Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3391

Baba Sai’s Plan Is Always Better Than Our Plans 

Baba Sai's Plan Is Always Better Than Our Plans

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a little drop in the vast ocean of Sai Baba’s devotees.

Baba sometimes takes our test to know the Shraddha and Saburi in us. I depend only on Baba for everything in my and my family members’ life. Baba has saved us from many types of troubles. This experience is about a journey and my documents verification plus taking care of my son when I was out for more than 24 hours. 

I was a little worried about my document verification as I was lacking in some of the documents. My dental registration was out of date and I was not able to apply for renewal of it. I tried a lot but I failed to do it. As if that was not sufficient, just two days before my documents’ verification date I lost my original language certificate. I had only the Xerox copy of it. Above all, my son’s cold allergy was also a little there. I was worried whether my husband would be able to take care of him in my absence. I submitted all my worries and anxiety at Baba’s feet and surrendered completely. 

Baba when You are there to care and everything happens in my life as per Your plans, then why should I worry? With this prayer, I started my journey. I and my father went by train. The train arrived late. I started reading Shree Sai Satcharitra and the train made up at its time and reached the destination at the right time. 

The next morning we went for documents verification. I was anxious as is my nature. I was chanting Baba’s Gayatri Mantra. I was last but one candidate. My turn came. Three ladies were verifying the documents. They asked me regarding the original documents. I told them the truth that l lost it just before the verification. With Baba’s blessings and grace they were considering, they didn’t ask about the registration renewal. My documents verification was done completely with Baba’s blessings and grace. Our train was at night and suddenly it started raining. My father caught a cold. I was again worried as we had traveled and as we all know the pandemic is still there. I prayed to Baba to stop the rain just before we started from our house. With Baba’s grace, the rain stopped exactly before we started from the house. My father’s cold was getting worse. The train’s AC was the worst for his condition. I was praying continuously to Baba to cure my father’s cold. Baba sent me a message to keep patient. 

At night I was reading Satcharitra in the night lamp inside the train and felt sleepy. So I closed the book and switched off the lamp. My father suddenly got up and asked why I switched off the light as if he was asking me to keep reading the Satcharitra. He was feeling suffocated and his both nostrils were blocked with a cough. He went out of the AC chamber and sat where the Helpman sat. I could see him through the glass door. I was reading Satcharitra and simultaneously looking at my father. After 15 minutes he came back and told me that he was feeling better outside. So I asked him whether I could book a ticket for him in the normal sleeper, but he said no. Then again he slept. Our train was 1 hour and 30 minutes late. I was reading Satcharitra and I was confident that Baba is with my father. The train switched off the Ac for about 1/2 an hour. And then it started. The train adjusted its time after that and we were able to reach our home station early. After getting down I told my father to stay with us till the morning but he was reluctant. So I didn’t press him. I prayed to Baba to cure his cold and that I would share my experience in His Saiyug network. Baba listened to my prayer and cured my father. My son’s cold allergy didn’t trouble him while I was out and my husband took very good care of him too. My father’s cold was gone in the morning and he is much better now. All this was possible because of Baba’s blessings and mercy. Thank You oh Father for everything. Om Sai Ram!

How Sai Baba Listens To Us Every Second

How Sai Baba Listens To Us Every Second
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. I am blessed to be Baba’s child. I am going to share a little miracle of Sai Baba which happened to me yesterday. This little miracle shows that “Baba listens to us every second.”

Yesterday I had my friend’s marriage and attending that was very important to me as she is my best friend. But there were lots of obstacles in this. First, the wedding hall was too far and because of very bad weather due to the cyclone, the rain was just pouring heavily for the past 10 days. Because of this bad weather, people had stopped going out. Due to this, my Dad had said to think twice as the weather was very bad. And one more problem was that I was required to attend the reception as the next morning I had my important exam so due to which I couldn’t attend her marriage the next day also. I tried my best, but there seemed no way for me to attend my friend’s marriage. You all can understand how I might be feeling helpless. I was hoping that the weather should be clear but the rain started pouring in torrents that morning.

All I did in this helpless moment was pray to Baba to somehow clear the weather as I needed to attend my friend’s marriage. And here comes Baba’s miracles. The rain was pouring continuously for the past 10 days and even that morning (the day of my friend’s reception), but the weather seemed to be good from the time I asked and prayed to Baba. And yes, I did attend my friend’s marriage yesterday. I enjoyed it a lot during the reception and it became a day to remember. All this time there was no rain at all. This is called Baba’s Miracle! No matter big or small, Baba has His unique ways to show and make us experience His leelas. And it also shows how Baba is always listening to us as He is the inner ruler of all of us who is seated in our hearts. Just look into your inner heart to witness Him. Thank You Baba for everything. Thank you Hetal di. Thank you everyone for reading. Sai bless all. 

Sai Baba Is Life

Sai Baba Is Life

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai Baba is my life and my everything. Love You Sai Paa. I want to be anonymous. I am from India. Thank You to everyone who is behind this site. 

