Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3210

Sai Baba’s Blessings

 Sai Baba's Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Om Sairam! I have been Baba’s devotee for 15 years! I am from India and currently staying in the USA. Baba is my life line. He is always with me and holds me tightly during ups and down. This is my fifth post here. Thank you Hetalji and team for helping us to share our experiences on this sacred platform. Reading devotees’ experiences not only gives us confidence and unshakable faith in Baba but also brings us closer and closer to Baba with each passing day!

In my earlier posts, I had shared how Baba helped me to get a job in the USA, how He blessed my husband with a job and His blessings on my daughter. Now I am sharing a few more miracles of Sai Deva.

1. My husband’s work permit was expiring and I prayed Baba to send the renewal on time so that he could continue his job. I sent a prayer request also! For more than two months the status was not changing and it was shown that “case is received.” I started doing 5 days of Divya Pooja and Sai Satcharitra saptah parayan! After completion of divya Puja and sixth day of parayan, we got confirmation that “work permit extension approved” and after two days the status was changed to “card is sent to your address.” Baba listened to my prayer and blessed my husband with a work permit on time. We are expecting the physical copy of the same soon! Thank You Baba million times. You saved my husband’s job in this pandemic situation. As promised I am posting this beautiful experience here. Also as promised, I will soon read the whole Sai Satcharitra in one day.

2. My husband was not well and he was admitted to the ICU for a few hours. After a few days we got the bills in mail. It was too high. I was worried about how to pay this huge amount. I prayed Baba to help. We called our insurance company and Baba saved us here also. The final bill was Within our budget. We paid for it easily. Thank You Baba!

3. My parents got an infection with Covid. I was very worried as they stay in India very far from me. I prayed to Baba to make them fine and Baba took care of them and they are doing fine now.

4. My brother was preparing for a government job for many years but nothing was working. I was praying Baba would give him a government job and Baba fulfilled my wish and he got his dream job in the government sector.

5. Before coming to the USA we were staying in Pune for a job. We wanted to buy a home in Pune. I love to stay in Pune as it is very near to Shirdi. I asked Baba to help us as the price was too high. Baba finally helped us to buy the property in our budget. I am very happy as I can go to Shirdi frequently to see my Baba.

6. My husband is a nice guy but he is very short tempered. I prayed to Baba to make him calm. I could see changes in his behaviour. He is calm now.

7. I submitted my paper for publication in a journal. It got accepted with minor revision. I worked on the revision and submitted it again. It was taking a long time to respond. I prayed Baba to help me to get my paper accepted without any issue. Baba listened to my prayer and it got accepted. Thank You Baba!

8. My brother got Covid in India. I prayed to Baba to save him! Baba listened to my prayer and he is fine now! Thank You Baba!

9. My husband was not doing well. His blood pressure was very high and one day he said that he was not able to see properly and had blurred vision. He was not able to do his job on laptop. We visited the doctor and after check-up the doctor said his eye’s vein got damaged because of high BP and if he didn’t control his BP he might be completely blind. It was a big shock for us. I prayed Baba to make him fine and help him to get his lost eye sight. After the doctor’s consultation, he started taking BP medicine and changed his lifestyle. He started doing physical work like exercise, walking etc. Devotees you will not believe that within one month he got his eyesight back and started doing his office work without any issue. Doctor said that the damaged veins were repaired then. This was an amazing leela of Baba in my life. I will be forever thankful to Baba till my last breath.

Thank You Baba for all Your love. Please send the physical copy of the work permit soon Baba! I can’t imagine my life without You Baba! You are my lucky charm! Always shower Your blessing on all Baba! Om Sai Rakshak Sarnam Deva! Love You Deva.

Love To Baba

Love To Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Om Sairam! I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba. I am also a member of the Mahaparayan group.

Thank you Hetalji and team for giving us this platform to share our wonderful experiences. Today I would love to share my recent experiences.

Here is my today’s experience. My five year old daughter was playing and all of a sudden she felt that something went into her right eye. She was not able to open her eyes. She started crying. She had a small bindi on her forehead. I got scared whether that had gone inside her eyes. She kept on crying. We tried splashing water in her eyes, it didn’t help. Everyone of us got scared. I prayed to my Sai Baba for help and promised to post here if she got better. And as always my Sai Baba helped her and she opened her eyes. Then we saw that nothing was there. Her burning sensation had gone. I checked her eyes and they looked well. Thank You Sai Baba for all Your love and blessings. Please take care of my daughter and my family like You always do.

