Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3441

Sai Baba Always Helps And Holds Hands

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! Thank You Hetalji and team for this Modern Sai Satcharitra

Sai Baba always holds our hands and helps us when we call Him to help us. Every day is a miracle but we can’t post all.

I went shopping with my mother. I bought some jewelry. After two days I was not able to locate it. My mom and I searched a lot. I also vowed to post here and prayed to Baba to help us find it in the next 10 minutes. Then with Baba’s grace, I found it at the same place where my mom had checked before, and that too within 8 to 9 minutes. I thanked Baba for His help. Also that time during the shopping at the jewelry store there were a few things that the jeweler was not ready to accept (old ornaments exchange rate). Later when I prayed to Baba, he immediately agreed and there was a profit of 5K. Thank You, Baba.

Another time some days back our safety door lock was not opening. I had read about a similar experience a few minutes before and to my surprise, I came to know that we had the same issue at our home then. I then chanted Baba’s name (remembering that post) and tried to open it and lo it opened! My mom and our maid could not believe it as they had been trying for a very long time and I was unaware of it. Posting here as promised.

I then remembered that I had forgotten to post some of Sai’s leelas which I had vowed to post here. I don’t remember many details but it was a very messed up situation. It was related to a few exchanges, return,s and refund of a few products that were purchased online. For one of the products, the company was not acknowledging the receipt of the product at their end whereas the product had been picked up at our end. I did not have the ticket or the acknowledgment receipt. I then became careful to take it from the pickup person and take a photo of it on my phone too (in case I misplace it). With Baba’s grace, every penny was refunded and there were no issues.

Forgive me Baba if I have forgotten to post anything that was promised. Jai Sairam! Om Sairam.

Sai Baba Always Listens

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am Baba’s daughter from the USA. I am visiting my mother and father-in-law in India. This experience is about how I was saved from a very big loss. 

Once I went shopping for curtains for my in-law’s house. I went to a few shops. Earlier my husband had told me that we would go to the goldsmith. So I had taken quite a lot of gold and diamond jewelry while shopping for some curtains for our house. I was all the time holding the bag with me. After finishing all the shopping when I was coming back I bought some fruits on the way. Then my husband who is also an ardent devotee of Baba suggested that we should visit Baba’s temple just like that. We saw Baba and returned home happily. 

When I was getting back from the car, I remembered my jewelry bag and was shocked to realize that I had left it somewhere. My mind went blank for some time in fear. I started chanting Baba’s name and begged Him to find my jewelry bag for me. My husband remembered me holding it in the big curtain shop that we went to. Then he called the shopkeeper. It was a big shop. Anybody could get it and hide it or take it. Nobody would be able to even notice but my Saviour Baba saved me that day. 

One girl from the shop who picked up the phone told us that she would search for the bag and would call us back. After a few tense moments, she called us to tell us that she did find a bag. Still chanting His name and promising that I will post this on this divine website I went and collected my bag. Jai Jai Sai Ram. Then I realized why my husband told me to go to Baba’s temple on the way home. 

Baba, I sent You earlier a prayer request for my daughter’s interview for medical school. Baba has been waiting for this interview patiently. So far she has received only rejections from all the joint degree programs. Baba, please grant her an interview. I request all the devotees to pray for a few seconds for my daughter. Jai Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Answered Through Q And A Site

Sai Baba Answered Through Q And A Site

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you for the site which is really very helpful for devotees. It is like a Modern Satcharitra. I regularly read experiences from this site. Thanks to Hetalji immensely and the entire team. Heartfelt thanks.

My experience is as follows:

We went to our native for Diwali and planned to come back immediately. Due to certain things there, we had to extend our stay. By Baba’s grace, everything was fine. I had to start a new job. All this went smoothly by Baba’s blessings. Then after Sankranti, we decided to start as my daughter had exams. Baba gave answers through Q and A site as, “You will travel. Worry will be over.” But still, as a human, I feared due to tensions and had no peace. Baba made the travel also smooth with no traffic as it was after the festival that day. Thank You, Baba. Also in between, I had my period date which Baba took care of and I could travel without hassles. All these are Baba’s miracles.

