Proof That Sai Baba Is Ever Guiding

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: Sairam! Thanking shirdisaibabaexperiences.org team from the bottom of my heart.
I would like to share my experiences with Baba on this. He has given me everything since he came into my life in 2013. I had never imagined that I would come abroad and study in Canada, but it happened. I have two brilliant kids as expected, one boy and one girl, and a job in my interested field. All of these are because of Baba’s blessings. Thank You Baba for everything. For every question, I ask Him from the bottom of my heart and He somehow responds. I will narrate it to the best of my ability.
1. It was a dream for me to buy a gold chain for my mom. At the same time, I asked Baba for a suggestion. His reply on Facebook was, “Do everything you have to do, but not with greed, not with ego, not with lust, not with envy; but with love, compassion, humility, and devotion. This will make Sai happy.” Isn’t this a miracle? The feeling that I am going to buy a chain for my mom is gone from me. If Baba blesses then it will happen. I never saw a message like this before in any social media before. The wish I had in my mind happened with Baba’s blessings.
2. The current project I was working on has gone to another company because the contract ended with my concern. Many times I have seen Baba giving me this message, “Running projects will be stopped. Do not get disturbed due to it. Remember Sri Sai Baba. Very soon you will get success and get rid of sorrows.” Isn’t this a miracle? He told me before that it was going to happen.
3. On the day we were announced that our current project contract was ending in 3 months, we had an urgent call after hearing this news. I was a bit sad but in my browser, I had already opened Facebook, and the message I saw after that call was “Your job will continue. Don’t worry. ” Isn’t this a miracle? Isn’t this proof that Sai cares for us?
4. To get another project I was preparing for an interview, but I couldn’t get any project from April until July 2021, this was really a frustrating period. I started reading Guru Charitra by July third week as Guru Poornima was approaching and completed it on Guru Poornima Saturday 24th July 2021. The same week I attended one internal interview, before that too I had attended so many interviews, but none materialized. On 27th July 2021 (Tuesday) I got a banking project. Isn’t this a miracle? Isn’t this proof that our Guru exists?
5. There is a Baba temple in my current city. I felt like Baba wanted me to donate money for its expansion project. In one of my bank accounts, I had 810$. I donated 804$ (Rs. 44220) to that temple. I didn’t reveal this to my family. I had a feeling that this money was given to me by Sai, so I will donate it to Him. Later after that my father got One Lakh sixty-eight thousand rupees extra from a land deal (On a Ramanavami day), also I got an extra 300$ extra from my office. Sai gives us back in some or the other way for sure. Isn’t this proof that our Baba gives back 10 times more?
6. I wanted some money for doing a little work on our farm. I prayed to Baba for it and said, “Sorry Baba, I always come to You for my needs and money.” After the prayer when I opened my Facebook this was the message I saw from Baba, “Money is not everything but money is a necessity. Money is required to run a day-to-day household…I know as a child how you struggle sometimes to get small-small things due to financial problems. There is nothing wrong if you pray to God for money because God also understands you and your needs. Don’t worry about finance. All will be arranged: Sai Baba.” Isn’t this proof that our Guru answers?
7. I am scared to drive our car. I kept postponing my learning drive for several years. My husband wanted me to drive as it would help in picking up our kids from day home. I started learning but failed the driving exam by December 2020. Again when I was practicing, this time I asked Baba for help. His message was “Remember Your preceptor/Guru and be quiet. You will soon succeed beyond imagination.” I passed my next driving test by April 2021; to my surprise, my husband gifted me money to buy gold bangles. This was the first gift that I got from my husband after 8 years of married life. Sai has given me everything more than I deserve. Thank You, Baba. Make us better individuals.
Sai is ever-living and guiding. He helps us and tries to make us better individuals. He is My Father, Mother, Guru, And Everything. Sai is the Doer. I bow to Your lotus feet Baba, keep guiding us. Guide all of us Baba; with this, I conclude my experience. Baba is ever guiding all those who believe. Jai Sairam!
Sai Baba Kept His Word As Always

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: Om Sairam! I am writing about the experience of Baba after a long time.
Although Baba has always been with us and continues to be with us, of late, I became disillusioned because I recently lost my dear father. I was constantly questioning Baba and my faith in Him was also dwindling and was not constant. I was always looking for miracles and more often than not, was disappointed when things didn’t work out according to what I thought was right.
Of all the pending work I was fraught with, I had to do the next level of driving test as my current license was expiring. Although I had more than 10 years of experience driving in my home country, I had to go through the graded license test here in Canada. I was not really in the mood to go through this but had to for practical purposes. I signed up for 10 classes with an instructor, who said that 7 classes were enough for me as I was a good driver. So, with the 7 classes of practice, I went for the test.
Before the test date, I visited the Sai Baba mandir near my house. I also placed the test registration near Baba’s feet and asked for His blessings. However, as fate would have it, I failed the test. My instructor was surprised as he didn’t expect me to fail. I was completely distraught as the examiner was giving me instructions very late and I felt uncomfortable. Moreover, with this failure and all the things taking place in my life, I lost even more confidence that anything good was going to happen. I also questioned and cried before Baba saying how He could let me down especially when I came to Him to take blessings before the test. I then rebooked the test and didn’t practice anymore, but just kept looking at test videos online and familiarised myself with the test routes. I also visited Baba again and prayed to help me pass the driving test the second time.
Two to three days before my second test date, I was reading Mahaparayan miracles. The first experience I read was about how ‘Sai Baba was the driver’ for a person’s drive test and this person explained how Baba helped him pass the test in the US. I was humbly surprised to read this experience, as for a long time I became cynical about anything positive happening in my life. Even after Baba manifested Himself through this miracle written in the devotee’s experience, I was a little skeptical. I told Baba, “Now that You have said that You will Yourself drive, please keep Your word and help me pass.”
I went to the driving test and luckily got an examiner who was patient and gave very clear instructions. I felt at ease during the test and as Baba would have it, I passed the second time. Baba kept His word as always. This experience of mine had re-installed my fleeting faith in Baba. Baba, I cannot thank You enough, there are no words to express Your greatness. Please forgive me for all my arrogance and faults and please help my family and myself in seeing through this tough phase. Please bless us always with good health, wealth, and prosperity. There are a number of wishes of mine and You know all of them. Please be with us and help us achieve our wishes, Baba. Om Sairam!
Sai Baba’s Unlimited Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Om Sai Ram! I’m a small devotee of Baba from Bangalore staying in the US.
Sai Baba has pulled me into His fold since 2008 and always guides me and helps me in every situation. I cannot think of my life without Babaji. From my marriage to getting pregnant and to delivering a baby safely who was premature, Baba has helped me in every stage of my life and I’m so grateful to Him. Thank You, Sai. Today whatever I am is through the blessings of my Sai and my parents.
I have experienced a lot of Baba’s miracles and Baba puts His devotees to a lot of tests but having full faith in Baba and patience gets us through it.
I am sharing a couple of experiences here- I haven’t traveled to India since 2017. We booked the tickets to come to India in July 2022. Then 10 days before our trip my husband got Covid positive and I prayed to Baba to help us. By Baba’s grace, he got well soon.
After that my son who is 7 years old was having a cold and cough and fever and I was so tense as we had to travel and do the RT-PCR test. I prayed to Baba to please help us to get a negative test for my son. We were waiting to get the result for 4-5 hours but didn’t get it. We had to travel the next day and were very worried. My friend’s son who came with us got the result and my son didn’t get it so I was assuming that it would be positive so we didn’t get the result. I prayed to Baba to please help us to get negative results and that I would post the experience here. By Baba’s grace, I got an email within half an hour and it was negative.
We safely traveled a long journey (24 hrs) to Bangalore with Baba’s grace. Thank You so much, Baba. Koti koti Pranam. I was able to meet my family after five years.
Another Experience – my son had his swimming test 15 days (June 2022) before our trip. My son was having a cold and cough and I was worried that he wouldn’t be able to clear it and if he didn’t clear then he would have to wait till September for the new session to begin. The next test would be conducted in December 2022. I gave medicine to my son and told him to do his best and that Baba would help you.
We were surprised when we went for the swimming test. The instructor gave my son a certificate saying that he had cleared this level and she had conducted a surprise test last week itself. We were so relieved and thanked Baba Who helps us in every situation. Baba knew that my son would not be feeling well so He made the instructor conduct test a week before the actual swimming test. Thank You Baba for always holding our hand and guiding us.
I had promised Baba to share these experiences and so posted here. Please forgive me for any errors. Anatakoti Brahmnda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! Om Sai Ram!
Sai Baba Helped To Schedule Visa Appointment

Shirdi Sai Devotee Dharini from USA says: Om Sai Ram! My name is Dharini. Sai Baba helped me to schedule my visa stamping appointment.
Koti koti Pranams to Sai Baba. My name is Dharini. I am from India and currently residing in the US. I have been a small devotee of Sai Baba since 2008. Sai Baba has always been guiding and protecting me and my family. I would like to share a miracle that happened to me recently. My family and I wanted to go to India for vacation and to attend a family function. If we had to go to India and come back to the US then we needed to schedule a visa stamping appointment from the US consulate in India. So we completed all the online registration and had to wait for scheduling an appointment. We were trying for 2-3 months to book a slot for visa stamping but didn’t succeed. There was a bulk slot opening by the US consulate on a particular weekend but since our family was on an outing on that particular day, I missed booking a slot on that day.
After that whenever I checked the US consulate website, I used to get the message that there were no appointments available. I was feeling very low and lost all hope. I prayed to Baba to kindly help me get a slot for visa stamping. So one day Baba helped me through my relative who referred me to a person; who by Baba’s grace was able to book a slot for me successfully. There is no way that this could have happened without Baba’s blessing. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You so much, Baba! I know ‘Thank You is a very small word for Baba’s grace on us and I feel indebted to Baba in this birth and all my future births. I pray to Baba to always protect me and my family, guide us and be with us in this birth and all our future births. I would also like to thank Baba for solving a problem with my husband’s work. Om Sai Namo Namah, Shree Sai Namo Namah, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah, Sadguru Sai Namo Namah ! Om Sai Ram!
Sai Baba Has Control Over All The Five Elements

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a student and a devotee of Baba. I would like to share a miracle today. It might seem ordinary but it’s so special to me. Today, I had longed to go to a place by bike but it was raining. Even Google weather showed that it was going to rain for most of the day (at least for the next 3-4 hours from my departure time) and I was sad.
I prayed to Baba to please make the rain postpone/stop. As you can guess, Baba helped me. The rain stopped exactly after 4-5 minutes of my request to Baba. It was almost impossible for the rain to stop today as the clouds were darker and there was no sunlight and even weather reports indicated the same. When there’s Baba with you, along your journey, nothing seems impossible. By His grace, everything is possible. I decided to share this miracle today and I am sharing it now. Hope Baba helps and takes care of all of His devotees and all the devotees in turn have unbounded faith and love for Him. Bow to Shri Sai, Peace Be To All!
Gratitude To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank You to the team maintaining this blog.
Om Sai Ram. I want to thank Baba for His help in solving a situation a few days ago. I was so scared because it was not in our control but it would have landed us in big trouble. I prayed to Baba that if it gets solved quickly, then I will share the experience, and yes by Baba’s divine blessings, it was solved and didn’t become a problem.
Usually, it is not something that gets resolved so quickly but by Baba’s blessings it got solved and I am so grateful to You Baba. Baba, You know what I am praying for, please make the package arrive safely and I will definitely share the experience once it arrives. I hope that with it arriving, it makes them very happy and they like it. Baba, please be with it all the way to the receiver. Baba, also please help fix the situation at home, only You know what was in my heart and mind. No matter how many difficulties there are, I have completely surrendered to You only, Baba. You only should bless Your dear daughter and make the function go well. Please let Your son get the offer letter soon. We are always at Your divine feet. Thank You so much, Sai Baba.
© Shirdi Sai Baba Devotees.com – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower them with good healthy long life, happiness, joy, laughter, wisdom, courage, knowledge, good opportunities to progress, love, devotion and prosperity. Baba please I need you to be a guide, parent, mentor , supporter, teacher and a Guru to my family members. They are all feeling lonely and lost in their own world. They need you Baba to run the company and manage their education. Baba there was no one with my husband yesterday and he felt so bad as he took care and is taking care of so many people – yet not a single person came to him. Baba please be with him. Baba please take care of kids too as they need wonderful opportunities to move forward in life. Help them take good decisions in life Baba and be there for all three of them holding their hands to cross the ocean of mundane existance. I seek your blessings Baba as I start my classes today. Help me do well in my career. MY visa is a bit of a concern, I leave it over to you Baba as you know I got to be there for my kids. I surrender to you Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kashemadaya namah 🙏 Om Siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai om sai shri sai jai jai sai om sai shri sai jai jai sai
Sai Ram to dear Sri Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing Sri Sai’s wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us.
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