Sai Baba Always Listens

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: This experience is by my husband who is an ardent devotee. I want to remain anonymous.
I am an ordinary and humble devotee of Baba from the US and would prefer to remain anonymous. Since the day in 2015, my wife and I really came to know Sai Baba when we got a picture of Baba quite miraculously in our possession. Our life has completely changed and we have been experiencing Baba’s grace and His miracles in every walk of our life. We all know Baba pulls His devotees from thousands of miles away with a string attached to their feet like a sparrow. The same is the experience of our family when we were drawn to Baba not when we grew up in India and were close to Him physically but when we were thousands of miles away in the US. After knowing Baba, we got involved in all the activities like visiting His temple here in the US as well as His main temple in Shirdi during our every India visit since then, doing the Nitya Parayana, doing the Global MahaParayan from its inception, doing Saptah Parayan several times, doing Nav Guruvar Vrat a few times, chanting Stavan Manjari every Monday, and recently starting the Panch Guruvar Vrat since last Thursday. I can’t say how much our life has changed for the better; financially and spiritually after being close to Sai Maharaj and surrendering to Him completely. Most importantly, the bliss we have been experiencing since knowing Baba is indescribable. Nothing bothers us now and we do not feel disturbed, restless or unhappy however difficult the situation might be. Now I am going to narrate not one incident where we have received Baba’s grace but how during the course of the last two years, Baba has profoundly changed our lives for the better.
Our minds had become calm and peaceful since taking Baba’s saran in 2015 but since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, in the last two years, our lives have taken a 360-degree turn. Despite the best of our efforts, we were not able to come out of the debt because of my huge student loan to pursue a higher degree in the US and other expenses that had accumulated during the course of time. We were not seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and were thinking that this situation will continue for at least another 10/15 years. We could not own the house we were renting for several years and my start-up company was not doing that great. But since March of 2020, our fortune started changing slowly but surely by Baba’s grace and the realization only dawned upon us at the beginning of 2022. Both our children, who were always brilliant academically but had some element of uncertainty till 2020, now have a very clear and settled career path. We now own the house and except for the home mortgage, all our other debts have been fully paid off. My company is doing very well and, by Baba’s grace, is poised to go to the next level. We have got possession of an immovable property in India which we purchased 24 years back but were not able to own due to a dispute over the ownership rights. And lastly, totally unexpectedly, we inherited ancestral movable and immovable property in India this year which is of considerable value. Baba changed the fortune of our struggling family just like He did as described in several chapters of the Shri Sai Satcharitra. I never thought what I read in the book would actually happen in our life so miraculously!
We have felt how important it is to have unflinching faith in the two dictums of Baba viz., “Shradha” and “Saburi”. From the very beginning, we were doing all our duties and also doing all the activities of Baba as mentioned above but always praying to Him to get us out of this financially difficult situation and also show us the right path. Although we were not seeing any immediate tangible solution to our problems, we kept doing everything calmly with patience and perseverance and had complete faith in Baba. We knew that we would one day come out of it with His grace once the sufferings due to our past bad Karmas were over but never thought that it would come so soon and so miraculously. We know for sure that our ever merciful and kind Baba takes care of His devotees and the welfare of each devotee is always in His heart but we have to wait for our appointed time to get His grace. He always keeps testing His devotees for Shraddha and Saburi and when the devotee surrenders completely to Him and lets Him manage his life, He takes all care of him. Dear fellow devotees, we have narrated our own instance here where we have received the blessings of Baba so that you will be inspired in your devotion to Him. This will give you hope and assurance. Please surrender yourself completely to Him. Please remember all the time that if you have unflinching love and devotion for Baba, He will get you out of not only any difficult situation you are currently undergoing but from all the miseries of this mundane existence.
Dear devotees, we would like to mention here that I have been reading chapter 15 of the Sai Satcharitra every day for the last 5/6 years and I will urge you to read it daily and believe in the last sentence – ‘He who respectfully reads this Chapter or studies it daily will get all his miseries removed by the grace of the Sadguru Sai Baba.’ My family is a living example of this dictum.
My humble obeisance at the lotus feet of Sai Maharaj. I know Baba is doing everything for the betterment of me and my family but I will pray to Him to give to my daughter, who is herself a staunch devotee of Baba, what she covets in her life and for which she is making all the efforts within her means. As we all know, Baba will give us what we want but for that, we have to put in all the efforts and then leave it in the hands of Baba to fulfill our wishes. I must stop here.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai. Anantakoti Brahmanda Nayak Rajadhiraj Jogiraj Parambrahma Shri Sachidananda Sadguru Sainath Mahataj Ki Jai!
Sai Baba Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a small devotee of Baba, currently staying in the USA.
Thank you team for the divine work of maintaining this beautiful platform for all Sai’s devotees. My day starts and ends with Baba’s name and prayer. When I am happy or sad I call out to Baba to share my feelings. Baba is the One Whom I have on this foreign land to take care of me and my daughter. When my parents are not well I ask Baba to be with them and help them with everything as I am staying far away from them. Thank You is a very small word to express our love and gratitude to our Baba.
Coming to my recent experience, today after dropping my daughter to her dance class in the morning, I went directly to fill the gas in my car and get the wash done. I remember paying at both places using the same card and keeping it on the dashboard. I usually get the car vacuum done after washing and did the same today. After cleaning my car, I tried to search for my card to keep it back in my bag but I did not find it. I searched everywhere in the car, below the seat, inside the storage spaces but with no luck. I was confused thinking about where I kept my card as I remembered keeping it on the dash but was not finding it then. I came home and searched in my bag but I still didn’t get it. After some time, I had to go again to pick up my daughter from her class and I was waiting outside for her class to get over. Then I started to search again in the car. Then I prayed to Baba to help me find the card. If not then I needed to block it immediately. Then a thought came to my mind that after the vacuum, I used wipes to clean the dash and threw those wipes in the trash bag of my car near the rear seats. I realized that I might have thrown the card along with those wipes in the trash bag. Then I searched the trash bag and I found my card in it. I was so happy to see my card. If not then I would have cleared my trash after reaching home and would have lost my card. Be it a small or a big issue, Baba always comes for His devotees’ help when called with full faith. Baba, bless all devotees with peace and good health. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram!
Sai Baba Found Me When All Hope Was Lost

