Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3288

Sai Baba’s Miracles

Sai Baba’s Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetal Mam, You and your team are doing wonderful work by maintaining this ‘Sai’s Family’ created by You, which is growing all over the world. Your efforts are very appreciable. Sai’s Blessings are and will always be with you all. 

Since my childhood I have been following Sai Baba, reading His simple living style in children’s story books. His simple teachings are easy to follow and make us peaceful. After all these years, now, for me He is my soulmate. Everything either it’s sad or happy, bad or good, be it anything; I share with Him. 

Dear Sai family members, namaste.
Jai Sairam. I am Sai’s daughter; ek chotisi chidiya (A small sparrow). My dear Sai Baba was, is and will be my world. He is in my every breath. In my family everyone mentions me as Sai’s chamchi and I feel very happy when I hear it. 

Few years back, my family and I used to visit Shirdi very often, at least once in a year. Sometimes, my mother used to come with me, who is also a sincere devotee of Sai Baba. Because of her age she used to feel tired from long journeys and of course standing in line. That time it was not so long still, she used to feel tired but she did all with great Saburi. Her only complaint was that she wants to see Sai Baba for a little longer, till she feels satisfied; aankh aur man trupth hone tak (till her eyes and heart are satisfied). But her this wish was hard to fulfil  yet, I decided that I will try my best to get her this satisfaction. Sincerely and wholeheartedly I prayed “Deva, help me, so that I can bring a smile to my mother’s face. She may not have this chance again to come to see You! Let her have a few minutes more spent with You. Please listen and show me the way if You want to fulfil her wish.”

After my prayers I started my pradaskhina (parikrama) around Gurudev Datta’s temple. While doing those I was continuously begging my Sai for His grace, His help. Deva Sai Baba listened and I saw one elderly person with an attractive smile on his face looking at me. That child-like smile was pulling me towards him. Within me I gathered courage, bowed to him and asked politely if he knew any VIP person to allow my mother to see Sai Baba for a few minutes? And here that wonderful chamatkar (miracle) happened. That great saintly person said,“You want to see now, come with me. Take your mother with you and follow me.”

We all three; me, mom and Him went straight to the VIP entry gate. Doorman saluted him respectfully. He told the door boy, allow us to sit in that tiny room from where we can see Sai Baba from the left side. And he too smilingly allowed me and mom inside. He requested me to come out early while my mother could sit there. 

I felt very blessed and very, very happy. I didn’t want to disrespect his request. I made my mother sit there comfortably, with tearful eyes, saw my Deva for two minutes and then came out. I was jumping with joy, and told the doorman that I will come to pick her up after finishing my pradakshina. He assured me not to worry.

I sincerely thanked that great person with heartfelt gratitude. He smiled. That smile had a mesmerizing power. I wanted to see it again and again. But he left. Then I thanked that doorman too. My dear Sai family members, can you imagine? You pray and Sai listens. What an amazing experience! So then I completed my rounds, came back to pick my mom and saw her glowing face with utmost happiness and satisfaction. I couldn’t control myself. We both hugged each other and cried together. 

Oh my Deva! You are the present living God listening to every sincere call. Thank You Deva for making my Shraddha stronger to have more Saburi. Always be with me, my family and everyone who wishes Your presence. 

Krupa Karo Mere Sai, Raksha Karo Sai Mere! Sabbhi par reham nazar rakhana Deva. Anantkoti prem pranaam. 

Aapki apni chotisi chidiya.

Sai Baba Helped Devotees To Reach Home

Sai Baba Helped Devotees To Reach Home

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee Preethi from Germany says: I am Preethi from Germany. I live with my husband and two kids. Baba is everything for us. 

Greetings Hetalji, thanks for this wonderful platform to share our experiences with Sai Baba and also to read devotees’ experiences. Few of my experiences have been posted here. My family and I are staunch devotees of our beloved Sai. He is our everything. 

1. One of our very recent experiences was that Baba helped us to reach home without any problem. Last weekend in the evening we went for our weekly purchase to a grocery store by walking. While we crossed half way only we noticed that it was getting darker and cloudy. We didn’t bring any raincoats or even an umbrella. Once we were done with our purchase and billing we noticed that it was raining heavily and all were standing outside and waiting. Though the walk was just 10 to 12 minutes, we couldn’t go since it was raining heavily. My daughter (gifted from our Baba) is just 3 years old and my son is 10 years old. My hubby and I didn’t know what to do and a taxi was also not available. Weather apps showed that the rain would be until 9 pm and the time was just 7.20 pm.

I then remembered our Sai Baba’s leela from Satcharitra about how He had controlled the weather. I prayed to Baba and asked my son also to pray to Baba that at least rain should stop/slow down well for 10 minutes so that we would reach home and I would share the experience here. With Baba’s grace, within a few minutes rain slowed down and we started walking with a plastic cover on our head. Then within half way, rain totally stopped and sunlight came out. Then we reached home safely. I thanked Baba from the bottom of my heart for the love and protection that He is giving to His devotees. As I promised I shared my experience here.

2. As I mentioned in my earlier experience, I am still suffering from the gallbladder stones but far better with Baba’s grace. Last week I had severe cramps in my stomach at midnight. Again I prayed to Baba, kept Udi and slept peacefully. Please keep me in Your prayers. Baba I am praying daily with You with Shradhha and Saburi and I strongly believe that You will cure me without any surgery. Please keep me in Your prayers. Baba, please save the world from all the health related problems. Please be with us always and also with all of them. If I made any mistake please forgive me Baba.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai!

