Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3401

Sai Baba Blessed With A New Sai Home 

Shirdi Sai Devotee Fehmida Kaizad Jehangir from India says: I am Fehmida Kaizad Jehangir from India. Sai Ram to all Sai Devotees. First of all I thank all the makers of this divine group for spreading beautiful vibes of Baba to all. This is my third post sharing beautiful experiences in which Baba made it happen. Starting with a small experience that I would like to narrate. 

My gold earring’s hook had fallen down somewhere and I did not notice it. After some time I realised that the hook was not there. I searched the whole house around but I did not get it. Then I went near Baba’s frame and requested Him to find my gold earring hook and then just I went into my room and on the floor, I found the hook. Within seconds Baba found my hook. Baba’s ways are really unique. He is always with us, for us, helping us throughout our lives. 

My second experience was that we were going by an old car to drop off at my in-laws’ place. The car stopped in the middle of the road. Then I prayed to Baba. Suddenly a man came. We didn’t approach anyone for help though but he came, pushed our car to the side. Not only did he push the car on the side but he even repaired my car and started it. It was the main and busy road and I don’t know from where that mechanic came and helped us so much. My husband and I were looking at each other the way that mechanic was helping us though we didn’t even tell him anything. We reached our in-laws’ place without any hitch after that. The mechanic was Baba Himself Who came to help us. We love You, Baba. 

The third experience is about getting a big house. I was staying in a small flat and we wanted to shift to a big flat in the same compound. Then there was one big flat vacant and we applied for that and I prayed to Baba to give us that house but that house was allotted to someone else. I was disappointed but thought it was Baba’s wish. Then I started my Nav Guruvar vrat and in a few weeks again there was a big flat vacant and we again applied for that. On the completion of my Nav Guruvar Vrat Baba granted us that house. Thursday only we got a call that the flat was allotted to us. This flat is more spacious than the previous one which we had applied for and did not get. This flat even has a terrace with it while the previous flat didn’t. Baba gave us more than we expected. Now when we went to get the keys to the new home, to our surprise the keychain of the new home had Baba’s picture on it. Is it not Baba’s way to show His love for His devotees? So, so overwhelming it was! I was in tears looking at the keychain. It’s a Sai Home given by Sai. 

Baba, please bless us always like this and keep protecting us always. We need Your presence in our lives like oxygen. Om Sai Ram!

I had said to Baba that I will share my experiences in this group, so doing that with His permission and sorry Baba for the delay in posting the experience. Keep blessing all and be with all Your devotees always. Om Sai Ram!

Limitless Sai Baba’s Protection

Limitless Sai Baba's Protection
Click on the image to download

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am in IT working for a reputed company.

What can I write about His leelas, I am a mere human being to understand/think about His divine leelas. When we are Sai devotees, we realize His grace in so many ways with our limited awareness and understanding, still we don’t know in many other unknown ways Sainath Maharaj protects us. I wanted to share an experience related to this.

We had plans to travel to a nearby city to settle my brother-in-law’s match. It was a three-hour journey by car. The day before the journey I saw that one of the tyres got punctured so I took the car to the puncture shop. The shop guy inflated the tyre to detect where exactly the puncture was, found it and fixed it. He got a call after that and asked the other guy to fix the tyre in the car and fill the air in the tyres. The other guy did not reduce the pressure after fixing the inflated tyre. 

The next day, I went on the journey along with my wife, kids and parents-in-law. I felt the ride was a little on the harder side but the excitement of going for an important task did not correct it. We rode along the National Highway sometimes reaching speeds of 110 and finished our journey for a total of six hours and reached home safely by evening. While reaching home, I stopped at a petrol station and checked the tyre pressure. It was at 48 where the ideal pressure should be 32.

I realized that without some protection from my beloved Baba, anything could have happened. It frightens me to even think what might have happened when we reached the speeds of 110 kmph and something happened with the inflated tyre. It’s times like these you start to realize how much protective cover Baba provides to His devotees. 