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: I was in true hell for the past 10 years. Then Baba found me and took me into His loving lap.
The past 10 years of my life had been utter hell. I have lost those closest to me, got kicked out of school, failed anything I embarked and was mentally tortured by myself. I was never a Baba lover but over the past year, He brought me close. At a time when I wanted to give up, He brought me to Him and guided me with His sweet embrace. I was able to pick myself up even after multiple failures and gain the strength to try again and again. After 10 long years, I can finally say, with the grace of Baba, I will be a doctor – a practicing doctor. But more importantly, He showed me that He had forgiven me for my past mistakes and was willing to give me my miracle. Baba is the soul that I had lost. He will always be with me and my love for Him has grown exponentially and grows every second. Shraddha and Saburi are the best lessons for any avenue of your life. Sri Sachidananda Satguru Sainatha Maharaja Ki Jai!
Son Slept With Sai Baba’s Grace

Shirdi Sai Devotee Ravi from India says: I am one dust under Sai’s holy feet. Thanks, Hetalji and team for the noble work.
I am a migraine survivor. Around midnight my son who is three years old was suffering from a severe cough. He was unable to sleep and I too was unable to sleep and I was unable to take care of him because of migraine. I prayed to Sai Thandri to make him sleep. Then within quite some time, he was able to sleep and I too went into a deep sleep.
I surrender under Your lotus feet. Thanks, Sai Thandri/Guru/God for Your blessings. Sai Thandri, my family, is undergoing a lot of issues. Out of five members, four members are undergoing health issues. Please cure all the issues. Sai Thandri, make us recover from all health issues. I can’t see any one of us undergoing health issues; mainly my son since he is small and can’t express what he is going through. I pray to You to remove corona from the world and make corona free. Sarve Sukhino Bhavanthu Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.
Shri Sachidanda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Ananthakoti brahmanada nayaka rajadi raja yogi raja parabrahma sri sachidanda sadguru sainath maharaj ki jai. Shree Dattatreyaya Guruve Namah, Shree Pada Vallabaya Namah, Shri Nrusimha Narasimha Saraswte Namah, Sri Akkalakota Maharaj Namah, Sri Shirdi Sai Bhagawan.
Experience With Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Devotee Maheswara from India says: I am Maheswara from Hyderabad working in the IT field.
Coming to my experience. I learned car driving and I purchased a new car as well. If I want to drive I am a bit nervous. So yesterday I wanted to meet an advocate for my personal issue. So for that purpose, I wanted to use my car. So I prayed to Baba that if everything goes well then I would post in this portal. So with the Baba’s blessing all went well.
Om Sairam.
Baba Please resolve the below ones.
1. To sell my flat for 50-53 lakhs.
2. Without going to court, resolve my personal issues.
Anantha Koti Brahmada Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sachidananda Sadguru Sainadah Maharaj Ki Jai!
Sai Baba Kripa

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Haryana.
Om Sai Ram! My son caught a cold. I gave medicines but it was of no use. Then Sai Baba helped and he is fine.
Then he got diarrhea. His condition was so bad but again I prayed to Sai and he is fine now. He is having his food with Baba’s blessings.
With Baba’s blessings, I got my periods in time. I hope my problem will be solved. Again I will share my experience. Om Sai Ram!
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram,
MY humble prayers for good health of my age old parents, wife who is 7 months pregnant , good health of baby in the womb, better studies & good health of my 8 1/2 years old son, god health of my brother’s and their families and of all my friends.
Baba please look into my health, wealth and prosperity of my life. Please relive me from unwanted worries and tensions. Please do not delay as human all nonsense thinking gets in out head.
Please bless the boy who is complaining of chest pain, I am sure with the udi i rubbed in his chest should do the work.