Sai Baba’s Experience

Shirdi Sai Devotee Pooja from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am Pooja. I have been meaning to share my experience for a long time but somehow it was getting delayed. I am sorry Baba for delaying it.
On 25th February, Baba came to my home. It was a huge surprise as I had not expected it. A friend of mine had gone to Shirdi and called me from there asking if I wanted anything. I simply said that I really didn’t want anything, I already had a small Idol and I said, “See if you like anything.”
My friend came back and said that she had got an idol for me and would get it home on Thursday. So I did the preparation for the sthapana and when He came home I couldn’t believe it. I had not expected the idol to be this big and beautiful. I was in tears, we did the sthapana and I was super happy, and the entire day went by very smoothly.
That night, I felt like I had a fever and when I checked I actually had a slight fever. To me it appeared like Baba was cleaning me from inside. The fever continued the next day as well. I finally called the doctor and took medicine, and I was fine by Saturday. On Sunday night, my husband complained of an itchy throat and next morning he had a fever. Of course, I was a little worried. He started his medicine and seemed slightly better for a day or two, but the fever was back on Thursday evening and it continued. On Sunday, the doctor asked us to do the CT scan and it showed lung infection. On Tuesday, 9th March, he tested positive for Covid and was admitted to the hospital. I couldn’t believe the events happening. According to my logic, this was not supposed to happen. I had been telling Baba day and night to take care of my husband and my daughter, and these events were just the opposite. When my husband got admitted, I met a doctor there who shared his number with me (which is not really a possibility) and said that I could call him if needed.
On Thursday, I got a call from the hospital saying something which panicked me and I ended up calling this doctor. He explained the entire thing and made me cool down. Throughout the seven days when my husband was in the hospital, this doctor helped me. Finally on Tuesday, 16th March, my husband came back home and that night, I saw Baba in my dreams.
During my toughest period, I realized that my prayer to Baba doesn’t mean “Nothing will ever happen to us; but if ever something happens, He will be there to help us sail.” He will send His angels to show us the path and help us walk through smoothly.
I was introduced to Baba 11 years back, in fact my daughter is Baba’s blessing (this experience for the next time). But in between, I lost the intensity of my prayers. I have been a part of this Global MahaParayan (MP) for almost three years now and I run three classes as a class teacher (MP seva to Baba) but this experience brought me closer to Sai Baba – my belief, my trust in Him grew hundred fold.
Keep Your blessings on us Baba and always be with us.
Om Sai Ram!
Sai Is Saviour And Guide

