Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3314

Sai Ram – The True And The Only Saviour

Sai Ram - The True And The Only Saviour

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a tiny devotee, just tinier than the smallest speck of the holy dust at the lotus feet of our Sairam. Let me express my sincere thanks to Hetalji madam and the entire team for maintaining this divine platform called modern Sai Satcharitra, wherein thousands of devotees can express their experiences and enrich their lives. I am a resident from Bangalore and earlier, three to four of my experiences have been already published on this divine blog.

Before I narrate my latest experiences, my sashtang pranams at the lotus feet of our Anantha Koti Bramhandanayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabramha Sachchidananda Sadguru Samartha Sainath Maharaj.

1) In April 2021, my wife and I were down with cold, cough and slight fever. Treating it as a normal case of illness, we went to a regular allopathic physician and we were asked to take a course of antibiotics for five days. He also cautioned that in the event of cough and fever not coming under control within 2-3 days, we should go for RTPCR Covid test. As we did not find any reasonable improvement in our health condition, we went to a diagnostic centre and gave our swab samples for the test and returned home. The next day was a Saturday and I reached home after my college duty.

First I received my test report from the diagnostic centre at 4.00 pm which indicated “Virus not found.” At around 4.30 pm I received another mail of my wife’s report which indicated the presence of a virus. During this period corona was wildly spreading in Bangalore. By that time, my wife’s coughing had reached abnormal levels with metallic sound. Taking Sairam’s name, I informed my wife and just rushed to Manipal Hospital, Jayanagar which was well within a km from my home. First I registered my wife’s name at the hospital reception and incidentally I met a senior doctor and explained to him the case. He advised me to bring my wife to the emergency wing of the hospital immediately. I came back and took my wife by car to the hospital or rather straight to the emergency ward well before 5.15 pm. 

While going to the hospital, I had not even observed that my wife had removed her nose pin, ear rings and even the mangalsutra as she had lost the hope of returning home due to the severity of cough, fever, chill and being found corona positive. Doctors conducted various tests and took an x-ray of the chest to see the severity of infection which showed large dark patches of infection. The doctor appreciated me for having brought her well in time and he meant that otherwise the case would have been totally hopeless. I was standing outside with tears swelled up in my eyes and chanting my Sairam’s name to save my wife and my family. 

After about one hour’s time, I was informed that the patient had to be immediately hospitalized if bed was available and if not, to move to some other hospital. By Baba’s grace, right at that moment, a family who had booked two beds for corona patients cancelled one bed and that was given to my wife within 10 minutes. Immediately I went to the cash counter and paid the advance amount and furnished the insurance details for processing. Within the next half an hour, my wife was wheelchaired in and I was told that she would be in an isolation ward and no guests were allowed as per the protocol and it would be for a minimum period of a week. 

I came home alone with teary eyes but with Sairam’s name on my tongue and in my heart. My elder son was in Delhi and the younger one in Manipal. I just telephoned them and explained the whole story. 

At 10.30 pm in the night, my wife called up and said that the hospital does not have stocks of Remedesvir injections and that I would need to arrange. I spoke to the doctor and shouted at him how a reputed hospital could pass on the buck to the patient’s family with respect to arranging the medicine. He explained to me about the whole shortage saga of the medicine in Bangalore and asked me if I could arrange it, it would be fine, otherwise the treatment would get delayed. At 11.00 pm in the night, I roamed around through a few medical stores only to be told a big NO. 

With Baba’s grace, I just rushed to other medical stores in the mid night, whose owner was well known to me. He inquired everything and before me asking Remedesvir injection, he asked whether I was looking for the same. This was definitely Baba’s leela. He told me that his friend is a distributor for the same medicine and he spoke to him on the phone. Fortunately, at that mid night point of time his friend was in the godown in front of the computer and he confirmed that Remedesvir was available. Again by Baba’s grace, the medical shop owner sent a boy by scooter and in about 40 minutes we received the medicine. 

