Sai Baba’s Help In Every Step

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: I am from Germany. Growing plants became my obsession. I just started selling small plants on social platforms. One day a buyer approached me and told me that he would like to take almost 6 plants and asked me to reserve them for him. I was so happy as it was my first big order. I was overwhelmed with joy. The next day when I messaged him enquiring about the pickup day, I didn’t get a reply. I waited for two days but there was no reply. I was kind of very disappointed. I just kept praying to Baba and also Dattatreya Swamy.
After two days of the long wait, he replied to me back telling me about the pickup day and time. I felt really very much thankful to Baba and Dattatreya Swamy (Although both are one and the same). It could be a small incident but it’s been more than 9 years since I left my job and earning. It feels so painful every time thinking of not doing a job. (Only Baba knows it) Of course, even though the previous job didn’t interest me but now earning even a little money by doing the thing which I am really passionate about is giving me so much happiness and joy as I know I have my soul and heart in this. Maybe this is all Baba’s planning for me. Thank You so much, Sai for always being there for me. From last month I feel even more connected to You than before, Deva. Sorry for being ignorant of Your love all these days in between. Please always bless me to be Your humble child. I am also doing Baba Satcharitra daily Parayan. Readers, please trust me it’s very powerful. It’s a sacred book like Bhagawat Geeta and Ramayana.
Sorry, all for this long post.
Sai Baba Kripa

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I became a staunch devotee of Sai in 2019 and became a member of the Global Mahaparayan group in the same year. Since then Baba has been showing so many miracles. Today I would like to share the experience in which Baba helped with my son’s medical tests.
My son had surgery a few months back and doctors suggested some follow-up tests like ultrasound sound and MRA to check whether everything is healed. I prayed to Sai to help with the tests and make the results come back to normal. Sai made sure that both procedures went well. My son felt weak after we came back home from the MRA. He slept for a few hours and while he was sleeping I was continuously chanting the Sai Kashta Nivarana mantra and Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam Deva. He woke up after a few hours and by Sai’s grace he became normal.
Sai has shown me many positive messages through Saiyug network and through this website when we were waiting for results. By Sai’s grace, his reports came back normal. Based on these results doctors accepted to do the follow-up surgery. We were waiting for the surgery date. I was doing Nava Guruvara Vratham during that time. Exactly one day before the 9th Thursday vrat they finalized the surgery date in July. I am sure Sai Baba will be with us during this surgery and fulfill our desire and make my son healthy. Thank You Sai from the bottom of my heart for being with us during these difficult times and giving us strength and also thank You Sai for making the medicine work and solving the issue which was bothering us much. Om Sri Sai Arogya Kshemadaya Namaha.
Sai Baba Saved Devotee’s Husband’s Life And Blessed Her With Child

An anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Gujarat (India). I have known Sai Baba since my childhood. My parents are great devotees but I was connected to Baba for the last 10 years only. During that time somewhere I was into depression mode due to my health and personal issues. As Baba said humans remember God only in sorrow and that I did so. For whatever reason, I connected to Baba but that was my new life. With Baba’s blessing, I pursued my master’s degree and got married in the same year. Baba gave me more than I expected in my life. My faith in Baba got stronger.
Life is not simple and steady every time. After four years of my marriage in 2017 life shook me again. My husband got detected with TB, he was in ICU for 7 days. After a few months got miscarriage, I had faith in my Baba that He will hold my hands and make me stand again. My husband recovered after one year. My husband and I visited Shirdi Sai temple in 2019. Just a year after the visit, Baba blessed me with a child after 8 years of my marriage. Today whatever I have is just because of my Baba. I just want to say Baba’s devotees surrender yourselves to Baba’s feet with full faith. Baba is always with us.
Om Sai Ram!
Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: Om Sairam. Thanks to everyone who’s maintaining this wonderful experience platform.
Regarding my recent experiences, I would like to thank Baba for all His support and forgiveness.
Experience 1: My mother’s tooth pain is reducing, this is all due to Baba’s blessings.
Experience 2: My brother is recovering post-surgery. Thanks, Baba.
Experience 3: My father was sick and he recovered fast due to Baba’s blessings.
Experience 4: I was able to present well at work and my interview also went well due to Baba’s blessings.
Experience 5: My sister reached safely by Baba’s blessings.
Experience 6: My nephew performed well under Baba’s shadow. He’s doing good. Thanks, Baba.
Overall my week was good. Thanks Baba.
Samadhi Temple Experience

Shirdi Sai Devotee Aradhana from India says: I am Aradhana Sonkar. I am a Sai devotee and a member of the Global Mahaparayan. After lots of prayers, I got a chance to go to Shirdi in March 2022. When we reached Shirdi at gate no 4, I saw the devotees’ queue in Samadhi mandir through a little hole in the gate. I prayed, “Baba ji I am here in Shirdi, when You will give us darshan?” After that, we went to the hotel to get ready for darshan.
Near about 6 pm we went for darshan and there was a long queue. As I entered the first hall, a man came and asked me if I wanted to participate in aarti. That moment was very surprising to me because we didn’t have aarti pass or anything. After some time we participated in aarti with His grace. That time my eyes were full of tears and I felt Baba hug me. We stayed three days in Shirdi but I didn’t see that man again.
Sai Baba – Saviour

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi all. I have been a Sai for 7 years, and I have got all the good things from Sai.
From my marriage to my career all have been good and blessed by Sai. My son who was born was one of the greatest blessings from Sai. Also, I believe in donating food to people whenever my prayer is answered.
Devotees, if you want to do Sai blessing try to donate food. Sai, I have been praying and longing for a second baby for a long time. I know most astrologers said no to a second baby but I believe in Your miracle. Please Sai, bless me with a second baby to complete my family. Om Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram!
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba shower their lives with good health, long life, happiness, laughter, joy, courage, wisdom, energy, knowledge, peace and prosperity. Baba please be with my husband and children. They have a lot o🙏f challenges and we need your support and blessings. Please take care of these challenges Baba. Thank you for coming closer to our house in the form of a new temple. Baba resolve all our issues and help us serve you better. Baba please keep my little family happy and safe. I surrender to you Baba. Help me get more energetic, calm, composed, good looking and also full of good deeds. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om Siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai