Merciful Sadguru Sai

Shirdi Sai Devotee Vinayak R S from India says: I am an engineer working in a private company
It was April to May 2021 time; very tough days with a lot of bad incidents in life.
My wife was tested Covid positive and I started taking care of her with proper isolation. My wife started recovering from the 10th day but I was tested positive on her 13th day COVID period. I thought my wife would be taking care of me but she started crying suddenly on her 14th day COVID period due to severe pain. Urine was blocked and the reason was not known in the morning. It was later found that she had kidney stones and needed to undergo Endoscopy to avoid pain. I could not take her to the hospital as I was tested COVID positive. My brother-in-law, friend, brother and family doctor came forward and took her to the hospital. It is none other than Sai Who helped them through. Doctor was not ready to operate until she got her negative report as per hospital norms. My wife was not able to bear the pain and asked Baba a question in The answer was “Your worry will end in 3 days, do not make any wild guess.” She had received Covid negative report exactly after 3 days and underwent Endoscopy. Though my wife was not trusting Baba fully earlier; now she has become a very good devotee of Sai and she realised that it was Sai Who saved her. Bow to Sai. Om Sairam!
The story is not ending here. My wife recovered but I had to be taken in an ambulance (as my condition started deteriorating) to a remote hospital due to unavailability of beds in Bangalore. I was admitted to a hospital for 7 days but my oxygen level did not improve. It came down to the 70’s and the doctor advised my brother-in-law to take me to another hospital as a last try to save me from death. I did not know the communications among my family members and the doctor. I had full trust in Baba and asked questions in
The answers were below:
1. “You will recover from disease. You will travel”
2. “Your worry will end in 3 days. Don’t make any wild guess”
Exactly what was stated above happened. I travelled from 1st hospital to 2nd hospital after 3 days of questioning (only one bed was available in that hospital when enquired) and I started recovering from the 2nd day. Finally I got discharged with SpO2 level 95 which was 70 earlier. I had a Lord Rama’s dream as well on the first day of my admission in 2nd hospital where Rama destroyed the poison completely in the dream. It is my Sai Who gave me 2nd birth and a true miracle has been experienced.
Om Sairam. Love You Sai!
Sai Baba’s Miracle

Shirdi Sai Devotee Saranya from India says: I’m a devotee of Saipa and so glad to be a part of this community.
Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful job of running this website and bringing together Saipa’s devotees from all over the world. This is the third miracle that I’m sharing with this group and wishing to share many more miracles here.
On Thursday, I was sitting in front of Saipa and got ready to do the Mahaparayan. For some reason I was feeling very anxious and I started talking to Baba. And slowly I had tears in my eyes and I couldn’t control and started to cry. I was asking Baba why He was doing it to me. I’m 34 and why was He delaying my marriage so much? He’s the only father I have and no father will do this to his daughter. I was asking Him to show a miracle and assure me to do my marriage soon. I was not able to control my tears as I had been praying to Baba for this wish for many years. I then wiped my tears and when I opened the Satcharitra to read, my allotted chapter for the week correctly opened and there was a paper of the Kana Kanden Thozhi Stotram. I was the one who kept it in the book many days ago but I was shocked to see it in the exact chapter I was going to read that day for Mahaparayan. This stotra is about Andal’s dream which she is explaining to her friend where she is marrying Lord Narayana and how all the saints were present to bless the newly married. It’s a beautiful stotram and in Tamil Nadu married girls are advised to recite this everyday for marriage to happen. I was so happy to see this stotra in the book. I felt that Baba was hearing my prayers and would soon make my wish come true.
Baba I have been receiving many miracles from You after I joined the Mahaparayan group and when I did the Sai Divya Pooja and Sai Likitha Parayanam. In every miracle You promised me to make my marriage wish come true. But till date I’m not married, Saipa. I only have You and my mother. Please Saipa, please I’m Your daughter please remove this suffering from my life. Only You can change my life Saipa. Please bless me Saipa. Om Sai Ram!
How Sai Baba Drove A Devotee Home

