Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3373

Sai Baba Fixes Everything

Sai Baba Fixes Everything

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you Hetalji and team for the hard work you all put in to maintain this site for Sai devotees. 

Experience 1: My phone crashed a day before the Mahaparayan was usually scheduled. I lost all my contacts and my phone was not even turning on then. I was very nervous and didn’t have any contact numbers of the group admins with me. I was not sure what to do. Then in the evening on the Mahaparayan day, I got an idea and put my SIM card in an old phone. Installed WhatsApp and luckily all the groups I was in were safe. I immediately thanked Baba and read my allotted chapters that day. Baba, please fix my phone also Thandri. I have important information saved in it.

Experience 2: My 1 1/2-year-old baby got sick with a cold, cough, ear infection, and fever one day. He cried so much the whole night and we didn’t understand why he was crying. The next day when we took him to the Doctor, she told us about the ear infection and prescribed some antibiotics. But he stopped eating any food (even his favorite ones) for 2-3 days. I was very worried because he is already underweight. Then I prayed to Baba that I would share my experience on Sai Yug Network if he ate his dinner. Then with Sai Baba’s blessings, he ate normally that day. Love You Baba. Please help me and my kids to recover from this cold and cough Thandri.

Baba, please bless us and all Your devotees to come out of our problems and also bless us with health, wealth and prosperity in our lives. Take care of my parents, my sisters and their families. Baba, please bless us to have a happy family life without any more fights and arguments over petty things. Baba, help us to buy a house here soon. Om Sai Ram. 

Sai Baba Saved

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says:  I am Baba’s devotee from Canada. Please keep me anonymous. 

Thank you Hetalji and other admin for providing this wonderful site. Last year was one of the worst years for me. My daughter had a health issue. By the grace of Sai Baba, she is better now. Baba helped resolve without surgery.

Baba You know I had a problem at work. You saved me from the potentially serious consequences. I had promised You that I will write within a month. I am extremely sorry Baba for the late post. I hope You also forgive me for my other mistakes.

Baba, please protect my children. You know my daughter is going through some tough times. Please, Baba, guard her against all the evil. Give her good health. Please, Baba, protect my children. Guide my daughter and make sure that she gets into a good university. Give good health to my husband, myself, my mum, my aunt, and my grandmother. 

Sai Helped Devotee’s Daughter To Pass Her Exam

Sai Helped Devotee’s Daughter To Pass Her Exam

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am a Sai devotee from Australia.

I had thanked the admin team of the Saiyug network multiple times and again appreciate the efforts that you are putting into this website. I wish for Sai’s blessings on all your team members. As promised to my Sai, I am sharing this experience. 

My daughter who is 10 years old had appeared for her first-ever piano exam and she came out crying that she did not do the exam well. I prayed to Sai Baba sincerely, told Him that this was her first exam and if she did not get a good grade then she would be disheartened and that might affect her confidence. So told Baba to please make sure that she passes with an excellent grade. After two days the results had come and she passed with an A grade. This was purely Sai Baba’s miracle. Thank You Sai Baba. Jai Sairam!

Thanks To Sai Baba For Blessings

Sai Baba Protects and Saves

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: Om Sairam!

Thanks, Hetalji and the entire team for maintaining this wonderful platform.

Last week was great and it was due to my prayers to Baba. Thanks, Sai Baba for Your blessings.

Please bless my sister’s son to perform well in his studies. Baba, please make him follow Your path to go in the right direction.

You know what I am praying for Baba; people have to follow Your path. Please, Baba.

My project should go successfully. Thanks, Baba. Jai Sairam.

Sai Baba Protects and Saves

Sai Baba Protects and Saves

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am from India. Thank you Hetalji for this site. I am writing down one experience which happened a few days back. 

As we were traveling to Bangalore from Orissa in August we thought to vacate the house and keep all the household items in storage and then again came back to Orissa. At that time corona cases were reducing but still, fear was there. We came in contact with many people because of packing and traveling. But I was praying Baba to please save us as we had come in contact with many people. And one more prayer I did was that if we would be safe after returning then I would post this experience. I have more confidence that if Udi is on our heads then no disease will touch us. With Sai’s grace, we returned safely and nothing happened. If you have faith in Sai then everything is possible. Thank You, Sai. Thank You, Baba. 

Sai Baba Answered Prayer

Sai Baba Answered Prayer

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thank you Hetalji for this wonderful site which not only builds confidence but a lot of faith towards Baba. Sorry for posting this experience late. Narrating down one experience which happened two months back.

One of my relatives got a cold and fever and tested Covid positive. After 2-3 days he was serious and was admitted to the  Apollo hospital. I prayed to Baba that if he would recover from the disease and be out of ICU then I would post the experience. Baba listened to my prayer and recovered him from the corona. Baba saved his life. Thank You, Sai. Thank You, Baba. 

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 754


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba protect him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba We are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram, Baba i know i did the mistake in selecting the health insurance as the one I have do not have most coverage like other ones. Please show me the way and help me to get a better one. I know with blink of eye things can change with your grace. Baba please show your grace to us.

  3. Om SAI RAM…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower on them good health, peace, joy, laughter, happiness, content and prosperity. Please pull them towards you and develop faith and devotion in you. Baba you know everything and I am restless and apprehensive, please keep me calm and fearless. Baba be there for us like you have been so far and I surrender to you totally. Take care of my husband and children baba. They need you at every step and every breath. I keep my faith and patience in you Baba. Thank you Baba for helping me in my work at home and at work. I still have lots of pressure and hope you will help me sail through everything with outstanding results. Baba hold my hand and be with me always. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  4. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all