How Sri Sai Satcharitra Came True

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi everyone. I am a member of Mahaparayan group MP-642N1. I would like to share my experience.
I first came across Mahaparayan on social media, however I don’t remember exactly where, but I know one thing that my life hasn’t been the same since then. I had been thinking of writing about my experiences for a long time. On multiple occasions, about how Baba has graced me with His love and blessings and how Mahaparayan reading only, slowly seeps into your life and behaviour and changes you for the good.
My First experience of Baba’s grace and blessings was in 2020, just before my practical exams (I am a medical Student). These were very, very difficult exams. While everyone had someone to talk to or to help them, I was alone and scared and used to cry a lot. I then turned to Baba and prayed to Baba that I would also read for one week (Saptah reading), please help me. When I was reading a chapter where Baba asked one of His bhakt to read a holy book and He would come once He had finished it, on which Hemapadanth says Babaji I have been Your follower for so long then why haven’t You given me darshan yet. I read that chapter that evening and that night Baba came in my dream. Baba didn’t say anything but just appeared walking upon the stairs. I fell at His feet and started weeping. Next day I realised, Baba had come in my dreams, I am going to pass, but instead Baba made me a University topper which I doubt I was capable of or deserving of.
Second experience: I used to keep a keychain type small murti of Baba in my wallet. I had recently moved to a new place and I realized that I had lost it, which was given to me by my sister (who introduced me to Baba). Murti was in our home for a long time; no one was Baba’s bhakt in our family at that time. It was just there. But later on Baba somehow made it all possible. I was sad and prayed Baba to please help me and to let me find it.
Few days later I complained to Baba, “Have You left me, don’t You care for me anymore? Days later I had a dream where Baba was pointing at my cooler top. I woke up and forgot the dream. I was taking something from there and I found Murti which I had lost. It should not have been there, because the cooler top was a frequent place for me, yet Baba somehow blessed me again. Maybe Baba’s way of saying that He still looks over me.
Third experience: It was my job interview. I went to the office. I was worried that there were so many candidates there, how was I going to get it. Anxiously, I was wandering through the halls, then due to the heat, I thought let’s go outside for a bit. I saw that in the front at our entrance there was a Baba’s photo which I didn’t see when I had entered in the morning, and I realised after the interview that Baba came here before me (like so many times Baba does in our holy book ).
Then I found out that they had cancelled the earlier interview and had restarted. I went again, like before I was worried what would happen this time. Weeks had passed. One night while on Shirdi Sai Baba app, I was having a view of the live Sai Baba Samadhi mandir. I went in tears and prayed Baba to please give me some sign as I was lost and tired.
Next day my father told me that he had received a phone call earlier (there was someone known to him who called him earlier to congratulate me) and I had been selected and soon they would announce it officially too.
All I could say is I feel I am totally undeserving of Baba’s love and blessings, yet Baba looks over me. So if you are a Baba’s bhakt, know one thing that you didn’t choose Baba, Baba chose you. Never for a moment think that He isn’t looking after you. He would give you multiple signs, it’s for bhakt to identify them. You will get confused multiple times but it’s your faith which will keep you going on.
All I could say is Mahaparayan and Baba slowly changes you. No one in my family used to pray to Baba, but my sister became Baba’s bhakt and she introduced me to Baba. Besides us, no one else was called by Baba. So be happy that Baba has chosen you. Whatever He does we won’t understand it fully but He knows.
Mahaparayan group chapters, I have been doing for over three years and one thing I could say is that your life is never going to be the same. You have family, Guru, God, someone to believe in now. Just leave everything in Baba’s hand, with heart and soul. Think clean and help others, show your gratitude to Baba.
Sai Baba Wards Off Problems

