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Sai Baba’s Miraculous Solutions

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I am an anonymous devotee of Saibaba from India and thank you for all who are maintaining this blog.

Experience 1: Healing Through Baba’s Blessings

I was down with a fever and prayed to Baba to cure me because I was not at home. I suddenly realised that I hadn’t brought any tablets with me, so I prayed to Baba for medicine to be in my bag. After my afternoon meal, I searched my bag and found the medicine in one of the compartments of my trolley. I took the medicine along with Udi water and prayed to Baba to cure my fever through a dream. That night, Baba appeared in my dream. Fortunately, tender coconut was also available nearby, so I drank it. I was also craving some snacks and tea or coffee in the morning. Baba arranged this through my new friends, and my throat pain started vanishing. Thank You so much, Baba.

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Experience 2: Overcoming Fear with Baba’s Guidance

We went outside to drink some coffee. I previously published an experience regarding an encounter with a transgender person who tried to scold us in a situation, but we escaped that day. Today, I saw one of them and started shivering, praying to Baba that nothing should go wrong. With Baba’s grace, everything was alright, and we reached the hostel safely. Thank You so much, Baba Deva.

Experience 3: Mother’s Ear Pain Relieved by Baba

My mom had an ear problem that was previously solved, and I posted an experience about it. Now, again, when she went to a cold area, her ears got blocked and it was painful. When she told me this, I prayed to Baba to solve this problem and promised to write about the experience. After two days, the problem persisted, so she went to a doctor for a check-up. They cleaned her ear and gave her some drops. Now, she is alright. Thank You, Baba, for curing her.

Experience 4: Unexpected Temple Visit and Blessings

Thank you, Baba, for giving me the most beautiful darshan this Thursday. I never expected to visit the temple that day, but I also got darshan of Bappa, Hanuman, Radha Krishna, Subramanya, and many others. Thank You for the beautiful darshana. I also received lots of Udi. We were actually about to leave when we went back to the temple to take Udi. We got to experience the beautiful aarti of Baba. I prayed for my mom because it was her birthday. Thank You for blessing her, Baba. I am all alone in my room these days and always get strength from You, Deva. You are always there for me, and this faith and belief keeps me going. Also, thank You, Deva, for saving me from an awkward situation. You know very well what could have happened.

Also, Baba, please save me from this difficult situation. I have already paid my fees but still have not received my fee receipt or my books. Please, Baba, make sure everything goes well, and I will once again post this experience.

Thank You, Baba, for protecting me in every difficult situation. I was praying that nothing should go wrong, and You always protected me and took care of the situation, making sure things got sorted out. You also helped me adjust to a new person, new surroundings, and every new change. Thank You, Baba.

Experience 5: Baba’s Help in a Troubling Night with a Rat

Somehow, a rat came into my room and started disturbing me at night. At first, I didn’t realise it was a rat, but the next day, it was there exactly below the cupboard beside my bed, which is actually under my head. It started making noises with plastic. When we tried to find it, it would hide, and when we turned off the light, it would come out and cause problems. That night, I slept in fear, worrying it would bite me or jump and run on my bed. I kept checking the time and just closed my eyes, and this went on until 3 a.m. I was very tired and in my mind, I told Baba that until this time, when others were around, no problem occurred, and suddenly this problem happened to me. I felt like I was nobody’s priority (thinking of Baba and all my close ones). After that, there was no sound, and the rat also left. In my mind, I could see Baba’s Murthy, and this is how He helped me with this problem. Hence, this experience as promised. Love You so much, Deva, my Baba.

Experience 6: Fee Issue Resolved Miraculously

I was joining a course, and if we paid the fees before this month, there would be a concession. So we asked if we could pay some amount now and the remaining amount within the next few days, thinking we could claim that offer. We paid the initial fees, but a month went by without paying the remaining amount. Meanwhile, a notice came that only those who had paid the full amount could access the resources. I needed those resources, so within a week, we paid the remaining amount. However, after paying, the fee receipt wasn’t generated, and I was worried whether we were included in the offer or not. Additionally, the fee receipt wasn’t generated, and I feared they might scold me, and I might not get the resources since it was so late. This happened on Saturday, and I messaged them, but they left me unread, which made me quite stressed.

I prayed to Baba and asked for His help to solve this issue. I also promised to write about the experience and chant His name. On Monday, I filled out the Google form provided for payment details and waited for the fee receipt, but it didn’t come to my mail. That day, some books were being distributed, and we could only take them by showing the fully paid fee receipt. In the middle of the class, I received the email stating there were no dues, and we were on the offer fee. I got both the resources and books on the same day by just showing the email without needing a printed receipt. Thank You so much, Baba, for all these blessings. Also, thank You so much, Deva, for making me say the Sahasranama, which I had been postponing for weeks. Thank You for reminding me and making me do this parayan. Thank You, Baba. Love You always.

Sai Baba’s Help in Dropping Alliance

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank you to the team maintaining this blog.

Om Sai Ram. I want to thank Baba for His help. I was praying that a certain alliance talk should be dropped because I was not interested but I didn’t know how to bring it up and I prayed to Baba that if they drop it then I will share the experience and yes by Baba’s blessings that boy was dropped. Thank You So Much Baba for helping me. Baba I know that You will guide us to the correct match and bless us with the dream alliance we have been praying for. Baba thank You also for blessing us with a job. We have cried for many months and by Your miracle we were blessed with the job on such an auspicious day. Thank You from the bottom of our hearts Baba. Baba, thank You for always helping me even when I don’t deserve it. 

Thank You So Much Baba.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 840

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