Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3232

Sai Baba Found The Certificate

"Sai Baba Found The Certificate" "Thanks Baba" "Sai - The Master" "Baba Brought Back Devotee Home From Work" "Devotion Takes Us Closer To God" "Thank You Baba"

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Thank You Baba and all Your sweet devotees who are working behind this site and all devotees who share Baba’s leela here. 

I am residing at a place far from my native with my husband. We had to go to our native for a few days. I had planned to get my master’s certificate from the university during our trip. For that, we need to deposit a copy of the provisional certificate, so before a few days I took the original provisional certificate to a Xerox shop to get a few copies. I had kept the original and Xerox copies in a small folder and kept it in my wardrobe. The previous day of our trip before starting the packing, I opened the wardrobe drawer to get a copy of the certificate which I needed to take with me. When I opened my main folder (I have two folders one contains all original certificates and another contains Xerox copies of mark sheets and certificates etc.) I didn’t find my certificate. I was thinking that after taking the Xerox, I had kept back the original in the main folder and Xerox in the other folder, but actually neither original nor Xerox nothing could be found. I was shocked and trembling with fear. How am I going to get my original certificate without depositing the copy of the provisional? Again I didn’t have any soft or hard copy of that document. I was worried a lot. Then I tried to calm myself down and looked for the mantra on my laptop. This is a very powerful mantra which when recited 9 times a person will get back the lost things. The mantra is :

Om Namo Bagavadhe Saayinaadhaaya! 
Amirdha Vaakkiya Varshaaya! Sagala Loga Poojidhaaya! 
Sarva Dhosa Nivaaranaaya !
Shirdi Vaasaaya ! 
Saayi Naadhaayadhe Namaha! ( repeat 9 times)

I recited it many times and again searched but I didn’t find it, then I promised Baba to post my experience and again searched both the folders very thoroughly, still it was not found. I was chanting this mantra and Baba’s name in my mind and with a very heavy heart, I started cooking. After that, we had our lunch. Then again I came to my wardrobe drawer and checked both the folders and nothing was there and when I was shutting the drawer it didn’t close properly (because of overload).

Then suddenly I remembered, that day also the drawer was not getting closed, so I took out the small folder containing the original and Xerox copy of the provisional certificate from the drawer and kept it in some other self behind my dresses. I can’t tell how happy I was when I found that folder lying behind the dresses. I thanked Baba from the bottom of my heart. Here I learned three lessons, one of course as mentioned in Sai Satcharitra, “No quest should be made on an empty stomach.” I found the thing which I was searching for a few hours, only after I had my proper lunch. The second lesson was, “One should be very careful about his/her documents”, it has to be kept in the proper place and has to be handled with good care, if I really value it, I shouldn’t have thrown it behind my dresses since it didn’t fit in the drawer. The third thing, “no matter what happens don’t get drifted away from Baba”. 

From the past two days, due to the excitement of visiting our native, I have neglected remembering or praying Baba. I was busy shopping and all and didn’t do my regular Naam Jaap properly. 

So, Dear devotees let us all keep our Baba always in our hearts, during pain, pleasure, sorrow, and excitement. Involve Him in your every special or mundane affair, talk to Him always, be with Him always, because He is always with us. Om Sai Ram!

Thanks Baba

Thanks Baba

Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: Om Sairam! Thanks Hetalji for maintaining this wonderful platform.

Coming to my experiences, I suddenly got into a problem by confirming to delete an account which is very critical for a server to be up and running. I prayed to Baba and promised to post this as one of my experiences if there was going to be no issue for me due to this account deletion. So far I am safe and it is through Baba’s blessings.

Next one is about meeting with seniors and all went well due to Baba’s blessings. One of the approvals for assessment is completed and it is due to Baba’s blessings.

Next one is about my discussions with my seniors and boss for project rollout confirmation which went well due to Baba’s blessings. One more session within my office was conducted well and it is due to Baba.

Thanks for all Your help Baba. Please forgive me for my mistakes. You know my prayers, people have to follow Your path.

Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam!

