were able to perform at home with just our family. It went off very well. Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam!
Baba, please help my husband to decide on the job offer he has. We are very confused. Please bless my husband, kids, mother, sister, brother and their families. Please help my son prosper in his business and school. He also has his license test, please make him pass.
Thank You for everything Baba! Om Sai Ram!
Baba’s Udi Miracle

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Madam, kindly post this one of my recent miracles. I am from Bangalore. Om Sairam to all, I am a small devotee of Baba. Thank you Hetalji and team for the platform.
Yesterday night, today early morning 22nd May 2021, around 1:30 am all of the sudden I had very bad giddiness. I was not able to sleep. I woke up my husband and asked him to give me Sai Baba’s Udi. He gave Udi with little water. He was panicking. I had the Udi water and after a few minutes I vomited. Meanwhile he checked my BP and it was around 144/84.
I do not have BP, but all of sudden my BP had shot up. I started chanting Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam mantra 108 times. After sometime I became alright and I went to sleep. In the morning my husband checked BP and it was normal reading 70/109.
Thank You very much Baba, Koti Koti Pranamam. Sorry Baba for posting late. Baba, please keep my family at Your lotus feet forever. Sai Baba, kindly protect the whole world from this pandemic.
Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank You to the team maintaining this blog. Om Sai Ram. I was in a difficult situation that I couldn’t get out of. I was praying that I would share the experience here if Baba helped me and He did. Our Baba helped me and I cannot express how grateful I am. Thank You Sai Baba for always being there and listening to us. Jai Sai Ram.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Deva, please pass me in the two wheeler driving test scheduled on 15.12.21. If I pass, I will share Your Krupa in this divine site.
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om sai ram. Thank you ma . Love u always
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children at all times. They are your precious gifts to me and please take care of them with good health, happiness and prosperity all through. Shower them with your choicest blessings always. Baba you got me some house help, i believe it is with your grace and blessings. hope it works well for us and she will be good. I leave this entirely to your decision. Baba there is too much tension at office and loads of incomplete work that has accumulated. Help me complete them to the utmost satisfaction of the management… Baba i think it was your decision to not receive the confirmation from college 1 . I trust you have better plans. Please help both my kids to earn a respectable living and give them good health. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Dear Sai, please take care of my daughter’s eye.
The experiences shared by devotees are wonderful and increasing faith day by in SAI BABA. May I request to publish these experiences in the shape of A Book like SAI BABA NAV SAT CHARTRA OR BABA’S GRACE ON DEVOTEES. IT WILL REACH MORE AND MORE PEOPLE AND FAITH IN BABA WILL INCREASE. ALSO DEVOTEES WILL GET KRIPA OF BABA.
Hey Sai baba good morning
Baba bless me a happily married life. Bring me a perfect match. I promise u I will definitely post my experience on this devine site baba.