Restarted Career With Sai Baba’s Blessings

An anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba. I had quit my software job in 2020 to look after my daughter who was in the first standard and there was no daycare in school. I thought it was a full stop to my career as I already had a career break of three years for maternity and I never knew I could restart my career. But Baba had His own plans for me. Miraculously, He arranged a job to restart my career. After working for around three years I took the decision of resigning, as it had become a daily battle.
After around one and half years, He gave me another chance for my career. This was the greatest miracle that happened in my life. I take it as nothing but a blessing. Thankful to You Baba for giving me another chance which I did not even think was possible. Please help me in doing well in this job as it is completely new to me. Baba, thanks for being with me in completing my tasks on time, and please help in all my future work as well. With this new job, I am always in tension. Baba, I believe it was You Who gave me this opportunity and it was You Who made me accept this offer when I was in doubt. Please hold my hand, and show me a way to complete all my work. You know everything. You know how I am struggling and how I am worried these days.
Baba, based on Your suggestion, we are going to shift to another house nearby my office which is costlier than the one which we are staying in now. We have to change my daughter’s school which will be a huge change for the little one, especially after two years of online classes. Baba, You know everything that is running through my head. In spite of knowing that my job is Your blessing and according to Your suggestion only we are shifting also, I am so much worried about this change. I am very sorry for that.
I pity myself that I am not going to be strong enough. I have so many worries in my mind like how my daughter would get adjusted to a new school and with the transport, a continuation of her dance classes and the biggest is just because of my job we are going to have all these sudden changes in life and so what if I cannot survive in this job? You know that this is a contract position and I am not sure if my parent company would ask me to shift to another client. Baba, please give me confidence that I can continue in this job. Please help me in my work so that I can have a long career with this client itself. Baba, please make me tension free and give me enough strength to handle this new step. Om Sri Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva. Om Sairam. Thank You for this opportunity to share my experience here. Please be with us always, Baba.
Sai Global Mahaparayan Blessing

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am extremely fortunate to have found Baba when everything around was not working out for me.
I am part of the Global Mahaparayan group and feel so blessed to have discovered various ways to connect with Baba like the devotees’ experiences that I read before going to bed, daily two chapters of the Satcharitra along with a Kasht Nivaran mantra, and the two chapters assigned by the Global Mahaparayan group. All these ways of connecting with Him make me feel empowered when I am stressed as I know that He will come to my rescue when I call out to Him.
I have had various experiences which I have shared via this website and will continue doing so that all His devotees can reaffirm their faith in Him, as He definitely listens. I am sorry for posting one experience late when I had promised that I would post immediately if it was resolved. Baba had come to my rescue and ironed out the issue on that day straight away after I called out to Him saying that I would post here. As I had been lazy and forgot to post it here, today there was another incident where my hubby was really upset\and very disturbed for many hours. I prayed to my Baba to calm him and promised to post here and asked for forgiveness for not posting the previous incident. Ultimately Baba heard my prayers and the situation became better. Dear Baba, please help me in my relationships, and forgive me for whatever wrong I have done. Each day of negativity and unpleasant behavior is becoming very hard to handle. Please show me the right path and help me to rectify the situation. Jai Sai Ram!
Thanks To Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Devotee Uma Kandpal from India says: My name is Uma from Gurgaon. Sai Baba, As I promised to You, I am submitting my experience here as You cured my daughter.
My daughter was having a very high fever of 103f, then a round of cough and cold, and then vomiting. She also missed her first couple of days of school for which everyone was so excited but due to her illness, she could not go. When she did not recover even after 1 week, I lost my patience and called You Baba. You were right there to shower Your blessings and cure my daughter. Thank You so much, Baba.
Please also relieve her from this constant constipation; she is just 3 years old. Please give all her problems to me. Thank You Baba for taking care of my daughter and my family. Thank You in tons.
Also thank You for helping me to get married to Nikhil.
I need one more help and that is to start my earnings again. You know very well how much I need to earn. I am waiting for Your blessing as I know it’s on the way.
Thank You in advance.
Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. Please keep my details anonymous. Thanks to the team for providing this platform.
On Sunday, April 17, 2022, I posted some tax documents in the mailbox of a post office. After coming home, I realized that I messed up with the forms. I just left everything to Sai and thought if it was meant to be handled then it would be. I would do all that I could from my side while praying to Baba.
Since Sunday was a holiday, and the collection time is 8 am on Monday, I decided to check if I could get my envelope back so that I could correct my mistake. I went to the post office around 8 am and waited for the official to collect the mail from the mailbox and approached him with my request. To my surprise, he let me look at the collected mail and extract my envelope from a whole pile of letters. He was really patient and willing to help. I felt like Sai in His form was making this whole ordeal smooth and easy for me. Om Sai Ram, thanks for this wonderful blessing.
Sai Baba Curing Slowly Sister’s Illness

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba, I put my prayers onto the lotus feet of Baba.
My sister is mentally disturbed and depressed, so her behavior is abnormal. Now after praying to Baba, she is slowly recovering which we can see.
Please bless her Baba, also my mom, brother, my two kids, and my husband. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanan Deva. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva.
Victory Comes To Those Who Pray

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you Hetalji for maintaining this blog where we all can share the Sai leelas.
Sai with Your blessings I was able to pass my professional development examination. Please show me the path in my career. There are two ways that are opening up and I am confused. Please guide me and make me excel in it. Om Sairam.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect my parents saima,we are at verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri saijai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai
Thank you baba, please fill up the vacuum in my life and do pray for peace and happiness.
om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om saom sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai
Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect and safeguard my husband and children. Baba shower them with good health, faith, devotion, knowledge, prosperity, wisdom, courage and please do pull their faith towards you. Baba I dont know whats with my husbands health that a few issues have shown up. I am restless and not at peace. Please hold our hands and help us pass this crisis with your blessings. We have an upcoming travel too. I dont know whats up in store with us but I count on you Baba to handle everything. Its an unknown place and I would not really be able to handle any new health issues. Please Baba safeguard us and resolve all the health issues immediately so that we can travel safely with your grace. Baba please grant us all peace of mind and a happy atmosphere always. Please stay with me as my strength and ability Baba. I look forward to your grace of resolving all health issues of my husband Baba. I surrender to you. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