Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3347

Unbelievable Sai Baba Miracle Regarding Passport

Unbelievable Sai Baba Miracle Regarding Passport

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an ordinary follower of Shri Sai Nath Maharaj who recently experienced His blessings. 

India is the most corrupt country in Asia as per the ranking of FORBES a few years ago and things have not been improving but going downhill. We all know what sort of harassment, bullying, bribery and corruption we have to go through while applying for a fresh or re-issue of a passport. I rue the day I landed here due to my misfortune.

I have been lucky not to have any of my previous passports issued in India. All of them were issued by the embassies without any bribe and within 20 days. Times changed and I lost everything. A few days back I realized that I had to get a renewal, that too, from India. The very thought of dealing with corrupt officials, police and RPO made me sick and my BP shot up. I was sure they would not give me a renewal without shelling out 2500-5000. Also, many times after taking bribes, they file adverse reports just to loot more money from you. The stress was immense and I started to take painkillers while reading other horrendous experiences of fellow citizens on Quora and other social media. I told Sai Baba that I could only pay 1500, the fee, as I have lost everything and am living at the mercy of others. I cannot afford to offer a bribe of even 500 rupees so please make sure that I do not get into this. It all looked impossible as we all know that first, you must bribe the PS and then the LIU. I thought that even Baba could not save me this time. Anyways, during all this, I consumed around 20 painkillers due to acute stress. I prayed to him to help me start from PSK.

I arrived at the PSK really terrified but I was granted my passport in nine minutes. As per the MEA rules, I should have no PV but these corrupt officials deliberately put you in the pre-PV mode so that money can be extracted by the PS and LIU and then delivered to them at home. I saw that pre-PV message and my heart sank. I did not blame Baba but went numb. When I reached home, I felt dizzy due to extreme stress but now I was mentally preparing how to deal with corrupt police. I prayed to Baba to save me from this and make sure that I do not have to give a bribe but it looked impossible. I had lost all my hopes.

The next day the cops called me and as expected, demanded a totally unnecessary paper that was not related to my passport. I told them that it was just not possible. He indicated and asked me to come to the PS and negotiate, hinting at bribery. I was upset. When I entered the PS, he looked at me and for some reason felt threatened by my personality. He asked for a photocopy and started looking here and there as if he was deciding how much he should demand. At that moment, I kept staring at him aggressively and suddenly he said go! I almost fainted. No bribe at all! On the way back, I was thinking he would call and ask me to meet at some secluded point to extract money from me but the call never came!

While sitting at home, I was waiting for a call from the most corrupt LIU guy. I know that one has to bribe twice, and the going rate in my area is around 2500-5000. I said to Baba to please make sure that my file disappears and reaches straight to the SP office without any call from that crook LIU man. For seven days, nothing happened and I was like a Zombie. Today when I checked the status it said that the report submitted by your PS was under review at the SP office. I was not sure as I thought the PS must have submitted a fake report making it adverse and now the RPO would issue me a show-cause notice and I would have to pay an INR 5000 fine. I prayed again that please there should be no calls from the LIU as I just did not have the money.

After 15 minutes of my prayers, the status changed to as SP has submitted a clear report and your passport will be printed and sent to you! I could not believe my eyes and kept lying on the floor as if I had zero energy or I was dead. I checked multiple times and said no, no, this could not be possible. Right then, an SMS came saying your file is in the queue for printing!

I am just numb now as I type this. Sai Baba can turn impossible into possible. I bow to Him. 

Sai 5 Days Divya Pooja 

Sai 5 Days Divya Pooja 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: Sai Ram to all devotees. Today is my last day of 5 days of divya pooja. 

I did this pooja for my brother to get a job. Although today is the last day, my brother has still not got any news regarding his job. I hope my prayers and wishes will be answered by Baba. Dear devotees, it is hard for me to get five people here to do this Sai Divya pooja hence I decided to share here so that it doesn’t only benefit five people but many can benefit from this pooja. I followed this pooja which was shared by a Sai devotee Kamala from the USA.

Please follow the procedure as below:

  1. This pooja is to be performed for five days on a regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but Thursday is preferable.
  2. One has to perform this pooja at the same time for five consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience. But the time of doing this pooja should be the same for all five days.
  3. Light five lamps in front of Sai Baba.
  4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
  5. Offer one fruit to Baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
  6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting Sai Sai Sai or any other mantra that you like.
  7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray wholeheartedly in the holy feet of Baba for His blessings.
  8. On the completion of pooja on the fiveth day, you need to tell about this pooja to five people.