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I have been Baba’s devotee for the last 6 years. Since then I have experienced many miracles in my life and I have also posted some before. This is my latest experience that was last week.
First of all I would like to thank the entire team for giving us this opportunity to read everyone’s miracles.
I want to be anonymous for the experience I am writing about today. I live in the USA with my family. All my family loves Baba so deeply. My experience is that last week while I was at work, all of a sudden I felt like throwing up and I could not even stand up or walk. I went to my break room and sat there for a while. It was time for me to go home in the afternoon. I still could not stand or walk. Somehow I managed to go to the Parking Lot chanting Om Sai Ram. Somehow I reached my car but was lying straight for 10 minutes. I called my daughter and she said that she would be there soon. I always have Sai Baba’s idol in my car where I always put a flower before I start my car. I said Baba please drive me home. Chanting my Sai’s name Baba brought me home safely. But as soon as I reached home I started throwing up. I cannot forget how my Baba brought me home in all traffic. It was very scary to drive in that traffic without concentrating on the Freeway. And the very next day I was all better.
Sai Baba, thank You so much. If You have full faith in Baba, He will help us in all ways. Om Sai Nathaye Namah. Aap ko Koti Koti Pranam.
Truly Yours
Anonymous Sai Devotee
Baba’s Blessings And Miracle

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I will be a devotee of Sai Baba till my final breath as He commands my destiny.
Kindly keep my name anonymous. I became a Sai devotee as started Mahaparayan from 2020. I had experienced lot of difficulties prior to that. Life was not easy. After starting Mahaparayan and becoming a devotee to the Kaliyugi Avatara I realised what life is, what happiness is.
In the month of April Covid situations were at peak when suddenly my husband felt very uneasy and started having all symptoms of Covid. I got really scared and prayed to Sai wholeheartedly that his report should come normal and a miracle happened. His report came back normal and we were relieved.
Next miracle was that we were facing difficulty in selling our flat. The deal was just not getting finalised and we were very much tensed up as nothing was happening. I then lit 5 diyas, did pooja daily for 5 days and prayed to Sai Baba. The very next week the deal was finalised as a couple liked our flat.
I am waiting for the next big miracle to manifest and I know that this will definitely manifest with the grace of my God and soon the day will come where I will happily write about the experience here. Om Shri Sairam. God bless us all.
Baba’s Blessing

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: Sairam to all Sai Devotees. Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful site, which always gives positive thoughts to all Baba’s devotees.
With Sai’s blessings I am living in Singapore. It’s going to be two and half years since I went to India to see my close family and friends. Also I didn’t do any shopping for my clothes. I, along with my friends, decided to do online shopping. We got all our stuff in India. Now the real trouble started. Our things were lying in my friend’s place for more than 2 months. We didn’t want our family members to go and do the shipment due to the pandemic situation. Even though clothes were not urgent for us, some stuff in that packet was urgent. I was trying through all my sources who could go, do pick up and deliver in Singapore. None were ready to do that. I just left everything to our Father and stopped worrying about it.
After about a month in one of the WhatsApp groups I saw an ad on international shipping from door to door. I contacted those people and managed to get our things in two weeks. I was a little worried because it was just an ad in a WhatsApp group. I didn’t know these people personally. I took a risk of paying a big amount for shipping by praying to our Father to take care of the entire process. As always our Father managed the whole show by delivering the shipment to my house.
It may sound like a very small issue to many people. But to me whether the issue is big or small I leave it to our Sai to take care; like He says complete surrender.” Thank You Sai for being there with all Your children all the time. Jai Sairam!
Sai’s Blessing

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee. I was very much worried as my son and his friends had applied for a USA visa. Many of his friends got rejected. My son had really done very hard work to get admission in his desired university and with Sai’s Blessing, he got admission. But the cause of worry was visa approval. I prayed to Sai and promised to share my blessing immediately as soon as my son got visa approval. By Sai’s grace today he got his visa approved.
Thank You Sai for always being there for me. Sai, please bless my son for his bright future.
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I am so blessed to have been able to visit Shirdi Sai Baba. His blessings have touched my life in so many ways. I am so grateful for all the miracles that have happened in my life because of him. Thank