Baba Please Guide Forever

Baba Please Guide Forever

Shirdi Sai Devotee Meghna Sai from India says: Hi devotees! Sai Ram to all devotees and thanks to Hetalji and team. Thanks for the divine platform as it is a wish fulfilling tree for Sai Devotees and shows us the right path towards spiritual life.

Sorry for my late posting Baba. Last week I was feeling uneasy due to acidity. I had promised Baba that if I am back to normal then I will post my experience here and drink Udi mixed water. As promised I am posting it here. Due to a late post I got it again. Please forgive my mistake and make me a normal Baba.

You know what kind of health issue I am facing. Baba, please help with that. Baba, only You can do that. I have left everything at Your lotus feet.

Today I was late to the office and asked for Your help, as promised posting it here. You always help in my office work and I don’t get scolded. Thanks for that Baba. I am waiting to post about my two more prayers. Please answer that Baba. Help with my anxiety and over thinking.

Make my mind peaceful and give me interest to study and eradicate my laziness. Please Baba, I should always be healthy and active. Please help me with this.

Make Yashu to get admission in a good college which will build her future.

The work You gave is Yours. I know whatever maya You do, at last You will make us succeed. Everything in mind and heart is left under Your lotus feet Baba. Please don’t leave us till our last breath. Give healthy days for all our family members and everyone in the world.

Bless us that another wave of corona should not start. Burn that in Your Dhuni. Baba, burn all our ego, attitude and negative thinking in Your Dhuni.

Nowadays as You know I can’t connect with You due to maya. Please help me with this Baba. My lifetime wish is my husband should do continuous work, small or big doesn’t matter but it should be Your blessing.

Till now You helped with everything that I asked and also You have a good plan for my life; I know that. Thanks for that. Take me with You, I will hold Your hand as Maa Kali (Om Shakthi Kallalamma Adhi Thimappa) above. You will bless us. No fear when You all are there for us. Thanks for everything You did. I know I am a bad kid. I always get angry on You and have no patience. But that time only You show more love and care like a mother.

Om Ganeshaya Namaha! Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva! 

Sadhguru Sai Baba

Sadhguru Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Dear Hetalji and team, thanks for creating such a wonderful and divine platform to share our beloved Sai leelas. I have shared many of our Sai leelas here. 

Every time we are in tough situations He comes to rescue us. Without Sai we can’t even step forward. Sai, please bless us to go on the right path and live a righteous and spiritual life. 

Every time when I face problems at work and every phase of my project goes live, our Sai Nana is always helping me to get out of the difficult situations and also He is managing tough people in my team to go live smoothly. Thank You Sai Nana. 

Once at work I was not able to solve one of the issues from morning till evening. In the evening while doing pooja while reading Rama Raksha Sthothram, I prayed to Sri Ram and Sairam to solve that issue and that I cannot spend more time on that. After pooja, again I started working on that issue. Then within 10 minutes I found the solution. 

Baba even directed me to read Rama Raksha Sthothram whenever possible. Sai Nana we cannot live without Your blessings. Please solve my family problems and visa issues Nana. Shri Sadguru Sachidananda Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!

Baba Helps In Everything

aba Helps In Everything

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Ireland says: I am a Sai Devotee staying in Ireland. Cheers to the team for such a nice work for spreading Baba’s messages.

Recently I gave one interview for which Baba helped me. I gave it with Baba’s blessings and fortunately I also received an offer from them. It is not much related to my field, but still in tough times; any job is always better. I prayed Baba to help me to get a field job.

Baba always knows what is best and what is needed for His devotees, and provides us with the same. Just one should have immense faith and patience and do our task; rest Baba handles everything as Baba is the Master of Universe. Baba has a master plan for His devotees.

Hence keep doing your duty, taking Sai name. Love all, serve all help ever and hurt never. Bow to Shri Sai and peace be to all. 

Thanks To Baba

Thanks To Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UAE says: I am a small Sai bhakt and Baba is a part of my daily life, each minute. Please keep me anonymous. 

I had promised Baba that if He helped me find the right candidates at work within the day, when there was a meeting with senior management I would post here. It was a hard task to find those kinds of people with skill sets within a day but Baba protected me from the ridicule. He got me three of them and the management is now content with the candidates. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva! 

Baba without You what am I? Baba, thank You for helping me. I surrender to You wholeheartedly. Please protect my family, Baba. Please stay in my heart Baba and help me to always make the right choices in life. Baba, be my strength and help me do good in this world. Om Sai Ram. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 754


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba reduce his blood glucose levels baba We are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa.protect my parents saima

  2. OM SAI RAM…. Baba please protect my husband and children! Baba please grant them good health, happiness and prosperity always. Please shower them each day with your faith and devotion as they dont know you yet. Baba I surrender to you. Please take my elder one in the right direction of education and enable him stnad on his own feet soon. Hope you will provide him with the right opportunity in life. I will post here baba when he gets a good internship opportunity and also when he does well in his university. Baba you know whats best for my younger, the univ you give will be his path of life. Please shower your grace on him. As for my husband, please take care good care of his health. He is everything to me. Help me, support him, guide him at every step in life. Please give him good people to work with. He has dedicated everything to his work. He needs your grace and blessings baba. Baba, take care of my little family. Baba please help me do my daily chores to the utmost satisfaction of everyone around me without hurting anyone. I want everyone around me to be happy baba. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  3. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all