Meanwhile due to the panic situation, I had not carried my credit/debit cards nor cash with me but the mobile phone. Got the prescription from the hospital on Whatsapp and then submitted an Adhar card, prescription and arranged payment through IMPS bank transfer at about 12.30 am in the night. While carrying the medicines to the hospital, I was stopped by a police patrol vehicle, questioned and I told all the details, showed them the documents and they let me go. At last, reached the hospital and handed over the medicines by Baba’s grace. I returned to my home at around 1.00 am with an empty stomach and eyes filled with tears. Sat in front of my Sairam’s photo in the living room and cried without limits for His help. 

Severity of the infection was so high that my wife had sent a message to my elder son to take care of me and my younger son – it was like her final goodbye message. Seven days of treatment she had and explained later that the pain suffered was much more than that she had while delivering sons. She returned home with post corona – pre diabetic condition with a lot of medicines to take in. With Baba’s grace and His blessings, she has been taking Baba’s Udi along with other medicines and recovering at a reasonably good pace. I hope that Baba’s blessing will be with us and all the devotees forever. 

I do pray to Him, my Lord Sairam to bless all His devotees with true Bhakti, Shakti and Saburi. Om Sai Ram, Sri Sai Ram and Jai Sairam. 

Bolo Sri Sachchidananda Sadguru Samarth Sai Maharaj Ki Jai…!

Baba Has Unique Ways To Deal With Matters

Baba Has Unique Ways To Deal With Matters

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: I am from Malaysia and would like to stay anonymous. Sairam to our beloved Sai and everyone. My biggest pranam to Pooja Garg and her team for this wonderful platform. 

I am 55++ and very active. I always prefer to be independent. Taking care of my home, my son and running errands for my family is part of my daily routine. I always visit Baba Mandir which is close to my house every Thursday morning and night getting involved with the bhajan group as well as helping a little bit here and there at the mandir. Every Thursday, I try my best to cook something and take it to the mandir as prasad for Baba and partake with devotees who come by. This year (2021) April was a very busy month for me as firstly New Year celebration (14/4/2021), secondly Ram Navami festival (21/4/2021) and the next was my husband’s death anniversary (24/4/2021). I had to clean up the house and run up and down to buy the necessary things. 

Before and after the Ram Navami festival, I was helping at the mandir. Once I had finished my husband’s prayers, I was a bit exhausted. The following Thursday (29/4/2021), the caretaker (lady) of the mandir suddenly fell ill. (Since I frequent the mandir, we both became good friends). After visiting Baba’s mandir in the morning,  I went straight to her house to visit her. She was worried as there was no one to cook for the mandir. So, I volunteered. That evening, after cooking, her food and my food, khichadi I felt a sharp pain above my right chest, just below my shoulder.

I did not take it seriously but fearing for more pain, I applied ointment after bath just before leaving to mandir. I had to carry the heavy containers as the mandir was on the first floor.

I am a person who always takes home remedies to ease any pains or sickness. The next day the pain was not there but in the night when I was sleeping I felt pain in my chest. What could run in my mind? Am I having a heart problem? I sought of had a difficulty in breathing too. I was extremely frightened and quickly went to Baba, took His Udi, applied It and also mixed It in water to drink. I was sleepless the whole night chanting Baba’s name. In the morning, the pain reduced. In the night again the same thing happened but this time it had worsened as the pain radiated all over my back. I was frightened and prayed hard to Baba. I took His shawl and placed it on my chest. I managed to sleep. The pain became intense the next day. I was contemplating to go to the doctor, fearing I would be admitted and believing that Baba is there and He would help. 

During these few days of pain, one night Baba came in my dream. In my dream, I was walking along a roadside when a man on his bicycle passed by me. As he passed by, there was a small poster at the back of his seat with Om Sai Ram and Baba’s image till his chest with his hand in a blessing position. Meanwhile my son was worried. His boss told him to take me for alternative treatment (traditional massage). We went on his advice. The practitioner looked very humble and also a pious man. He talked about Hanuman and other religious matters when we met him (Actually he is Chinese). Both my son and I were surprised. He checked me and said that there was nothing serious. It was just that I had overloaded myself with work for my age. He treated me well and sent me back home with some traditional medicine. My next appointment was one week later. Two days after treatment, there was a slight relief; however, I was still in a dilemma thinking unwantedly. In between the nights, I also took Sai Satcharitra and placed it on my chest when I slept. 

Time lapsed and the pain lessened but yet to completely relieve because there was intense pain in certain areas. I was unable to even cook. My son would cook for me. I felt very sick. The next appointment date came. We went and took the treatment. When we were coming back home, Baba came. I saw Baba’s image on the back screen of a car in front of us with the same image and Om Sai Ram as in my dream. Great Baba. You Are Truly Great! I knew at that moment that my problem would be solved. I did go for my third treatment. Down the road about a month or so later, my pain was no more and unless I carry anything heavy which was advised by the practitioner not to do so.

Coming to my son’s case. My son had a tendon tear at his wrist (November 2020) where the specialist told that it was serious. He almost lost his job because he was on two months medical leave. The company felt that my son was cheating his condition although it was the specialist who advised my son to take complete rest of his wrist otherwise he had to go for an operation. So, with the medical leave, the wrist started to get better but couldn’t heal. I was truly sad and cried to Baba as it was His dominant (right) hand. Furthermore, his job nature (engineering) needs to use this hand. I was wondering how his future would be. 

You see Baba’s ways are different. Through my sickness, my son got treated by this traditional practitioner saying that it was not a tendon tear but instead it was something to do with his muscle. Got it cured. Not only his wrist but his knees where he had a fall once when we were in India to visit Shirdi and had got it twisted. It was years that he was in pain and now no more. Not only this but also his back where he hurt himself 11 years ago was healed by Sai Baba. Everything was settled by Baba’s grace.

We cannot think like how Baba thinks. A problem which would dampen my son’s future and as for me Baba knows I am active and never depend on others to do anything, are all settled. He is omniscient. Thank You Baba for everything. Actually, Baba has helped me a lot since my husband passed away eight years ago and till now. Thank You is a very small word. He is always there for those who have faith and patience. Believe in Baba and He will never let us down. Om Sai Sri Sai Jay Jay Sai. I Love You Baba and always will.

I take this opportunity to thank Pooja and her team for this great job that you all have taken to read through and publish devotees’ experiences. Reading the experiences is like reading another part of Sai Satcharitra and taking them as lessons in our life. From time to time I will try to post more experiences of mine which might gain more confidence in Baba for all. Om Sai Ram!

Devotee’s Father Recovered With Baba’s Blessings

Devotee’s Father Recovered With Baba's Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. Om Sai Ram. I have been a devotee of Baba since my childhood. I have had numerous experiences. I would like to share one of my experiences on how Baba saved my father from illness. 

On 10th of March 2021, I received a call from my mom saying that my father was unable to get up from his bed. I immediately rushed to my mom’s place. We had no idea what exactly had happened. We just didn’t know what to do and I called my husband and he immediately contacted his known doctor and advised us to take him to the hospital. We tried to take him to the hospital. But since my father was unable to get up on his own, we tried to lift him up; but we were not able to. We requested the auto driver to help us and he helped us to lift him and made him sit in the auto and took him to a nearby hospital and the treatment began. Basic tests were done, MRI scan etc. were done to diagnose the issue and we understood that he had brain haemorrhage (stroke) on his right side. We were advised to take him to another hospital. His BP was too high because of which they couldn’t start other treatments until the BP was stabilized. We were informed by the hospital that my father’s condition was critical and he would be under observation for 48 hours in an ICU. 

We all were so tense; we just did not know what to do. But we had complete faith in Baba, that Baba will help us go through this phase. We just kept praying Baba continuously. After two days, we got the news from the hospital that his BP was stabilized and they had started other treatments and after three days he would be shifted to the ward. My father was unable to walk, he was not able to do any of the activities on his own, food was also given in a rice tube for two weeks, he had partially lost his memory and he was completely dependent. We were doubtful that with so many complications, would my father be able to walk on his own again and would he ever become normal. He was hospitalized for a week, then he got discharged from hospital and he had to undergo Ayurveda treatments. It is only by Baba’s blessings that he recovered from this. Thank You so much Baba. 