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sreenivasa Krishnaswamy from US says: Hi Happy good morning to you. Let Sai Baba’s blessings be bestowed on all readers and the deserved human race.
I am here to inform you that, you have one of the best and informative website. I am very happy to inform you that, I am an ardent devotee of Shree Sai Baba since 2007 infact, most of my family members are His devotees. My late father was an ardent devotee of Shree Sai Baba. I am an Indian from Bangalore and currently in Florida and a working health care professional. I am married, living with my wife and eight years old daughter. I would like to share my experience of Baba with you.
It was during Feb 2007 that I was diagnosed to have rare right epidydimal tumor with a questionable infiltration. I was diagnosed to have a palpable tumor approximately 1.8×2.0 cms as per ultrasound and CT scan. I underwent lots of treatment to rule out possibility of infectious source. Later, I was asked to undergo explorative surgery at Mayo clinic at Jacksonville, Florida without further delay. You know Mayo is one of world’s best hospital in oncological cases. I was very much disturbed with my medical condition and was very apprehensive about the aftermaths of surgery.
I left US for Bangalore immediately and consulted about four different urologists in Bangalore. All of them asked me to undergo surgery without delay. They were persistent, that earlier the better because of tumor infiltration. You could imagine my state of mind at that time. The surgery would change my entire life, compromise my job back in the US which was fetching me approximately $200,000 a year and most of all my marital life. I was very depressed.
At this point of time, my eldest sister who is an ardent devotee of Shree Sai Baba asked me to read Sai Baba’s book-Sai Satcharitra (Sapthaha) with in a week’s time and undergo surgery after a week. Readers you will be surprised to know that size of the tumour started to shrink from the third day of reading the book and had totally gone by the end of a week. Doctors were amazed to realise that there was no palpable tumor during my visit after 10 days. Could you imagine what it meant in my life?
Honestly, I did not know much about Shree Sai Baba before this incident happened. I visited Shree Sai temple at Shirdi in the month of April 2007. That was my first visit to Baba’s temple. Let me tell you that a strange thing happened at Baba’s temple. On the day I visited the temple it was around 3.30 in the morning when I had Baba’s darshan for the first time in my life. All of a sudden when I looked at Him, I closed my eyes and I saw a huge bright silver idol of Lord Vishnu (Narayan) with a violet coloured shalya and in front of Him was a huge idol of silver cow with a violet coloured thread around its neck. Next thing I noticed was I had tears coming out of my eyes. Even today it amazes me I had never come across such as strange experience in my life. I tried to ask my sister about the significance of the strange picture that swept over me during darshan. She told that was Lord Vishnu with Kamadhenu.
One has to believe in Him. I will narrate another example. I live about two hours away from Sai Baba temple here in Florida, a place called Inverness. Last Sunday I had to visit a temple and I was late starting and I told my wife that we would miss arathi, which was at 12.00 noon. Guess what, I reached the temple at 11.55 noon and there were lots of devotees waiting for arathi to begin. Poojari had just lit diya and he didn’t even do arathi pooja. He called me first and asked me to do the arathi. One has to ardently desire Him and He will show miracles. One has to experience His grace. He will be with you like an angel all the time. Likewise I come across lots of experiences with Sai Baba on a daily basis. The very “strong belief” that Baba is with me keeps away all my anxieties and fear. In Fact nothing bothers me anymore.
One has to realise that, anybody who comes under His grace are the gifted people. He wards off all the problems, whether it is physical, mental, spiritual or incurable diseases stemming from previous or past karmas. He knows it all. I feel blessed to have Sai’s grace.
Sreenivasa Krishnaswamy
Baba’s Timely Help