My schoolmaster used to say this when I was a kid, “When you go to a river with a bowl, you will get a bowl full of water. When you go with a spoon, you will get a spoon full of water and when you go there with a tank, You get a tank full of water.” Let’s increase our capacity to understand His presence and fill our hearts with Shraddha and Saburi so that we get to understand all the experiences that the Master provides, be it small or big.

Om Sairam!

Sai Baba’s Udi With Faith Cures Diseases

Sai Baba's Udi With Faith Cures Diseases

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I am from Bangalore. This is regarding the timely help of Baba for the health issues of my kid during midnight. 

My 3.5 years old kid started crying suddenly at night and he was not able to explain what the issue/pain he was facing was? The first thing we did was that we applied Udi and then some medicines thinking that it might be an earache or nose block due to his cold but none of them worked out. 

Finally, I prayed to Baba to make him sleep after he woke up and cried for the third time. After praying to Baba and we told the kid that Baba’s Udi had been applied; he then calmed down and slept. After that, there was no issue. 

My wife was also suffering from cold, cough and body pains. We prayed to Baba and constantly took Udi. They both are better now. Thanks a lot, Baba. Baba’s Udi cured them and gave them a lot of confidence and they slept peacefully. Thanks a lot, Baba. Baba, please eradicate the Coronavirus and the latest variant Omicron from the Universe. Sairam. 

Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam, Om Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva, Om Sri Sai Arogyashemadaya Namaha, Om Sri Ananthakodi Brahmandanayaga Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabramha Sri Sachidhanandha Samartha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. 

Sai Baba Reduced Cold And Fever

Sai Baba Reduced Cold And Fever

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, I am a small devotee of Baba from my childhood. Thanks to the admin team for sharing so many experiences of mine on this site.

In November month my family attended a relatives’ wedding. After the wedding my kids got cold and after them, I got a cold and fever. I was very afraid that maybe we got affected by Covid but by Sai Baba’s blessings, it got reduced within two days. I had prayed to Baba that I would submit experience if it was not Covid, so submitting the experience. Thanks a lot, Baba and please forgive me for submitting it late. 

Baba helped me in my work. Thank You so much Baba for everything.

Om Sai Namo Namah
Sri Sai Namo Namah
Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah
Sadguru Sai Namo Namah

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Hi to all Sai devotees. First I would like to thank Hetalji and her team for maintaining such a wonderful blog where we can share our experiences. My day starts with this blog every day. 

I am living in the USA with my husband and two kids. My dog had swelling in his eyes. I was very scared. I prayed to Sai that nothing serious should come in his report. Baba listened to my prayer and his report came out good. It was only an eye infection.

Tomorrow my son is taking the SAT test for the second time. The first time he got a good score but not a perfect score. Baba, please help him again so that he can get a perfect score. Baba, please help my daughter get a job. Her many friends got jobs but she didn’t get any job offers. She is so depressed and sad. Baba, I will share my experience again when my daughter will get a good job in her field. Baba, keep everyone happy and healthy. Forgive us if we do any wrong deeds and always bless all Your devotees. Om Sai Ram!

Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram. Thank You to the team for maintaining this blog. 

I was praying to Baba for a situation and told them that I would share the experience if it was ok and yes Baba helped me. Thank You, Sai Baba. 

I was also having pain last night and trouble sleeping. I prayed to Baba that the pain should go and I should sleep well and yes Baba helped me. Baba thank You is a small word. I know I am not at all deserving of Your love but You always help me. Please help me with the other thing that I am praying for. Thank You so much, Baba. 

Om Sai Ram. 

ShirdiChe Sai Baba Book

A book that can be considered next to Sri Sai Satcharitra is available for reading on our blog, kindly do not miss reading it.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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  1. Om Sai Ram. Thank you baba you are ray of hope we have. Please fill us with positive thoughts and bless us so that we remember you with every intake of breath..

  2. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Baba!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all