Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3898

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Answered Prayers Through Global Mahaparayan

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Hello, I am a simple devotee of Sai Baba. I prefer to be anonymous. I am from India.

Hello Everyone,

Thank you to Hetalji and the entire team for providing us with a platform to publish our experiences. I regularly read the experiences of other devotees, and it amazes me how our Sai Baba comes to our rescue every time we call upon Him earnestly.

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Regarding this experience, we bought a flat in Mumbai last year and were very hopeful to rent it out as soon as possible, since it would provide us with a good revenue stream. Unfortunately, despite nicely doing the interiors, the house remained unrented for almost 10-11 months. We tried a lot by reaching out to several brokers, but nothing worked out. I remember my husband and I would constantly worry and wonder when this would happen and why it was taking so long, despite the location of the house and other factors being so good.

During this time, I enrolled in the Global Mahaparayan reading. I completed around two months, and each time, I would pray for our house to be rented soon.

I am glad to write today that our house was finally rented out. We found a very nice client who was also in a hurry to close the deal. It worked out ideally for both the client and us, and we were able to complete all the formalities within two weeks, without any hassles.

Thank You, Baba. I am extremely indebted to You. Please shower Your blessings on all of us. Keep everyone happy and healthy always. Please make our children good human beings who will be kind, helpful, and humble to everyone around them.

Take care of everyone and shower Your blessings on us all the time.

Help us to always think good and do good for everyone around us.

Thank You Baba 🙏🙏

Download Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra Book for Free

We invite you to download our ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra’ book, which is a collection of powerful mantras that can help you connect with the divine energy of Sai Baba and seek his blessings. We hope this book serves as a valuable resource on your spiritual journey and brings you closer to the love and grace of Sai Baba.

Shirdi Sai Baba Divine Protection and Guidance: Devotee’s Journey

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: I want to be called Sai’s daughter.

Please keep me anonymous. Thank you Hetal ji and team for providing us with this platform where we can share our beautiful experiences with our Sai’s family.

Today, I am here again to thank my dearest Sai for taking care of me and my family and protecting us like a small baby. Thank You, Sai, for helping us manage everything so well last Thursday. We were able to finish all the work, deliver all the items on time, and visit the temple on schedule.

Thank You, Sai, for giving us strength and helping us to accomplish everything on time. Moreover, everyone liked everything, and we received good feedback. Thank You, Sai; this could not have been possible without Your blessings, Deva. ❤️ Thank You for everything, Sai.

Deva, please take care of my parents’ issues too. They are undergoing a lot of problems due to my brother. Please, Sai, help them and show them some way, Deva.

Sai, my sister is also facing so much trouble in her married life. Please, Deva, perform some miracles and solve their problems too. Please, Deva. Sai, please help me lose weight, Deva.

Please, Sai ♥️🙏

Love You Sai ♥️🙏

Om Sai Ram ♥️🙏

© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 839


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  1. Published as PROMISED
    Koti Koti Pranaams and Aabhar
    As always our Deva Sainatha came to my rescue .I travelled from India to UK and was desperately trying to find a good PG place .It was ONLY due to our Deva s kindness n blessing that I found a decent nice place in the area I wanted with all amenities and transport within walking distance .Also within my Budget .
    Only our Sainath made the Impossible -POSSIBLE