Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3293

Sai Baba Travelled With His Devotee

Sai Baba Travelled With His Devotee

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an anonymous devotee of Sai Baba from India. Please don’t disclose my name and address.

Before the lockdown I was in the hostel and also KSRTC bus strike was going on at that time and my exams were to be finished in a week’s time. I was really worried because I had to go home and no buses were available at that time; even a single private bus was not there. I talked with my friend to go with her by whatever means she went. Also I had not travelled anywhere alone and all my friends had gone home as their exams finished early but the friend whom I asked to come with was not ready to travel with me and she gave me excuses that she would go by train. I was even ready to go with her by train as we are from the same district but she denied by saying that she would go to some other place and then go to her native. This was a matter of a week or few days before my first Sai Mahaparayan

My lab exams were there. I wasn’t even prepared for that, I was already tense about it and continuously prayed to Baba. At the same time to my utter shock my ATM got blocked and I had some 200 rupees with me which was not at all sufficient for the journey. Also I had not even cleared my hostel fees of 8400 rupees. Now I was in the toughest situation because I didn’t have sufficient money even for my journey. Also without paying fees I was not able to leave the hostel and within a few days there were all the chances of getting locked down again. Even I asked for 500 rupees from all my friends but everyone gave their excuses and no-one was ready to borrow some money even though I assured them that I would pay them after I went home. 

It was a Wednesday and the next day was my first Mahaparayan and also my last exam. That day I had a wonderful dream which was like I was asking for money from somebody and that person gave me some glass bangles and in no time those bangles were turned into gold ones and it was written “Mere Sai” on it. I was literally jumping in my dream and I woke up and I got a hope that no matter how the situation is, my Sai is always there with me. That dream clearly indicated that no matter what, if Sai Maa was there with you then all your sorrows will get converted into joys and happiness. That day I did my Mahaparayan and wrote my exam quite well due to Sai’s grace

That day my friend whom I was expected to go with, told me that she would go on Saturday. So I also prepared for it and then to take permission for fees payment and no dues I went to my hostel in charge. Also she allowed me to pay after our return. I was quite happy also for my journey. I told my father to put some amount in my friend’s account so that I can withdraw it and we planned to go by some private bus which was not direct. In the evening all the things got reversed as my friend told me that she would go with her roommate in her car as one space was empty and they were from the same place and that too the next day only. 

Not only this, my father entered the wrong account details and money was not received and also it was late at night. I asked for money from everyone but no one was ready to give. I called my parents and they even started scolding me regarding the block of my ATM and they were also tense because the money did not return. I cried so much that I couldn’t even control and I was remembering Baba and crying a lot. Suddenly as soon as I was remembering Baba a call came. She was a friend of mine but not so close and she told me to come by train. But the problem was I had not even seen the railway station in my life then how could I travel. She gave the entire information about my train and the station and that gave me some relief. Finally I decided to go by train. Again I asked my friend to give me some 500 rupees but after some time she told me that she didn’t have that much money and she could give only 300 which was again insufficient. Then after my dinner she called me to her room. I prayed to Baba’s photo in front of me and then to my surprise she gave me 500 Rupees. Again I thanked Baba for this help. Finally I decided to go on Saturday.

The next day I asked my other friend to give me some amount and told her to pay when I went home. She agreed and gave in. Now the only problem was regarding my train journey. I was literally worried. Someone who saw trains only in the movies, how she could travel alone in a train. But I had a strong faith in my most merciful Sai Maa that He would accompany me. Also I prayed to Baba that I wanted Him to be there in my whole journey so that I would post the entire phase of the problem on the blog. I also read some experiences regarding the journeys that day only.

My father told me to reserve the tickets. Again the same friend came to my help. The app was not working. Then after praying to my Baba, she reserved the seats and informed me. I really can’t forget even a single minute and a breath. All these were purely a miracle, even a single breath was uttering Baba’s name. Every minute showed His miracles that night. I went to the warden for a sign but she told me that without paying I couldn’t leave the hostel. Then I called mam, even though she was saying the same thing. Finally I remembered Baba. Then she scolded me and finally agreed to allow me to pay after I go home through online payment. 

In the morning I booked an auto and within a minute it was at its location. I saw the photo of Devi in the auto. I gained a lot of faith. Also that day before night my other friend had told me about platforms. After reaching the station, the driver helped me and also told me that there were two platforms in which the train could be. Yes it was on another platform. I got up and was seated but a little fear was there inside me whether I was seated in the correct train or not. But soon the ticket collector came and confirmed that place and seat. I was relieved and every moment I was remembering and reading the miracles of Baba.

