Simply Believe In Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam. I’m from Chennai and I have submitted many of my experiences earlier. This is a continuation of my earlier experience in which I have stated that I had got a job offer after a break of more than 10 years, all due to Sai Baba blessings. I want to convey my gratitude to the team for this wonderful site that inspires, comforts and builds trust in devotees that Baba is always there for them.
A few weeks into my new job and I faced a situation where I was sandwiched between two parties that had contradictory views about a certain event that had been planned. I was not able to convince either party of the other’s viewpoint. I was apprehensive of the event that was to take place. I went and stood for some time in front of Baba and prayed and asked Him to remove this dilemma. In five minutes I got a call saying that the event was canceled. I never imagined that the event would be canceled. It was a surprise, a pleasant surprise! I was very grateful to Baba and thought that I should pen down this experience as a sign of my gratitude for solving the problem.
The company that I joined asked for three references to do background checks. Since there was a long gap in my career, I had lost contact with all my previous colleagues and bosses. I checked my old emails and contacted two persons and so two references were arranged. But one was still pending. I checked LinkedIn and somehow got contact and luckily the person not only replied but also agreed to give me a reference. This was after a gap of 15 years. That day I felt truly blessed. One reason was that I was in contact with them again and another is the fact that even after so many years they were willing to help. This made me humble and grateful.
Today in the morning as I was working, all of a sudden a process started hanging. I tried different ways to find the problem but could not come to any conclusion. This process had to be completed in a certain time window. As the time was running out I panicked, prayed and started reaching out to people. Later I came to know that there were some issues in the server due to which there was a delay in execution. I thought that maybe I had made some mistake while executing and was blaming myself.
A similar incident happened a few days ago where I got locked out from access due to a password issue. As I had incorrectly given the password, the account got locked. From these experiences I have understood that Baba wants us to be calm, think of Him and do the work. Every hurdle in life can be crossed with His blessings.
I had promised Baba that I would post my experiences. Many more such incidents are still pending. Without Baba I’m nothing. I was arrogant, short-tempered earlier but now I can safely say that praying to Baba has changed my nature. I’m more patient and humble than before. There is still scope for improvement. Praying to Baba to make me a better person.
I also need Baba’s support to fulfill my official duties and give me the confidence to handle my job. Before winding up this experience I opened the Shirdi Sai Sansthan Trust twitter post to see Sai Baba’s message. This is what I read in the message. “Never stop praying. I will listen to all your prayers and I will answer your prayers. Trust my timing.” So devotees place your trust in Him. Baba is always there.
Amazing Visit To Shirdi

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Thank you for this platform that helps us post the modern-day leelas of Sai. Please keep my name, email and other info anonymous.
Sai Baba has been in my life since I was a young girl. After I lost my father at the age of 14, Sai has been my Father. His divine grace has carried my mother, brother and me through life’s many challenges.
In Jan 2014, I had the good fortune of visiting Shirdi for only the second time in my life. My daughter was recovering from health issues by Sai Baba’s grace and when I visited India from the U.S that year, for a week, I wanted to visit Shirdi. They say you can visit Shirdi only if He wishes. By Baba’s grace, we arranged a car for the day and my mom and I planned a day trip from Mumbai to Shirdi. We left at 5:30 AM from Mumbai and arrived at Shirdi by 10 AM.
All the way from the U.S, I had this desire to see Baba’s Aarti at Shirdi. But since we were only visiting for one day and doing only one darshan, I was doubtful whether we would be able to visit during that precise window for the noon Aarti. We planned to return to Mumbai later in the afternoon the same day, so evening Aarti would not have been possible.
When we reached the temple at 10 AM, the darshan queues were long. We stood in the general queue, for the darshan. I have always been claustrophobic in crowds all my life. My mom, who is an ardent Sai devotee, asked me to close my eye and chant ‘Sai’, Sai’ as we waited in the serpentine queue. I kept hoping and praying that we would be able to get into the Samadhi Hall for the noon-Aarti.
Close to noon, we got to the head of the queue. The guards let the people in front of us enter the Samadhi Hall and then, just in front of us, cordoned off the rope, leaving us at the head of the queue, just outside the hall. They said that would be the last of the entrants for the noon Aarti. Needless to say, I was disappointed that having come this close, we would not make it into the hall for the Aarti.
Then just before the Aarti started, when everyone inside the hall was seated, the guards lifted the rope and said two more people could go into the hall. My mom and I ran in quickly and squeezed into a couple of empty spots just as Aarti started! I was overjoyed, felt very blessed, sitting there praying for my daughters’ health and enjoying the Aarti.
We had a great rest of the trip and came home safely that evening. In this way, Baba fulfilled my desire to attend Aarti at Shirdi and timed our entry to be perfect! I am convinced that this was nothing less than a miracle performed by Baba and consider myself immensely blessed.
Like this and in many other ways He has carried our family in the palm of His hands through life’s struggles. I will forever be grateful for all the blessings that He has showered on us. Om Sai Ram!
Sai Baba Helped In Finding The Lost Wallet

