Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3352

Sai Baba Is Always There

Sai Baba Is Always There

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you for this wonderful site Hetalji and team. Baba always guides us like A ray of light in a tunnel. 

I am a small devotee of Sai Baba Who pulled me to His lotus feet. This is a long post with experiences. Please correct if anything is wrong. Sorry for the delay in posting the experience, Baba. Thank You for everything.

We were supposed to attend a wedding in our native in September on my daughter’s birthday. But we were confused due to the Covid situation. Then at the last minute, we decided and kept praying to Baba and finally started to travel. Due to Baba’s grace, we safely reached home. The next day was the wedding and my kid’s birthday. But, somehow I could not go as I got periods. My daughter was feeling bad and so was everyone too. But I was scared of the Covid situation for them. What I didn’t expect was Sai was waiting ahead and protecting my family members as the name of the hall and Sai Baba murti was there. It was astonishing and really a happy moment for me when my kid sent the pictures to me that day. Then everyone was fine after the wedding and all, after a few days by Baba’s grace.  

Recently, my in-laws took vaccination. They were postponing it but finally took it. We prayed that they should be fine and with Baba’s grace, everything is fine.

After coming back from the wedding to our place, suddenly my husband applied for a disability test for me. Then I had a required check-up and got a certificate from a medical practitioner with Baba’s grace today. It was smoothly done only because of Baba’s doing behind everything.

Thank You for everything Baba. Forgive me if I have missed anything to post. Please forgive us all for the sins, mistakes done to anyone, or anything knowingly and unknowingly in past or present. Please Baba guide us to help wherever possible. Please shower Your blessings on everyone Baba.

Om Sairam!

Sai Baba Always Listens 

Sai Baba Always Listens

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am Baba’s daughter from the USA. My post is about how Baba saved me. 

This experience happened a week back. I did something which I should not have done. I am a long-call reserve teacher. I was teaching an online PE class and was supposed to be in one of the classes where students would watch online videos from the choice board. I would be simply there to answer any question they might have. I took this too casually. I assumed that these are middle school students; they would not come to ask me any questions. Thinking like this I switched on the google meet link and went out with my daughter for some time. We all should do our duty sincerely. But I had neglected it although I am a very sincere teacher.

When I came back there was a student who came to my google meet class and did not find me, went and complained to the coordinator and sent me an email too. Though the student didn’t really have any serious questions for me, I was so ashamed of my irresponsibility. I came back and wrote an email to the coordinator and also attended the rest of the class. I was miserable the whole day thinking about this shameful episode. I thought that they might complain about this to the principal. Obviously, I prayed to my Savior Baba. I was even ashamed and guilty in front of Baba Who had given me this golden opportunity to teach from the comforts of my home yet I did such a wrong thing.

I have felt sometimes when we do not say anything too, Baba knows and hears our prayer. That is what exactly happened. As I was going down in the elevator, for some reason it stopped on the 18th floor. As soon as I saw the number 18, something in my head told me that Baba will take care of this problem. I became relaxed and left everything to Baba. Needlessly Baba saw to it that there was no action taken against me. I will never do such irresponsible work, Baba. Jai Sai Ram!

Thanks To Sai Baba

Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I am a small sparrow of Baba and Baba has done so many miracles in my life and so many posts have been published before.

I have been writing Om Siddha Sankalpaya for 41 days and completed it successfully. Sorry, Baba as here I cannot get a white dress for You and please forgive me. Other than that I was so happy that I was able to complete it and You know my request.

Today, You have fulfilled it and I am very proud that my son got selected to the Olympiad. Please be with him and guide him. Also, yesterday, I prayed for the coconut prayer and You did the magic. 

Baba, please cure my sister’s eyes she should get her vision soon and her operation should go well. Please bless my family. Please bless my sister’s daughter with a good groom and she should settle in her life happily and please shower all blessings to all my family friends and on the whole world. Baba, now that You have given my son success after the last seven years, please help him to get his year 12 marks and get a good ATAR above 99.85, please. You are everything to us and I have none other than You. Please help me to bring You home as per my promise and now everything is in Your hands and I totally surrender to You. Please also allow me to read Stavana Manjari without any fail. Om Sairam. 

Sai Baba Miracles 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I want to be called Sai’s daughter. Hello to all my Sai family. Thank you Hetalji and team for providing us this platform where we Sai devotees can share our beautiful experiences with our Sai family.

Sai is my everything. Today I am here again to say thank You to my dear Sai Deva. 

1. Thank You Sai for sending my renewed EAD card on time. Sai how beautifully You arranged everything on time; I just can’t imagine. Thank You so much, Deva. 

2. Thank You Sai for helping my kids to study well and for always holding their hands and helping them to walk on the right path. Sai, they are Your responsibility Deva, I have put them in Your hands You take care of them Sai. Sai, they are small kids. Deva, if they make any mistake then please, please forgive them. Sai, always hold their hands and help them to always be good and do good. 

3. Thank You Sai for everything that You are doing in my life. You have always taken care of me like a small baby. Please, please protect me and love me as You always do. Thank You so, so much Deva. Love You Sai. Om Sai Ram. 

Sai Baba Listens To Big As Well As Small Worries 

Sai Baba Listens To Big As Well As Small Worries

Shirdi Sai Devotee Priti Purohit from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am Priti Purohit from Odisha. Many thanks to these children of Baba for this platform.  

When we surrender completely to Baba we always come across miracles after miracles. The incredible experience is a journey. On the very day of the journey, there was heavy rainfall. We don’t have a four-wheeler and are mainly depending on just one bike because the other two are not working properly.

 I had to appear for an exam the next day. My father and I were traveling. Before two hours of the journey, it was raining heavily. My husband took the only bike to attend a conference. Due to the rain, it was almost impossible for him to return back at that time. I prayed to Baba to stop the rain before 1 hour of the train timing. Baba granted my wish and stopped the heavily pouring rain to a clear sunny sky just before an hour of the train timing. My husband safely returned home in time too. I prayed to Baba immediately that my and father should have a safe and healthy journey, appear for my exam and return back home safely without facing any problems and rain. Baba granted the wish again. I had promised Baba that I would share this miraculous experience and so I did. Thank You, Baba. Be with us always. We are very happy and safe at Your feet. We belong to You, always please take care of us. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Kripa 

Sai Baba Kripa

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small Sai devotee, who is grateful to Babaji for every breath I take. Recently I was having pain in my breasts specifically my left and my armpit. I was very scared and was worried about the consequences. I applied Udi and even drank water. When I went to the doctor he said that it was muscular pain and to be safe, he wrote a few tests. I know the results would be fine as Babaji is always with me. 

Babaji, thank You for bringing my mother’s report fine, and sorry if I have hurt You in any form. Babaji blesses all and please make me a person whom You would like. Jai Sai Ram. 

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 754


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  1. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all