Everything was well planned by Baba. From the time my father fell ill, Baba was continuously with us, helping us to get things at the right time like: 

1) Helping us to get the vehicle to take him to the hospital.

2) Doctor’s availability.

3) Treatment was planned.

4) Our hospital bill was reduced to the maximum extent as the doctor was known to my husband which we had never expected. I am really thankful to Baba for all His grace. I was planning to post this leela for the past 3-4 months. But it was delayed. Finally, it is only Baba Who is helping me post this experience. Hope Baba continues to shower His blessings on all His devotees. Om Sai Ram. 

Baba’s Blessings During Pandemic

Baba’s Blessings During Pandemic

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am a small devotee of Baba. Thanks for Hetalji’s wonderful site with wonderful experiences. 

Baba I am so sorry to post the experience this late. Please forgive me Sai. My son got a scar from a scratch on his cheek but Baba made sure that it is not worse to look at. We were so worried about the scar but Baba blessed us. 

Also he got rid of infection of finger webs because of Baba only; we didn’t know the source of it though. 

I found my purse and gold earrings only by His grace. More importantly our life is taking a good turn now as my husband got a job in the city. So we will move from the countryside to the city and it will help my career as well. Thanks Sai for this gift which I was waiting for. 

Help us in finding a new house with the best rated school nearby in city Sai. Please guide me in my career and children. 

Also my mom was very ill with fever and cold but Baba made her better after hearing my prayers. Thanks very much Baba. Please take care of my mom, sister and other family members and keep them safe under Your holy feet Baba. Thanks for everything Sai. Please end this pandemic. Om Sai Ram. 

Sai Baba Always Protects

Sai Baba Always Protects

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Sri Lanka says: I am one of Sai Appa’s daughter. Thanks to Hetalji and team for this wonderful website. 

Sai Appa thank You for always protecting my family. My brother was working in a medical company. In Sri Lanka the situation was worse due to Covid 19. In my brother’s office most of the people were tested positive. So we were scared to send him to the office everyday but because of the medical field he couldn’t take leave in the lock down time also. We always pray to Baba and keep His Udi and send my brother to office but some days he used to say that he feels like being unwell or having a cold. Immediately I would go to Baba and pray. Then he felt better the next day. Always protect my brother from this Corona Sai Appa. 

My sister was living in the UK with her husband. One day she got a migraine headache and vomiting. From morning till evening she was vomiting and pain didn’t reduce. Then I started to pray. With Baba’s grace after sometime she was alright. 

Last week my mother also got back pain and she said that her left hand was also in pain. I got scared about a heart attack. Then I prayed to Baba and within 10 minutes her pain reduced. Thank You Sai Appa. Please save this world from Corona virus. Om Sairam!

Thanks To Sai Baba

Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank You to the team maintaining this blog. 

Om Sai Ram. I want to thank Baba for all of His help because there were many times where I was stressed out or was in trouble and He helped me so much. Baba, You took care of each and every small thing and You just made everything so much better. I cannot thank You enough in words for all You have done for me. Thank You so much Baba. 

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 693


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  1. OM SAI RAM…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Please give them good health, free from any pain mental and physical, shower on them peace of mind and mental calmness, love and your blessings for prosperity. Baba you know what is going on in my mind. Help me feel secure and stay composed. I got the message yesterday which as like you talking to me. Thank you for making me understand baba. Help me work harder and harder and keep people around me happy and content. At this moment, my husband is irritable and not happy the way I work. Help me please him to the most Baba. Help me at work Baba …. i feel the pressure mounting on me and I feel I cannot deliver. I need your help Baba. Help my sons baba in their future. Help us stay respectable in the world and not lose character which is the most precious sign of your blessings. Baba protect us from evil and keep us good and health. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  2. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all