Few days ago, I started getting pain while passing stool. It was severe. I thought it would get better the next day but it didn’t. So I got very tense and prayed to my Baba that if it was not anything serious then I would post my experience here. It was still there for the third day but it was less. And from the fourth day it started getting better. I am very thankful to You Baba for always being there for us. I love You Baba.

Baba please take care of my family like You always do. Please give us good health. Please take care of things which I am worried about. I have full faith in You Baba. I know You are always there with me and my family. Please shower Your blessings on us. Please end this pandemic soon and protect every one.  

Om Sai Namo Namah!  

Shri Sai Namo Namah!  

Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah!

Sadguru Sai Namo Namah!  

Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namah!  

Sai Listens To Teeny And Silly Prayers Too

Sai Listens To Teeny And Silly Prayers Too

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee Priya Praveen from India says: Thank you team, for carrying out this seva of posting devotees’ experiences meticulously.

I recently called a beautician home for a haircut. I was not sure about the hairstyle, so I asked her to proceed with the style of her choice. She randomly started with a layer cut. But unfortunately she had cut it very short. I was very upset after that. The whole night I was almost in tears and I asked Sai to rectify my hairstyle so that I would look better than before. Usually I would not be so upset about such silly issues but this time it was a little different as the following week, it was my birthday. I had made some plans for the day.

Next morning I placed chits before Sai and asked Him whether I should visit a parlour and rectify the bad haircut. He blessed me with a ‘yes’ chit. So with hope given by Sai, I went to the parlour and got the new hairdo. Surprisingly, it turned out to be better than before. I felt very relieved. Sai will never fail to listen to our silliest prayer and will always guide us. Om Sairam!

Sai Baba Blesses With Good Result

Sai Baba Blesses With Good Result

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the UK says: I have always been very blessed by Baba. He knows and sees the hard work and always blesses me. 

I had a very important medical examination coming up. I tried my best to prepare for it but it was very short of time. I had a busy schedule on top of all that. But I wanted to give my best shot and worked very hard in the limited time that I had. Before my exam, I kept myself very calm and relaxed because I knew that Baba had seen how hard I had worked for the exam and He always helps people who put in the hard work. 

Even though I had failed exams previously despite working hard, He ensured that those efforts were ultimately paid off and you would get results beyond expectation. I am happy and blessed and grateful to say that I passed the tough medical examination with limited time preparation all because of Baba’s blessings. I hope and pray to Baba to continue to bless me and my family with eternal happiness, success and good health and that He is always there for us. Thank You so much Baba. Sairam. 

Sai Miracles

Sai Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: As always, I called out to Baba when I was so much stressed thinking that a particular incident should not escalate and no unpleasant situation should crop up. Sai heard my prayers. Thank You Baba. 

This evening, I called out to my Deva to save me from someone’s anger and fury and that I would read an extra chapter of Satcharitra, do one more kasht nivaran mantra and also post here if my dear Sai saves me again this time. Guess what guys, I was saved and the situation did not carry out for as long as it used to, as Sai Baba had heard my prayers. 

Thank You my dear Baba. Please take care of this situation. I pray that all becomes normal and Baba cures all my suffering and pain. Please Baba, help me always and take care of my family. They need You very much. Thank You once again and I will post again if all is normal and the topic is not picked up again. Jai Sai Jai Jai Sai…! 

Baba’s Blessings On A Devotee’s Family

Baba’s Blessings On A Devotee’s Family

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My daughter is a staunch devotee of Sai Baba for more than eight years. 

My daughter lives in the UK and she is a great devotee of Baba. Any new things she wants to start or apply then she will do on a Thursday. She passed her postgraduate medical exam today with good marks. Thank You so much Baba for blessing her and making her pass. She is Your daughter and please be always with her and guide her. Thank You so much Baba. 

Whatever she has achieved till today is only because of Your blessings. Without Your blessing we are nothing. Thank You so much Baba. Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 840


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please protect my father sai ma cure him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Baba pls bless me…I am just 43 yrs old and my periods have stopped from 2 months…pls save me from this situation

  3. please BABA bless my husband & cure his leg problems still not able to walk well
    Only you can cure him,please have mercy on us & cure him.I promise to donate something