Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3617

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Sai Baba Blessed Devotee’s Journey

Sai Baba Blessed Devotee’s Journey
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I am a small devotee of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba. I am from the Global MahaParayana group MP-1906N1 Savan Ram Sai. I have had so many miraculous experiences by our Baba’s grace. 

Recently I had a very good experience during my Tirupati tour. I went to Tirupati for service for the first time and the team members were strangers to me except one friend. I started my journey with very great confusion. I had great faith in my Baba that He would be with me along my journey. 

At Tirupati, I had a great experience in my work at Vengamamba Annadanam complex, GNC luggage center, flower garland-making hall, Satsang and, sahasradeepalankarana seva. I had a very wonderful darshan of Lord Sri Venkateswara Swamy with my Baba’s blessings. The garland made with my help was worn by Swami at Sahasradeepalankarana seva. This was a miraculous blessing of Baba to me. 

During the return journey, I was single without reservation. I didn’t have a mobile with me but my Baba was with me and I came home safely. 

Baba always blessed me and my family in every situation. He always held my hand tight. Baba, You know that You are my life, please always be with me in every moment of my life and beyond life. Baba, bless my son in his studies and career. Bless my husband and brother. Forgive me for my mistakes and for the late posting of this experience.
Lokasamasta Sukhino Bhavantu. Om Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva Om Sairam!

Sai Baba Subsided The Fever Immediately

Sai Baba Subsided The Fever Immediately
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am a Sai daughter from India. Sai is my everything or I can say that without Sai I am nothing. 

Baba, thank You so much for subsiding my fever last night. Please cure me completely as I am having a severe cold, and cough and I am shivering too. Please help me get cured soon with Your Udi and Dolo medicine.

Please cure the itching and dryness of my private parts completely. Last month it went but it came back again.

I have left everything at Your holy feet and I have full trust that You will take care of everything.

Om Sai Ram!
Baba Bless us all.

Sai Baba Is Always There For Me

Sai Baba Is Always There For Me
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai is great. I am a staunch devotee. He is always there for me. I had to give my husband his important medicine but could not find it even after searching all possible places. I prayed to Baba and gave him a pinch of Udi in place of medicine as it was night. Then I was carefree and my husband asked me for some sweet chocolate. I opened the box and found the medicine strip in it. I was amazed at Baba’s way of helping. Thank You.

Same night I was removing my earring and the back gold screw fell down. I searched a lot but could not find it. I prayed to Baba and found it within the next couple of minutes.

I had a few important things to get from the market and a few works to be done at home. The carpenter was not available. I prayed to Baba and He arranged everything without me going out to get the things and managed to get the work done too as per His will and wish. Thank You so much. Jai Sairam!

Sai Baba Helped Devotee’s Daughter

Sai Baba Helped Devotee’s Daughter
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank You Hetalji and team for this great service that you are providing. 

My daughter selected some courses but because of scheduling overlap, the school asked her to change the course selection at the last minute just before the opening of the school. My daughter was very upset because the courses they were asking her to take were not her subjects. We were also very sad looking at her. I prayed to my Baba to help her and give her the subjects that were good for her. Today we received an email saying that they sorted out the schedule and she could do the subjects that she selected initially. Thank You so much, Baba. Om Sai Ram, Shree Sai Ram, Jai Jai Sai Ram. 

Experience With Sai Baba

Experience With Sai Baba
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Shirdi Sai Devotee Maheswara from India says: I am Maheswara from Hyderabad working in the IT field. I had one DVC case which was filed by my wife due to her own mistakes and she mentioned my parents’ names purposely. Yesterday the judge advised that they need not attend the court with Baba’s grace. Thanks a lot, Baba. 

No issue mail was sent by the manager for yesterday’s work. Thank You, Baba. Om Sainathaya Namaha. 

Lost Glasses Found

Lost Glasses Found
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I live in the USA with my spouse and son. My son is in a camp and he lost his sunglasses. They are prescription glasses and the lenses are costly. I prayed to Baba and got a call from the office that the glasses were found. Thank You, Baba. 

We are constructing a home with God’s grace and while putting RCC in this rainy season, I prayed to Baba that it should not rain for some time. Deva helped and listened to my prayers. Only for some time, it was raining but most of the time it was not. Thank You, Deva, for listening to my prayers and for fulfilling them. Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu. Jai Sai Ram!

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Hetal Patil
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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram…. Baba Happy Lakshmi pooja and Diwali wishes….Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please give them a long healthy life, filled with happiness, laughter, courage, strength, wisdom, knowledge, love, devotion and prosperity. Baba take care of my hubby health and please give him a good set of people to work with. He is so frustrated with the workload and if only you hold his hand and help him make wise decisions. Baba please take care of him. Baba you know everything, my elder is going for interview taking the risk of driving alone. Please be with him Baba and protect him. Without you nothing is complete. My younger also needs you Baba, please be with him. Baba you are our parent, mentor, guide and Guru. You make our life complete. I surrender to you baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏

  3. Dear devotees, Today I was waiting for an important call.I missed it due to some circumstances for the 1st time. Then i prayed to our beloved Baba to make me get the call again and that i would post my experience here.And immediately Baba answered my prayers.Thank you so much deva.
    Om Sai rakshak saranam