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I currently reside in the USA. I want to narrate a small experience today.
Firstly I want to thank the whole admin team for organizing MahaParayan groups and posting the experiences of various devotees which helps strengthen our faith and gives us immense joy. I have had a lot of such experiences from simple day-to-day issues resolved, like finding something I misplaced to overcoming major financial problems with Baba’s grace, some of which I have posted before. Today’s experience is about how Baba’s timely help helped me organize a dinner for 15 people at home successfully in spite of various hurdles.
I was cooking for a bunch of American friends who wanted to taste Indian food. Out of around 10 dishes that I was cooking in all, I was planning to make a starter and an entree using potatoes and I had enough. I was cooking a bunch of other dishes and there was just about an hour left. I finally thought of finishing these two dishes and being done with cooking.
As I started washing the potatoes, I found one which was starting to rot and so I threw that away and washed the rest many times but I still felt like there was a bad smell coming out of it. After washing it repeatedly I boiled it and asked my husband to check, he said that it smelled fine. I thought maybe it was just my feeling and continued to make the bhaji after asking for Baba’s help. I continued cooking half heartedly because I was already late. I was going to cook the starter as the final dish when I felt like Baba repeatedly asked me not to continue and to check the dish again. Finally I felt that the smell was still there and my husband too confirmed this time. I thought of preparing it again and we bought more potatoes immediately and cooked them again. I felt grateful to Baba for helping me and saving me from serving a spoilt dish to my guests.
I had to switch the starter as I did not have enough time. I was worried about the change in the menu but with Baba’s grace, all our friends enjoyed the dinner. This was for a bunch of people who helped us a lot during tough times. We wanted it to be memorable and Baba made sure that it was. Let us practice Shraddha and Saburi and Baba will make sure to give us what we need. Om Sairam!
Sai Baba’s Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a very small devotee of Shirdi Sai with His grace.
Dear Sai, Thank You for all Your blessings.
1) My mother was diagnosed with cancer. However, it was stage one and Baba helped throughout the operation and therapy and healed her.
2) One day, my mother had leg pain; I gave her Udi water to drink and applied Udi. I promised Baba that I would post it if she slept well and would be fine the next day.
3) Usually I don’t like typing documentation. But I had to do it because I was procrastinating for a very long time. I pledged to Baba that if He makes me complete it then, I would post my experience here. He made me complete it. Thank You Sai Appa.
4) I am a lazy person. I wished to wake up early and do yoga. Baba made me do it. It’s been a month I could do and continue. Small or big, Baba blesses everything if that is good for us. We need not ask Him, He knows what is good for us.
When Baba pulls you under His roof, every minute is a miracle. I might have missed many to write here Baba, please forgive me. May everyone in this world be blessed with good health and happiness.
I surrender to You Baba. Whatever happens in my life, every breath is Your blessing. Love You Baba. My only prayer is that I should ever love You and be under Your grace Baba. Thank You Sai Deva!
Sai Baba Made Up The Work

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a Sai devotee since 2005 based in India.
Dear Team Members, I have been a devotee of Sai Baba for many years and also a daily reader of this blog. I wish to share one of my experiences that I had recently.
I resigned from my last company a couple of months back. I was following up with the HR team to get my relieving letter for the past two months, but nothing was working out. I made a promise that if I get the relieving letter soon then I shall post the same here. Then it happened, to my surprise. Thanks a lot Babaji. Please bless all Your devotees.
Sai Baba Sends Voices And Signs

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I think a voice in my head told me to read a miracle and lead me to one Miracle that Said “Baba Always Listens.” This Miracle title was somewhat similar to some experiences and short stories that I shared before on here and on Snapchat or Instagram.
Sai Baba sends voices or He is the voice in my head that leads me to new things or leads me to some things. Baba is with us. He is helping us and He is guiding us. Sai Baba is always with us. Jay Sairam!
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Shirdi Sai Baba – A Member of Sai Yug
Omsairam…thanks for whatever you have blessed us you..Baba i am upset …you know why…i am sorry Baba..kindly increase my strength..
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please protect my father sai ma We are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Please give them a long healthy life, full of wisdom, happiness, peace and prosperity. baba thank you for taking care of me and my family. I stay indebted to you. Baba, please help us in the future as well. Please bless us with your grace and be with us always. Baba please help my husband at all times. Help him develop his faith in you too. Baba protect my children at all times. Baba I surrender to you. Help us surround ourselves with honest , efficient and dedicated people at work. Baba please stay with us. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
OM Sai Ram!
SaiMa Thank you.