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai my Ma has taken care of everything in my life.
I want to share a few of those with you all.
Firstly, a few months back we were booking flight tickets through makemytrip for a group of eight members. After booking the tickets when we checked the booking confirmation, we realized that we had booked onward tickets twice instead of the tickets for round trip. The ticket prices were expensive as we were to travel in a very short duration. Panic struck us as those were non-refundable tickets. We were praying continuously to Sai while trying to contact makemytrip customer care. We were to lose a huge amount of money due to a quick hasty decision but that’s when Sai came to our rescue. Our call got assigned to a very considerate lady who agreed to speak to her team to help us with a refund. We got back the money with a deduction of 3000 Rs. Had it not been for Sai we would have lost a very huge amount. Also, that day we learnt a lesson to check before booking.
Secondly, I had called up an agency for chimney cleaning. The person came cleaned up and fitted everything back, said nothing and left. The very next day I turned on the chimney while making chaklis. I was using it for more than an hour and in between moved aside by two feet to attend a call. That’s when I heard a loud sound. The heavy filter plate fell over my kadai splashing and spilling hot oil over my stove and kitchen counter. I was in complete shock and fright, had it not been for that call that time, oil would have splashed on my face. I have hung a Sai frame in my kitchen and every time He ensures that He protects me from such disasters. We later found that the person who came to clean the chimney didn’t inform us about the broken lock, instead choosing to secure the filter plate in place by keeping a newspaper to fill the gap. My Sai had known it beforehand and chose to protect me that day.
This is my last miracle; I have taken a break in my career for more than six years and lost touch of my skills. It so happened that one day, a competition in my field of expertise came up in his office for employees and their spouses. My husband suggested that I give it a try. I was having no confidence and knew it was impossible as the competition was huge and was open to the participants all over India. At last I decided to give it a try keeping faith in my Sai. That one week I found myself occupied, up-skilled and working with involvement and dedication. Not only did Sai bring up the competition to my light and helped me focus and boosted up my confidence but also He made me win the First prize with a prize money of 25k. Till date I can’t believe that I was able to do such a thing which gave me confidence and honour. That is the love of our Sai for His beloved children. Om Sairam.
Sai Mauli’s Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Shri Ganesh. Sairam to all devotees. Baba, please help me to write this post and accept this writing. Thanks to Hetal mam and team for giving us such a wonderful opportunity to share our experiences.
This leela of our dearest Baba is related to my work. We are a team of seven colleagues and we have to work in two shifts (weekly basis), General (9. 00 AM to 5.30 PM) and second (4:00 PM to 12:00 AM). Second shift comes after every four weeks (as two colleagues are not doing second shift). Actually I don’t like to come in the second shift as the distance between company and home is 25 kms and travelling becomes difficult at night times, also sleeping timing gets changed.
This happened in the second week of July, 2021. I was due for a second shift in the third week of July and as it was heavily raining just a small thought came in my mind that what if my boss only tells me not to do the second shift and at the same moment mentally prayed to Baba that if this happens then will submit my experience to this holy site. Actually this was near to impossible but nothing is impossible to our Deva. Next day my boss only told me to do a second shift after two to three weeks and let other members continue the shift.
Now after almost a month today (23.08.2021) I have come for the second shift and will continue this week till 28.08.2021. Words fail to describe Baba’s grace and leela.
Baba You know as I have completed five years in this organization and am fed up with this politics now. Please help me to switch the job with a good job profile, working environment, colleagues and boss. There should be no politics, only a friendly team and good salary. Baba, thank You for making dad’s health good and recovering him after the operation. Please bless him and mummy with good health and life always. Also bless everyone in my family, friends, relatives, colleagues and all Your devotees with good health and happiness.
Baba, I don’t have enough words to say thank You. You are my Mother and I am Your child. Please always hold my hand and take me wherever You want. Baba in my last experience I had prayed for our cat’s well being but she didn’t survive. Please give her a good life in the next birth. Also please give a job to my one friend and get married to my other friend. Both are in need. Please help both of them and I will share Your grace on this platform. I love You Baba. Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidmahe, Sachidananda Dhimahi, Tanno Sai Prachodayat.
Baba’s Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Thank you to everyone working to make this blog so useful for us. Sorry Baba for the delay. Please forgive me.
1. My brother had taken up Science in the 11th standard. Most of his 11th-12th went into lockdown. He was not able to study or concentrate and kind of lost interest in the subject. He had planned to do engineering but he lost interest. My parents were supportive of anything that he wanted to pursue but he was lost. My parents and I prayed to Baba and left everything at His holy feet and His mercy. Then gradually, his mind got on the right track. My parents had gone to Amba Mata’s temple and when they came back, my brother had become better. Now, his 12th is done and he got 93% where we were praying for 80%. This is all Sai’s leela and His grace that this has happened. Also by Baba’s grace and leela, he got into the college of his choice. None of us were expecting this to happen. Thank You Sai.
2. My brother fell sick and had a high fever. He had rashes too and we were scared. We got all the tests done and they came completely normal and fine. Thank You Sai. Sai listens and responds to every sincere prayer.
3. Recently, we had to go out of station and my brother had just recovered and was weak. I prayed to Baba for the trip to be smooth and safe and that everything should be ok. We came back the day before yesterday nicely. Thank You Sai.
This is a prayer. My father is getting a slight fever and chills and I am very worried. We recovered from Covid in April smoothly by Baba’s grace. Baba, please make papa fine.
Sai, You keep us safe and protected always and for that I am extremely grateful. Your leelas are beyond human imagination. Please keep ma papa, bhai, me safe, happy, healthy and at peace. Please forgive us if we made any mistake. Om Sai Ram. You are our sole refuge and protector. I love You Baba.
Shirdi Sai Baba’s Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Madurai, Tamil Nadu; India. Shirdi Sai Baba, there are no words to say about Yourself in my life. You are my Father, Mother, Brother, friend, Philosopher and everything. Devotees I need to share with you about the miracle made by Shirdi Sai Baba.
Actually from last September 2020, I didn’t have a job, as I have returned from Saudi Arabia due to Covid. Even then I have tried my level best to get a job from all around. In the meantime I attended an interview for Warehouse In charge last March 2021, but at that time the company informed me that they would call back, but nothing happened. So I looked for other jobs and interviews, even then nothing happened. In this one year, everyday I used to perform Shirdi Sai Baba Aarti and at night I used to read Shirdi Sai Stavan manjari. That gave me more confidence and here Shirdi Sai Baba made miracles. Two weeks back I received a call from the same old company where I had attended an interview for a Warehouse In Charge and now the position was changed as Warehouse CFA Manager. This is nothing but Shirdi Sai Baba’s miracle. When I got the offer letter from the company I cried until my tears ended. Sai Baba, Sai Baba, Sai Baba; You are always there with me, take me to the right pathway. So devotees, my humble request to you all to keep faith and patience on Shirdi Sai Baba. You will find so many tests but finally You will achieve Your goals with blessings, support and guidance of Shirdi Sai Baba. Om Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram!
Baba Solved Devotee’s Problem

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I’m writing about my experience for the first time; sorry if anywhere I’m wrong. I prayed to Baba one Thursday regarding my health.
I started doing Nav Guruvar upvas vrat pooja. Exactly after completion of my vrat each week my cough gradually started decreasing. Finally away from coughing, I was unable to sleep and during corona time I faced very bad situations due to coughing. I prayed to Baba regarding this. Finally Baba solved my problem. I pray Baba please never give me health related issues in my entire life. Please bless me and my family for all the well being.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma protect him baba cure him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa please reduce his blood glucose levels baba
Baba please help me with my daughter’s health. We are seeing the doctors today. Looking for a better outcome.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please give them faith and devotion in you, good health, happiness and prosperity with overflowing knowledge and wisdom. Baba thank you for taking care of them and trust you will continue to take care and protect my little family. Baba yesterday my son had a challenge about the travel pcr test. Thank you for arranging the same for him. Please take care of all of us and him during the travel and keep us safe and sound. Baba my youngers admissions have not come through yet, I am sure you have better plans for him. Please give us good people in the company with a committed mindset and a sense of belonging to the company Baba. Please make the brand a reputed one to take it to new heights of success with your grace. Baba give my husband the best in everything that life has to offer. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Om Jai Shri Sai Ram
Sai Ram to dear Sri Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing Sri Sai’s wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us.
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Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!