Om Sairam, I am a devotee of my Sai Paa. Without Sai Baba, I cannot imagine my life. If Sai Baba was not in my life maybe I would have finished my life but due to Babaji only I am alive today. Thank You and love You Babaji. Now I want to share my recent experience.

I had purchased new earrings on karvachauth. When I came to my mother’s home after taking a bath I saw that one of my earrings was missing. I was a little upset but I was fully confident that I would find my earring because my Babaji is with me. I searched everywhere I could. I was praying to my Babaji to help me and promised that if I would find earrings then would share my experience. In the next few minutes, I found my earring in my clothes only. Thank You Sai Paa. Thank You, Babaji for always helping me. Sorry, Babaji if I made any mistake knowingly or unknowingly. 

Babaji You know we want to purchase our own house but don’t know where to buy it as You know our situation and what to do. Please Babaji helps us. Babaji, never leave us. Without You, we are nothing, and thank You Baba for whatever You have given me in this life. Babaji please protect my family always as You know very well in which situation we are in. We love You Sai Paa.

Husband Got Transfer With Sai Baba’s Grace

Husband Got Transfer With Sai Baba’s Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks to Hetalji for his wonderful blog. My, hubby and my kid were living in Mumbai. I used to feel very lonely and our kid was getting back-to-back infections. So my husband applied for a transfer to Tamil Nadu. It was more than a year that he didn’t get transferred. I was really worried. I was staying in my mom’s house with my kid and he was staying in Mumbai. Suddenly one day he said that he won’t get transferred to Tamil Nadu but to Cochin only according to his higher officials. 

I was worried, went in front of Baba and prayed wholeheartedly, and put chits. He said, “Chennai.” I was relieved and left for Baba. Another four months went by and nothing was processed. I asked in Baba’s question and answer site. Baba said, “Read Ramayanam, and work that has been pending for a long time will be completed. I started reading Sundar Kand. The second day when I was reading Sunderkand my husband called me and told me that the transfer would be further delayed. I went to the pooja room and prayed, “I don’t believe in anything that I have heard. I just believe in You please make it happen for me.” Then I carried on with my day-to-day activities. In another two days, got a call from my husband that he got transferred to Chennai. When divine power is guiding us, what can humans do? We should never worry about anything and completely surrender to Baba

Kid’s Health Got Cured With Baba’s Grace 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks a lot Hetalji for this wonderful blog. I always feel it as modern Sai Satcharitra. 

My kid suddenly complained about mouth pain and didn’t eat well. I prayed to Baba and asked on a question-and-answer website. Baba said, “hidden matters will be disclosed and you will succeed due to the blessings of Sai Baba.” I just opened my kid’s mouth the next morning and found a wound in his mouth. Then she said that she got hit while playing. Prayed to Baba wholeheartedly, took her to hospital, and was following it. Again asked Baba and He said, “Everything will be fine in one week’s time.” With Baba’s grace, everything was fine in a week’s time.

Got Runner-Up In A Contest: I was participating in an online contest. I wanted to win the contest but when I put chits in front of Baba he said that I would get a runner-up position in the contest. As competition was progressing everyone was performing well and I got a little bit low. I prayed to Baba if I get a winner or runner-up then I would post on the blog and with Baba’s grace, I got the runner-up position. Om Sairam. 

Pleasant Weather – Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: Hi! My Pranaams to Baba and to all the Sai devotees. Hope everyone is happy and safe by the divine blessings of our Sai. I would like to share one of the recent incidents that happened to me. 

We stay in Germany and in the month of October my family members planned to go to the Bavarian Alps. I was very much worried about the cold weather. I had prayed to Baba that the weather should be fine and the trip should go smoothly and safely. As prayed, the weather was super nice and all I felt was heartfelt thanks to Baba. 

With the blessings of Sai, we could also celebrate our kid’s birthdays as planned. Thank You so much, Sai once again. Please bless everyone with good health, peace, and happiness.

Raajadhiraaja Yogi Raj Sri Satchidandha Samardha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. 

 "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" book has been uploaded on Shirdi Sai Baba, have you read it? Kindly do not miss to read as It is a book equivalent to Shri Sai Satcharitra.  
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 839


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect and safeguard my husband and children. Baba bless them with good health, peace, joy, happiness and prosperity. Baba please be with my husband and guard him, support him and hold his hand in every step of life. Baba help him take care of his health, enlighten him what to eat and how to exercise. Help him lower his cholesterol and be in good health baba. Baba please be his mentor and guide him at work. help him take wise and right decisions and help him with new projects. Baba please take care of children with the right direction of education and work. Help them with sufficient knowledge, wisdom and the ability to choose the right path. Help them honor and uphold the sanskar given to them. Baba thank you for getting a new person to support me at work, please I hope you will help me perform with utmost confidence and exceed expectations of family and colleagues. Baba, I surrender to you. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  3. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you so much for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all