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am a novice devotee of Baba from the USA.
My faith gets stronger by reading the experiences of other devotees. This is my first post here.
Thank You so much to the Sai Yug Network team for providing this platform so that we all can benefit from Baba’s love. I humbly bow to the feet of my beloved Sai Baba for taking me and my family into His folds.
My husband and I were at a picnic with friends when I got a call from my daughter who works in another city. She told me that her wallet was lost and it had her credit cards, bank debit cards and her driver’s license, etc. She also told me that she had used her credit card about three days back in a department store and since then she hasn’t seen or used the wallet, but just realized that it’s lost.
I told her to call the credit card company and bank etc. to inquire about any fraudulent recent charges and put a hold on the cards.
While I was telling her this, I was praying to Baba to please do something to avoid this complication. I also suggested my daughter go back and search again in the car thoroughly, which she did but to no avail. As credit cards are used for several automatic payments, it was a big hassle to have a new card. Also, the card would be mailed at my address and my daughter lives in another city. Most importantly, getting a new driver’s license would be a pain. I kept praying to Baba that if the lost wallet was found then I would post it here.
I called my daughter every day; morning and evening asking about the wallet. Somewhere, in my mind, I knew that Baba will help me find it as I have pledged to post it here. After three days, today my daughter called to tell me that she found her wallet under her bed in the folds of the blanket which was a completely unusual place for the wallet. She had no idea how her wallet got there from her bag. We all are so happy, not only for getting the wallet back but the fact that Baba is listening to me too. Although I am really a very small devotee and do not perform puja or abhishek etc. every day, Sai Baba is looking after me as well and has extended His kindness and love.
Sai Ma, please keep us near Your feet. Please help my children settle down in life and I will post my experiences here. Baba, let this Sai Yug be full of Your miracles and kindness. Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam. Anant Koti Bramhand Nayak, Rajadhiraj Parabrmha Yogiraj Sai Maharaj ki Jai. Jai ho Deva. Jai Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba’s Protection

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you for this platform that helps us post the modern-day leelas of Sai. I am writing from the U. S. Please keep my name, email and other info anonymous.
My 21-year-old daughter attends college in a city far away from us and shares an apartment with four other students. She flew back to college after a visit home. Four days after she arrived at the college campus. On a Wednesday, she called home and said that she was down with a cold, cough and sore throat. There was no relative or friend close by in the city she lives in other than her flat-mates. We advised her to take some medication and home remedies and not venture out. The next day her situation got worse. Being a Saturday, she decided to stay home and rest.
With so much COVID rampant across the country, especially since in-person colleges had just re-opened, we were very worried. I prayed to Baba. I drank Udi mixed in water on her behalf and as well as applied Udi to my throat and forehead. I usually send a small picture of Baba with her to keep on her desk so He may protect her when she is away from home. I prayed to Baba to safeguard her. I was also worried that there were other students in the apartment and did not want them to be affected in any way.
On Friday, she took a COVID test. Through the weekend, her condition was not good. We felt helpless – all we could do was give advice on the phone. And she was in no shape to cook and eat on her own, she managed somehow. For two days, I applied Udi and prayed to Baba that it should be nothing serious. The results of the COVID test were not expected until Monday. However, on Sunday when I called her, she had just got her test results and the results came out negative! What a relief! I pray to Baba that she should recover from her lingering cold, sore throat and cough soon and resume her regular activities.
I am grateful to Baba for watching over my daughter while she is in college and away from the family.
Sai Baba’s Help In Need

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am a housewife. Please post this while keeping me anonymous.
Baba, You are the Wirepuller and Controller of this world. Nothing is impossible for You. So please continue to have Your protective hand over me and my family.
We went to Orlando on vacation and rented a car for sightseeing. One night we went to an Indian restaurant with a local friend. After finishing dinner when we came out, it was raining heavily outside. But since it was too late we didn’t want to wait there, so drenching in the rain we reached the car. When my husband started the car to our surprise the car steering wheel got stuck and the car was not starting. We tried a lot and my husband’s friend also tried to start it but they couldn’t. So we decided to keep the car there. We came back to the hotel in a friend’s car.
My husband contacted the rental service and was told that car towing people would tow the car but my husband should be present at that time since he rented the car and should come to the rental office for car replacement but by then it was almost midnight 12.
Hence my husband called Uber to go to that place where we left the car. I was scared /tense because it was already midnight and I didn’t want my husband to go alone to the parking lot and wait for the towing people. I cried a lot and asked Baba to help me and at any cost, the car should start and my husband should come back within half an hour. Here Baba took the charge and the miracle happened.
Within one hour my husband called and said that while going to the parking place he talked to the Uber person about the car and how the steering getting stuck. The Uber person said to let him try and miraculously the car started. When my husband was telling me this on phone I was speechless and thoroughly knew that it was Baba Who did this.
Thank You so much Baba for Your help.
Thanks To Sai Baba For Everything

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I am Sai Devotee from India. Thank you Hetalji and team.
Baba, You know everything about us. Today I am praying that Baba please bring happiness to my parent’s family.
Thank You Baba for helping us always and fixing my sister’s marriage. Thank You for everything Baba. Please be with us.
Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj ParamBrahm Shri Sacchidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai! Om Sai Ram!
An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please save my parents saima please protect my father sai please cure him from covid quickly baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
BABA you know what we are go[ng through,kindly please help & sort out all our worries.
Om SAI RAM…. Baba please protect and safeguard my husband and children. Baba please give them good health, peace, joy, laughter, happiness and prosperity always. Baba please help my husband maintain a healthy living and also manage his work in the best possible way. Baba he needs your support. Help my kids earn a respectable livelihood after their education. To get there please Baba I count on you to show the path in good company. Baba help me do outstanding work to make my family proud of my accomplishments. I am facing indifferent attitude from my husband these days. I have always wanted to make him proud of my work. I dont get a penny infact only criticisms and if you think I deserve this then I leave this to you. Baba I want to do my work perfectly to please my husband, mil and kids as I am generally taken for granted. whatever i do is criticised baba, after my mil came its like i am being ridiculed each day for small things by my husband. Only you can take my side baba and give me courage to stay composed no matter what. Help me remain patient and absorb the criticisms baba. Baba help me in my work baba, show me direction of getting the right people at work and fulfilling my responsibilities. Help me look very good baba, I feel so fat and improperly dressed. Help me make my family proud of my achievements. Thank you for taking care of my mother baba. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, OM Sai Ram
Om sai ram.