After getting down in the designated station, my luggage was so heavy but then too even I could lift it properly. I did not ask for any help from Baba but then also He helped me by sending someone to lift my luggage till the auto station. Then to my surprise he was also our college alumni. He placed my luggage safely in the auto and I reached the bus stand. As soon as I reached I saw Om Sairam on one of the buses which was a real miracle. He indicated to me that see how I brought you safely. Really it was the happiest moment in my life. Then that driver also placed her little one on the auto side, lifted my luggage and gave it to my bus platform. Then also no buses were coming for my destination. Soon I remembered Baba and said, ‘Om Sairam’ and within a moment a bus came and I reached my place. 

During this whole journey Baba was there with me. Holding my hand He safely sent me home. He is there in my heart. In this one week’s difficult phase a lot of negative thoughts came to me and a lot of emotional stress was there, but my most merciful Maa Baba solved all my troubles. May be He wanted me to become strong and independent. Thus my first train journey was accompanied by Baba. Here I just remembered one of the chapters in Sai Satcharitra, which is what is the use of Guru to cross the way or jungle one has to come across various animals, obstacles etc. but if my Guru is there with me then no obstacles and nothing can stop me from reaching my destination. Baba can cross seven seas to help His devotees, what we need to do is just stick on to His feet and remember Him. He will always protect us.Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidhmaye Satchidananda Dhimayi Thanno Sai Prachodayat. Om Sairam. Shri Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva! 

Sai Baba – As A Guard

Sai Baba - As A Guard

Shirdi Sai Devotee Nagalakshmi Viswanathan from India says: My Sai has been guarding me in every step. I am blessed to be a member of the Mahaparayan group MP-9100N1 – Bala Sai group, green house since September 2019. Though my personal experiences are many (even before Mahaparayan) I would like to share a few of them. 

My first experience: When I read Sai Satcharitra for the first time, even before finishing seven days of Parayan, my daughter got a call for a campus interview. She was selected by a top global company with a high salary. 

When I was working whenever I had some problem or confusion I used to pray to Sai and immediately I would find relief. 

Whenever something was lost I used to keep two rupees at Baba’s feet and pray and all the lost items including my sister’s gold nose ring and my husband’s were found. The taste of sugar can be felt only if you taste it. Similarly Baba’s miracles and blessings can be felt only by experience. 

Baba As A G(od)uard:

My aged father had a brain haemorrhage last April and doctors said that there was no hope. My only brother who was in the USA, though had a ticket on 30th April already could not come as all the flights were cancelled. I prayed to Baba at least to keep my father alive till my brother reached Chennai. However my father passed away on 28th April where there was a complete lockdown in Chennai. But Baba helped us a lot for his peaceful funeral without any hindrance. My brother was heartbroken as he could not perform final rites. He decided to sell his house and resigned. I prayed to Baba to sell his house for a good price as he was selling in a hurry and to take care of his job as he was in a senior post. Luckily the house was sold for a good price. 

My brother was frantically trying to come to Chennai through Vande Bharat. However, whenever it was opened he only found that all the tickets were sold already within no time. I was praying to Baba to help me get a ticket. My daughter tried Air India and inquired about the mess on selling tickets. Suddenly Air India said that one ticket was available in Vande Bharat and we had to pay an extra of Rs 35000. My brother paid and started. There was strict adherence to quarantine everywhere. My brother reached Delhi. Though he did not know a word of Hindi, a young girl student helped him to get the necessary test for Covid, getting cab, changing terminals etc. and though many people were quarantined in hotels my brother was allowed to proceed to Chennai. I was praying to Baba sincerely for his smooth transit and only Baba helped him everywhere. I was worried and prayed to Baba that my brother should not face any quarantine problem in Chennai. Again Baba helped and he was allowed to go home without any quarantine in hotels. Though the journey from US to Chennai was physically and mentally exhausting, Baba made it easy. 

The problem did not end there. After my brother’s home quarantine period, we were planning to perform my father’s rituals to be performed by my brother. Two days before the rituals, Corporation officials made Covid check for all the people in the entire building and my 86 year old mother tested positive. Though she was totally asymptomatic, officials were pressing for admission. Tears were rolling on my cheeks as we were worried that we may lose my mother also soon as she is very fragile and had age related problems. Before putting her in the ambulance I gave her Udi mixed in a glass of water. It saved her and she came back after a week and by Baba’s grace she is fine. My experience with Udi on many occasions is great. 

My brother’s company did not accept his resignation and allowed to work from India – which is nothing but Baba’s blessings. Though I wanted to write all these earlier, I could not find the site though I tried a lot. Maybe Baba wanted me to share only now. Jai Sairam!

College Admission By Baba’s Grace

College Admission By Baba’s Grace

Shirdi Sai Devotee Gopinath Arunachalam from India says: Pranams to Sai’s Children around the globe and humble respects to Hetalji and the Admin team of Saiyug. With utmost gratitude I would like to share my experience as to how beloved Baba graced the college admission for my daughter. 

My daughter completed her 12th grade this year and wanted to admit herself in an estimable college which was also situated closer to the area of our living. As she enrolled herself in a CA course simultaneously, she really thought it to be an advantage if she gets to admit in the college nearby so that her studies could be well time managed and balanced. Despite getting an A grade in her board exams, her name was not listed in either of the three selection lists released by the college. Not only my daughter but my entire family was worried and desperately wanting the selection.

