Sai Baba – The Divine Help

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai Ram, dear devotees. This experience is rather strange because most people pray to Baba for getting into a job and here I was praying to Him to get out of one. The government job that I was holding; carried with it a huge responsibility and I was feeling overburdened. I could go in for a voluntary retirement option but my superiors would convince me to withdraw my notice for voluntary retirement every time when I applied. This happened thrice and I was continuing to feel that I would not be able to sustain the momentum required for another three and half years which was the rest of my tenure before superannuation. However, I felt I had tried enough and now I had to somehow manage this remaining tenure.
In 2019, I happened to go to my brother’s house on a Thursday and found him doing his chapter reading as he was part of the Global Mahaparayan group. I had always been Baba’s devotee though not doing this regular parayan and I asked him to include me in the group. That is how I joined the Mahaparayan and in 2021, some events that took place in the office made me submit my notice for voluntary retirement again, for the fourth time. Though everyone expected that I would be persuaded to withdraw this time too, I stood firm, and even without my planning it, it so happened that I got retired on 13th January 2022, which was a Thursday and also happened to be Vaikunth Ekadasi.
My staff gifted me a huge portrait of Shirdi Sai Baba and I was overwhelmed by the love and affection showered on me, thanks to Baba. I feel that it was Baba’s design that I retired on that day.
Dear Baba, I pray to give me peace and keep my energy levels high so that I can spend the rest of my days on this Earth in Your contemplation and in serving others to the extent possible. May I always have You in my thoughts? Forgive me lord if I stay here and there and forget that You are the sole basis of everything. Humble pranams to Sai Ram!
I am a 57 years old woman from Delhi, India. I was employed in the Government sector.
Sai Baba Miracles In Devotee’s Life

Shirdi Sai Devotee Srilakshmi from India says: My name is Srilakshmi and I am a devotee and part of the Global Mahaparayan MP-10667 N1-Malhar Sai group. I want to share two miracles that have happened recently in my life.
1. I have recently undergone medical tests including ultrasound mammography. The radiologist who did the scan advised me to meet the surgeon immediately as she had identified a couple of lesions in my body and reported them as BIRADS-IV (suspicion of malignancy). My entire family was under tremendous tension and all were down. After that, I have undergone a biopsy test and during the test, I chanted continuously Baba’s name and Dattatreya’s name. I prayed to Baba believing that He was with me during the test. Once the test was over, I waited for four days to get the report. With Baba’s blessings, I got the report as normal.
2. At the end of 2021, we were planning on celebrating my daughter’s half-saree ceremony. However, there were continuous obstacles to deciding the date of the celebration, i.e one of my relatives was in bed and my cousin passed away suddenly. Then we decided to celebrate simply in Baba’s temple. When we went to the temple on Thursday without any appointment the priest objected to performing any additional worship/Puja related to this occasion as it was a busy day. However he agreed within a few minutes to his surprise there were not many devotees although it was a Thursday for two hours till he completed worship/puja. The priest asked me after the completion of the event, “Why did you ask Baba to halt devotees for two hours?” I was silent and all of us were surprised. We completed the formalities traditionally in Baba’s temple. After that within 15 days, we were able to celebrate a grand half-saree function as everything came our way.
I believe Baba came into my life and blessed me during difficult times. I would like to thank Pooja ji who started the Global Mahaparayan.
Thank You Baba for all the blessings with Your virtual presence.
Sai Baba Saved A Friend And Secured A Seat In Exam