Sai – The Master

Sai - The Master

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Ireland says: I am a Sai devotee, and Sai Baba is everything for me. This is my fourth experience.

I am a devotee staying in Ireland and currently searching for a job. Recently Baba helped me with an interview. I told Baba to be with me and Baba helped me to give that interview. Sorry for posting late Sai. 

Our Sai is really a God Who can change anything at a glance. There is nothing beyond Sai in this World. Just one should keep His immense faith with patience on Sai, rest Baba handles.

Time is tough for everyone, but with Sai Baba with us, we should not worry and try to be calmer and perform our assigned tasks by Him. May Baba Bless All, Bow to Shri Sai and Peace be to All. Om Sairam!

Baba Brought Back Devotee Home From Work

Baba Brought Back Devotee Home From Work

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: I told Mataji and Bhagwan that I would post about this here, snapchat, and Instagram. My mom was working and she still didn’t come home although it was about 7 pm. She came here and went back to drop off her list for her work.

 I told Mataji and Bhagwan that I would post about this if my mom got home before I started playing one Bhajan. She didn’t come home. Then I said, if my mom comes home during this Bhajan or before I play another Bhajan, then I would post about this. She still didn’t come. Then I said if my mom comes home before one scene in this Bhajan, then I would post about this, and I think the voice in my head said that I need to give a little more time. Then I said before this Bhajan ends, my mom came here before the scene came and before the Bhajan finished. Right now, as I’m typing this sentence, the Bhajan is still playing. I said Swaminarayan some times and Bhagwan and Mataji’s blessings arrived and my mom came dropping off her list for her work and back now. Thank you Mataji and Bhagwan for always helping! Jay Swaminarayan! Jay Sairam! Jay Badha Bhagwan! Jay Badha Mataji!

Devotion Takes Us Closer To God

Devotion Takes Us Closer To God

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am really happy to pen down one more experience yet again on this platform. 

Thank you is what I can offer to Sai Who postponed my return back to office after my second dose of vaccine. Please Sai make our office realize that every employee’s life is valuable and please let them extend our work from home until this pandemic is completely eradicated. We are really scared to sit in a closed space and already the loss of many of our colleagues is adding to our worry. In fact we are putting in additional work hours more than what we used to do at the office. You Sai are the One Who could protect all of us and our families. 

Also Sai You have blessed me by reducing the burn that was caused due to heat. Please Sai help me reach weight goals in the upcoming two months. Protect my mom and our family from this pandemic and other dangers. Sri Sai Rakshak Sharanam. 

Thank You Baba

Thank You Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji and team, thank you for providing us with this divine platform. 

Dear Baba, Lakshmi Ma and Green Tara Ma, thank You as my PF work is progressing well and I am getting the necessary help to complete the PF transfer. You all have helped me come across a very helpful person. Thank You Baba my bloating problem has already reduced so much. You have helped my acidity to come down.

Thank You Baba my coordinator helped me to solve my work related problem today and my coordinator did not get upset with me. I am nothing without You all. Thank You for everything Baba, Lakshmi Ma, Green Tara Ma and all the Gods and Goddesses. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Om Sairam.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his injuries baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa.I Need your support please help baba

  2. Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect and take care of my husband and children. Baba enrich their lives with faith, happiness, a very healthy and good life, full of happiness and prosperity, knowledge and wisdom. Help them uphold a respectable living always. Baba we are facing a lot of challenges at work. Please keep all tensions away from my husband, help him stay stress free and yet deliver his best at work. Baba we are working very hard, but there are so many things lacking – help us develop a good professional company where dedicated people and honest people are our assets. Baba I am not sure how to go about my sons college admissions, please be my guiding force and help us show the path. Baba please show some light on my elder son too, keep him focused on his work and enable him get some good grades and some empoyment where he will fair well. Baba I surrender to you …. help me perform my daily chores with a good work life balance. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  3. Om Sai Ram, Sai MA!

    Thank you for everything. Please let me be able to apply for 190 visa and I am praying that my state invitation should come within 1 months Ma. Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram