Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3832

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A Devotee’s Heartfelt Feelings For Sai Baba: Blessings And Guidance

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Hey Antaryami Sai, Kripasindhu Sai, Rakshak Sai, Pathpradarshak Sai, Sankatmochan Sai, Mangalmurti Sai, Parampeeta Sai, Ashrae Data Sai, Sarva Samarth Sai, please keep us under Your lotus feet, forgive all our sins, and remove all complicated situations from our lives. Deva, never get angry with us; please keep holding our hands. Your love and blessings are the oxygen of our lives.

Thank you, Hetalji, and team for maintaining this life-saving E-Sai Satcharitra.

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Deva, please forgive my foolishness when I cried, thinking that You were angry with me. Deva, You know our situation better than us, as it is created by You only, which ignorant souls like me are unable to understand.

Deva, You gave my brother-in-law a job, which we all were desperately praying for, as my sister was very upset. My sister never lived a comfortable life and always struggled for one thing or another. You gave her very good kids, who are very understanding and doing well in their lives, but I request You to give her a comfortable life.

At first, I thought the hotel booking was not a big deal, as it was to be booked officially by the travel agent, but Deva taught me a lesson not to consider anything small and to leave everything to Him only. Finally, Deva, You have taken care of the hotel booking in Edinburgh. I was not satisfied with the booking, as the travel agent made a fool of us. I was very frustrated and disappointed, but again, after staring at Baba, I took it as His wish. I requested Sai Baba to arrange our trip within budget, as we have to pay for my husband’s part. I don’t know why Deva exceeded my budget for his ticket and reduced my allowance. I cried in disappointment, but again, it’s His money, so I left everything to Him. I am requesting You, Deva, to take care of our expenditure there and ensure it does not exceed my allowance. Baba, please stay with us throughout our journey and make it a very happy and fulfilling trip. I will share the amazing experience after returning with Your help, my lovely Baba.

Deva, thank You very much for gifting me a handbag and a boot, and for arranging our luggage for our trip. I ordered one handbag at a very reasonable price with Deva’s guidance, but I did something wrong, which caused a delay in its delivery. I requested Baba, and my merciful Deva gave it to me, so I am sharing it here.

Sai Baba guided me in getting a suggestion for Vaibhav for my old colleague. He is a good astrologer and used to give me suggestions in the past. My son has a very fluctuating nature, so I was very disturbed for some days. Last week Thursday, Deva guided me to call him. I called him to make an appointment, but he was busy, so he told me to talk on the phone. He gave some suggestions, which I am taking as Deva’s suggestion, and it is helping. Deva, please guide my kids, as they are Your grandkids, and keep them under Your shadow.

Deva, I am very grateful that You gave me a chance to send You a letter at Shirdi on my birthday through my doctor. Please read my letter carefully and consider it on a priority basis.

Today, I opened this blog to read experiences as a daily routine, and lo, the first experience was mine. Thank You, Deva, for Your assurance every time in everything. I am going to fill out my self-appraisal today after submitting the experience, so please guide me.

Om Shri Sai Aarogyakshemday Namah

Om Shri Sai Sarva Samarth Sadguru Laaj Rakhna

Om Shri Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva

Om Shri Sai Vasudevay Namah

Om Shri Sai Laxminaraynay Namah

Om Shri Sai Dattatreyay Namah

Om Shri Sai Sarva Mangalkaray Namah

Om Shri Sai Trimurtaye Namah

Om Shri Sai Venkatesh Ramnay Namah

Om Shirdi Vasay Vidmahe Sachhidananday Dhimahi Tanno Sai Prachodayat

Download Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra Book for Free

We invite you to download our ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra’ book, which is a collection of powerful mantras that can help you connect with the divine energy of Sai Baba and seek his blessings. We hope this book serves as a valuable resource on your spiritual journey and brings you closer to the love and grace of Sai Baba.

An Inspiring Journey Of Devotion: A Devotee’s Gratitude To Baba 

Seshu Priya Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: My Baba, thank You so much for the motherly love and fatherly care You always shower upon us. I am so glad to receive this opportunity to share my experience with Your devotees.

I have been a devotee of Baba since my childhood. My father passed away when I was 7 years old, and my mom was left to raise four kids with a poor financial status. At that time, my aunt gave us a Baba picture and said to us, “From now on, he will be the owner and caretaker of the house.” Our belief in Baba slowly started, and it grew exponentially ever since. My family is everything it is today because of the grace and care of Baba. We witnessed so many miracles of Baba that helped us four siblings settle down in successful positions. I strongly believe that all of this happened because of Baba’s kindness and Kripa. He has guided me in all steps of my life and has blessed me with whatever is best for me in my career, marriage, and kids.

My recent experience is with my youngest daughter, who is in her senior year of high school. She worked extremely hard in these last four years, but due to the highly competitive nature of the college application process, she was worried about getting into a good college that she can stay close to home in. We were all stressed and left everything at Baba’s feet. With his grace, she got into her dream college that is also close to our house. We received this news on Thursday, Srirama Navami day. We were so overwhelmingly happy to see that result because we had low hope that she would get into that college. This was really a miracle of my Sai Deva. Through this experience, I learned that having a strong belief in Baba will always lead to positive results.

Thank You and love You, Baba, for everything. Please always give us the blessing to stay at Your gracious feet. You are Krishna, You are Rama, and O Baba, You are Mother. Your Leelas will forever be miraculous and unimaginable.

Thanks to the Global Parayan group for including us in the group. Jai Sairam.

A Remarkable Birthday Blessing From Sai 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: I turned 50 this year. I prayed to our Sai for his blessings. Here comes his Leela; one of my friends called and invited me to their house for a Satsang. It was a weekday, and I was surprised by her invitation. She said somebody was visiting, and the weekends were busy, so she planned it for the weekday. It was exactly my birthday, and I went to the Sai temple to worship him. There, two ladies were distributing prasad. I was thinking in my mind, “Will Baba bless me today? If so, I should get at least one sweet.” The temple was crowded, and I couldn’t get near the lady who was distributing the prasad. So, I came out with a little sad face. But to my joy, another lady was standing at the door and gave me the prasad. I was very happy and thanked Sai for his blessings.

After this, we went to our friend’s house. Her house was full of guests even on the weekdays. As soon as I entered, her mom came and told me that they had something for me. She handed me a small packet of nuts and sweets and told me it was from Shirdi, and they had saved it for me. I got tears in my eyes. Baba is truly great. My friend and her mom didn’t know about my birthday, but Baba made her call me to her house on my birthday and gave me the prasad. Koti namaskara to Baba.

A Heartfelt Testimonial of Sai Baba’s Blessings: A Devotee’s Journey to Gold Level Success 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: Thank You, Hetalji and team, for this divine work in maintaining this platform. This is a lifesaver and hope for many devotees.

My day starts and ends with Sai Baba’s name and prayer. He is everything to me and my family. My daughter is in Pre Comp swim class, and she was in the Silver level, attempting tests to clear and move to the Gold level, which is the last level in Pre Comp. She failed in previous tests even though she gave her best. She was feeling bad that she is unable to pass this level. Yesterday was her another attempt to clear, and I prayed to Baba that this time, please help her clear. In the morning when I was browsing, I saw a post saying, “You will clear the examinations.” I did not understand at that time, but later in the evening when I was seeking Baba’s blessings before my daughter’s swim class, I realized that Baba has already blessed my daughter, and she will clear this time. It’s needless to say, as I am posting my experience here, that our Baba took care of everything, and my daughter cleared her level, and now she is in the Gold level. Thank You, Baba, for taking care of everything. Bless all, Baba. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

Inspirational Journey: Overcoming Fear With Baba’s Blessings 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from Canada says: I came close to Baba three years ago, and since then, I have witnessed many miracles in my life. However, I would like to share a prayer that was answered by Appa. I moved to Canada two years ago and was attempting to obtain my driver’s license. I made two unsuccessful attempts. Then, I prayed to Baba, began his vrat, and while reading Sai Sacharita, I came across a chapter that emphasized the need to abstain from something we cherish the most. I followed this guidance and made a promise to Baba that I would share this experience with others once I passed my road test.

When I went to take the test, I was extremely nervous, but I continued to pray to Baba. The examiner who conducted my test initiated a conversation with me, and I drove the car while chatting with her, gradually easing my fear. When the test concluded, the examiner congratulated me because I had successfully passed.

It was solely due to Baba’s assistance that I managed to pass, as my fear had been the obstacle in my previous attempts. This time, Baba helped me overcome it.

I want to express my gratitude to Baba for all the blessings he has bestowed upon me. I cannot imagine my life without You and Your unwavering support.

Jai Sai Ram 🙏🙏

A Heartfelt Gratitude: A Devotee’s Thankfulness To Sai Baba 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. Baba, I want to thank You from the bottom of my heart for what You have done for us. I was in a difficult situation, and I prayed to Baba to heal the situation and help us, promising to share the experience. By Baba’s blessings, it’s all healed, and I can’t even express how grateful I feel. Words cannot describe how worried I was, and Baba, You were my only solace. Baba, I will never be able to repay my debt to You for this. “Thank You” is not enough for me to express my gratitude, but it goes beyond that, Baba. I will never stop being indebted to You for this. Without Your blessings, this would not have been possible. I bow to Your lotus feet. Baba, we are so blessed to be Your children. Thank You So Much, Sai Baba.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 758


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  1. Love you Deva! Jai Sai Samarth!
    Thanks for working on beautiful graphics and sharing the experiences which help us connect with Baba