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I as a Baba devotee would like to share two recent incidents in my life with Baba’s grace.
A few weeks back I submitted an incident that is yet to be published, this is its continuation. I am an infertility specialist and due to some technical issues in our center a situation came when my best friend’s embryos (made out of IVF) could have got completely spoiled but a prayer to Baba did a miracle. Now she is pregnant with the same embryos.
My second experience happened just now, I have been preparing for an exam that can bring changes to my career. For the past six months, I slept very less and my health also deteriorated. Yesterday I had to book a seat to sit in the exam but all my friends could book it for me. All the centers were getting filled up and I couldn’t even contact the exam center. Finally, when I did, my cards were declined for payment. While I was waiting in queue with customer care I prayed to Baba that if I got a place in the exam then I would post it here immediately. Though the customer care couldn’t help me, she was very patient and polite which was not the same as any other person whom I was trying to speak to yesterday. I cried and called my brother for help. He booked a seat with the help of a friend from abroad. This was with my Sai’s help only. He will also help me to study even better now and pass the exam. Be with me and all of us Sai in our happy days and sad days. Your blessings are only what matters.
Sai Baba Helped With The Travel Documents

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I have been a Sai devotee for many years by Baba’s grace and love.
By Baba’s grace, I recently got married on 15 April 2022 and I am so happy to get married to such an understanding and loving partner. It’s Baba Who decided all this. After our marriage, we decided to travel to Mauritius for vacation but there was an issue with my vaccinations certificate and as it was an international trip everyone in the family was so worried about whether we could travel or not as it was a huge amount. Everyone tried their best to sort the issue and my dad got my Covid vaccination certificate and sent it to my in-law’s place so that we could take it along with us for immigration. Although we had the hard copy, we were so tense if we would be able to enjoy our stay or not or if they would quarantine us in that country as we only had seven days with us.
As we all know I was taking Baba’s name on every inquiry counter and by Baba’s grace, it was all good. They just checked the paper sent by my dad and gave us clearance and we had a very nice memorable first trip. Also, my husband decided that we will visit Shirdi to thank Baba for helping us in tough times. Baba, please always shower Your blessings on my parents, sisters, in-laws, and my husband who is a blessing to me. Also, keep me humble and able enough to help others do good karma and take Your name always. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba Kripa

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am Baba’s daughter who experienced His presence so many times.
I want to share a small experience today. My phone’s software got updated at midnight. I was not aware that my phone storage was full. When I woke up in the morning, I found my phone stuck on the home screen. I soft reset it but it did not work. My husband also tried to fix it but did not help.
Now the only way to make it work was a factory reset which would delete all my pictures and videos of the last two years and unfortunately, I had not set up any backup. I was so upset. When I went to bed, I opened this website and started reading devotees’ experiences. One of the experiences I read was about a phone which was not charging and after applying Udi to it, it started charging. When I woke up in the morning, I tried the same thing. I applied Udi on my phone and tried to start it in safe mode. By God’s grace, my phone turned on and I was able to delete some unnecessary stuff to provide it with some storage. After turning off the safe mode, my phone was still working and I did not lose any pictures and videos. Thank You so much, Baba. You always come to rescue me in any situation. Stay with me always. Om Sai Ram!
Sai Baba Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says:
I am from Haryana.
My son was not well for many days. I prayed to Sai and he is better now. Sai please help me to feed him properly. May he start eating each and every thing stomach full.
My family arrived safely. Sai, please protect my husband and nephew from asthma. Sai, please help me to settle in Vadodara, Gujarat. Om Sai Ram!
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower their lives with your grace and blessings, please give them good health with a long happy comfortable life, learnings, wisdom, knowledge, faith, devotion, courage, peace, laughter, happiness and prosperity. Baba today we are traveling and we request your blessings. Please take care of everyone and help us in this journey at every step. Please keep us all in good health and happy. Baba please be with us at all times no matter where we are, I hope to see you in some form around me. Baba you are my parent, guide, mentor, guru and sarvasva. Please help me do my daily committments and keep my family happy and content. Baba help us in the work place and please get the desired result. Help us during travel and help my children settle in with good company and education. I surrender to you Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Love you Deva
Jai Sai Samarth
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai,
Baba please bring positivity and fulfill my dreams. You are giving me all positive signs but I have not got the invitation baba, I am praying that i get invitation so that I can look for other better day job.
Sai sai sai
Sai Ram to dear Sri Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing Sri Sai’s wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us.
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