Om Sai Ram. Hope Baba fulfils all our wishes and bless His devotees who are looking for jobs too.

Sai Baba Experiences 

Sai Baba Experiences

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I want to be called Sai’s daughter. Thank you Hetalji and team for providing us this platform where we Sai devotees can share our beautiful experiences with our Sai family. 

Today here I am again telling thanks to my life, my world and my everything – My Sai. 

  1. Sai thank You so much for helping my friend to sell the house with a good offer. Both my friends are so happy about this and it makes me so happy to see them happy. Please, please give me sadbudhi like this only to see everyone happy around me. Make me that kind of person who can do anything to help others and see them happy. 
  2. Sai thank You so much for making our biometric appointment go well without any problem.
  3. Sai thank You so much for helping my kids to study well. Please, please always be with them, hold their hands and make them walk on the right path Sai.
  4. Thank You so much for helping me in my office work too Deva. 

Sai please don’t ever leave our hands ever. We need You Sai. We are nothing without You Deva.
Love You so much Sai.

Om Sai Ram.

Miracles Of Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat 

Miracles Of Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: I live in the USA and have been a believer in Baba since my childhood.

I did Sai Baba Nava Guruvar vrat multiple times and Baba answered my prayers. Once my husband faced a situation where he had to either lose his job or lose a large amount of money due to a vendor between a client and my husband. It was a very tough situation and I just prayed to Baba. I asked my husband to pray and promise Baba that he would do vrat if the issue was resolved. We were in a dire situation where our savings went into a new house and we were in a lot of tension. Though we had sleepless nights for a couple of days, I just believed in Baba and the miracle happened. It is unbelievable that the vendor himself just moved away between my husband and client without causing issues. My husband started vrat and would be completing it next week. 

Now we are praying for Baba to give us a Green Card where our dates are current but have not heard anything from the agency. We badly need it, to look for another job to increase income and do not want to wait anymore. I strongly believe that Baba will give it soon. It should be just a matter of days. I suggested and urged many of my friends to do this vrat when they told me about their problems. Om Sairam. 

Check this link about Sai Baba Nav Guruvar Vrat

Sai Baba Helped The Twins To Recover From Covid

Sai Baba Helped The Twins T Recover From Covid

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks to Hetalji and team for the wonderful platform you provided us. This is my second experience. 

My friend got blessed with handsome twins after waiting for many years. Unfortunately, they got Covid and he was really worried. I got worried for them too as the babies were hardly six months old. I prayed in my mind and pledged to do Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat if they recovered soon and they did. Baba fulfilled His promise and I am working on mine. Thank You so much Baba. Please continue to bless us all forever and keep us all safe, healthy and happy. Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva. Om Sai ArogyaKshemadaya Namaha. Om Sairam! 

Sharing Sai Baba Experience

Sharing Sai Baba Experience

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a student. I didn’t get my menstrual cycle this time. I tried very much using traditional methods because I had to go to Tirupati by next week. I was very tense because my flight tickets and hotels and darshan tickets were booked. I was very worried. My friend suggested me to pray Baba and leave it to Him and she said that He would definitely let me go to Tirupathi. I did that and I prayed and asked Baba to help me. Then within two days, I got my periods and my way was cleared to go to Tirupati. I finally went and had the darshan very well. Thanks to Baba and thanks to my friend. 

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 839


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba quickly from covid cure my mother grandparents and everybeing who are suffering baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. OM Sai Ram,
    Baba please bless us. Baba I know I am going through the pace of your testing. Baba please do not put much on me as I might break and fall. Please shower your grace so that I achieve what I have prayed you baba. Om Sai Ram. Baba I am a sinner please clear all my past and present sins. It is you, only you who can make me free. Thank you baba for the hopes and I expect that my dreams will come true soon.

  3. OM SAI RAM… baba please protect and safeguard my husband and children. They are my world. Baba there is a lot of restlessness at home now and I need your help to stay patient and self composed. Baba please shower my family with good health, joy, happiness, peace and prosperity always. Please be our parent, mentor, guide and Lord. Baba help my children in their education and husband at work. Oflate, I am subject to a lot of criticisms and not a penny. Ofcourse I am thankful my husband is taking care of all expenses. But I feel the need for an earning, Baba please save my child from back pain. Baba please protect my family. Om SAI rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  4. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all