Please forgive us for the mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly. Thank You for everything Baba. Shower Your blessings to all Your devotees. Please Take away this pandemic and give good health and long and prosperous life.

Om Sairam!

How Sai Baba Helped Husband’s Covid Test

How Sai Baba Helped Husband’s Covid Test

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a Baba’s devotee since childhood. We have traveled through Delhi wherein 1 in 3 is getting infected with Covid in this Jan 2022 month. Two persons who were traveling from Delhi to my husband’s project site who was to be his replacement in the project for the days we were traveling were also infected with Covid. So finally none was there at his project site when we were traveling so he was to definitely reach the site as soon as possible. 

As we traveled for three days out of state he needed his Covid report. He got it tested and waited for the reports. But I got panicked because he struggled a lot for this project and if he got positive then he should be in quarantine and his work would be given to another person for which I was feeling really bad. So with His grace today he got a negative report and finally, he’s going to the site. This was possible only and only with His divine grace and nothing else. Thank You, Baba, thank You for everything. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam.

Baba, You know how he has been struggling for 4 long years at his work. Please help him in handling his things. Equip him with all that is required to become successful at work. I trust You with faith and I will wait for Your result patiently, I promise. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam!

When You Call Sai Baba He Will Definitely Come

When You Call Sai Baba He Will Definitely Come

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Child of Baba from Odisha India. Om Sai Ram to all Sai Children. 

Thank You Baba for everything. Thank You for holding our hands and guiding us. Thank You for taking care of all of us. Be with us always oh Father. Thank You for accepting us as Your children. We need You in every step of our life. We are very happy and safe at Your feet. We belong to You Baba, please take care of us. Thank You for listening to and granting us our prayers. Om Sai Ram!

I am a small devotee of Baba and my little son is also a devotee of Baba. This experience is regarding my little son. With Baba’s grace and blessings, he is very good in his studies. Baba always guides him. 

This time there was a really hard topic that the teacher was about to ask and discuss in the class. My son prepared but was not confident. When Baba holds hands, He will make the impossible possible. With Baba’s blessings, my son did excellent in his class discussion and answered confidently and correctly. In every class and exam, he did well. This was all because of Baba’s blessings. Thank You Baba for Your guidance, care, and protection. Be with us always oh Father. Om Sai Ram!

Experience With Sai Baba

Experience With Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Devotee Maheswara from India says: I am Maheswara From Hyderabad working in the IT field. My system was troubling me with a lot of issues. There was no power supply or the video cable was not connected. Whenever there is an issue in my project work I pray to Baba and the issue gets resolved very soon. I experienced the miracle of Baba twice a week. Om Sai Raksha Saranam Deva

Deva, please resolve my personal life problems without going to court. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 840


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om SAI RAM….. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba shower their lives with good health, peace, joy, laughter, knowledge, wisdom, faith, devotion and prosperity. Baba please hold each of their hands and take them across any challenges they have. I am worried for them and thereby develop fear. Oflate I have been hurting everyone with my swinging moods and depression. I need your help baba. Give me courage, a calm state of mind, peace within me. Please hold my hand too baba and help me fulfil all my duties. My mIl is indirectly influencing everyone at home and causing some unrest which also I accept as your wish. But Baba I need to take care of the family and their health. Baba help me overcome my challenges. Baba help me do things without hurting anyones feelings and help people get attracted to me for my good nature. Baba i have been putting on a lot of weight look bad too. No one likes me and at home I have been the object of criticism. My husband and mil want perfection in everything from me. Help me baba. You know everything. I surrender to you baba. Take care of the situation Baba. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  3. Om Sai Ram
    These words from the experience “When You Call Sai Baba He Will Definitely Come”
    “Thank You for accepting us as Your children. We need You in every step of our life. We are very happy and safe at Your feet. We belong to You Baba, please take care of us”
    touched my heart. And want to keep these words in my Heart Deva.

  4. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram,

    Om Sai ram baba please make this week a blissful one.

    Sai sai sai sai sai

  5. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all