Though we had submitted our prayers at the lotus feet of Baba and were sure of the result, our mind continued to be restless after not seeing the name in the list after list. Concurrently, Baba was sending us positive signals and messages everyday during the wait through the media. “Don’t wail, wait a bit and have patience. Your Wish will be fulfilled” and “Don’t worry about everything around you, that’s my job to take care of it” are a few to mention. We surrendered completely at His feet to let it happen when He graces. 

Yesterday, being Thursday, Baba’s Day, we as usual carried out our morning pooja at home and after we completed reading the allotted Chapters in the MahaParayan, opened the mailbox only to see the admission card from the college. The entire family shivered with emotion and devotion on seeing the admission card. Baba’s words are never untrue. Its very clear that He gave us the long wait only to delight us with the great news on His favourable day. The very moment we profoundly venerated and thanked Deva and paid the fees online. We really wanted to complete the admission process, which includes submission of documents and forms online and verification of the documents by visiting the college in person, on the same day.

We enquired about the college and understood that it was possible the same day only if we could complete the online submission of documents and reach the college by 4:30 pm for physical verification. We immediately took it up and could complete the online submission only by 4:30pm. Still not losing hope, called Baba with us, and rushed to the college only to reach around 5:15pm. Though the gate was closed, we were still allowed entry to the college and to the hall where the verification was being carried out. The college staff who supervises the verification activity did spurn at first but in a few moments said that she could only allow it provided the online submitted documents had reached their admin office and the student folder was created. She went on to check and to our great relief she came back with affirmation. The entire process was completed in the next 15 minutes and done with the job. 

Isn’t it the grace of Baba? Without Him nothing would have moved. It’s unambiguous that Baba Himself set the date, time and people to grace us with this admission process. We surrender unreservedly with utmost reverence at Your lotus feet Baba, please take us and guide us through this life. Om Sri Sai Rakshak Saranam Deva. Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha. Thank you and regards to all Sai Devotees.

Thanks To Sai Baba

Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: Om Sairam. Thanks to the entire team who is maintaining this wonderful platform.

Regarding my experiences, Baba is always with me and He’s guiding me to travel in the right direction.

I was praying Baba to finalise the contract process (related to my work). I promised that I will post it this week if things were progressing. By Baba’s blessings, the process is almost complete. Thanks Baba.

Office work is going well and my bosses are happy with my performance. This is all due to Baba’s blessings.

I am planning to take a tough exam Baba. Please be with me Baba. If I pass this exam then I can be more confident during my review sessions. I didn’t expect that I could try to find a source which is progressing now. This also is all due to my Baba’s prayers and His blessings. Thanks Baba. Om Sairam!

Please be with Baba. Prayer to You is that people have to always follow Your path. Thanks Baba for all Your blessings and support. Om Sairam. 

Sai’s Udi Miracle

Sai’s Udi Miracle

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I’m a small devotee of our beloved Sai. I had a sudden stomach pain and I was about to leave the house for personal work but I was unable to move. As always I sought the help of our Rescuer Sai Baba.

I promised Baba that I’ll post my experience the same day and I drank Udi mixed in water. The very next minute the pain subsided. I am sorry Sai Deva. I forgot to submit my experience the same day. Thank You for Your grace to remind me. I prayed on Thursday and I am submitting it on Saturday. Love You Baba. You know what’s good for us. Bless everyone. Thank You Sai.

Sai’s Blessings

Sai’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Please keep my name anonymous. In my house for the past few weeks, the flower lady did not come to give flowers. So we went out to buy flowers. On Thursday when I was decorating Sai just a thought came if I have 9 flowers then I will post. Then with blessings of Sai there were only 9 flowers and it made me very happy. Though it’s a small incident for everyone but for me it’s a blessing of Sai because 9 is Sai’s number. Koti Koti Pranam Sai. Thanks a lot. Om Sai Ram!

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 693


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai protect him..wont my prayers never reach you sai please I beg you sai. protect my parents saima we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram, Please bring some peace happiness and smile in my face ma. Why are things not clicking despite all the positive massages and indication. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram

  3. Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please bless them with good health, happiness and prosperity always. baba offlate my husband gets irritable with me. I think i need to conduct myself better and be more patient. I want to keep everyone around me happy and get less complaints. Please help me and be my guiding force to do my daily work and earn a respectable living. Baba my husband and kids are everything to me, please help me do my best for them in everyway. Take care of them baba. Help me do my office work without any issues baba. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  4. I enjoyed reading the 1st& the 2nd experiances,it shows how merciful BABA listens to all are problems & comes running to help us,BABA what will we do without you,Please always be with us & keepyour blessing hand on everyone.OA SAI RAKSHAK SARANAM SAI.

  5. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all