Sai Baba’s Guidance In Daily Life

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Sai has been my daily dose of love, and courage that keeps my life going.
When life has become a riddle and hard to solve, Sai shows us the direction to lead and also teaches us through our life experiences. Thanks, Sai for being with us always and more so when needed.
Being impatient is human nature, Sai said, “Shraddha Saburi (Trust & Patience) then life will be meaningful and Glorious!” Two simple words, yet, very difficult to follow in life. When there is trust, patience always follows, says Baba. Seemingly, I lack both of them and hence, drenched in my life miseries. I should make myself aware that life can only be glorious when I walk on Your footsteps and then there is no worry but how do I achieve that goal without worrying? The only answer to all this is to surrender all my worries at Your feet and to start trusting and stop bothering You, Sai. Om Sai Ram!
Every time I have had difficulties in life and prayed to Baba that I will share my experience here, the problem got solved within minutes. This has been proven time and again. Many times it’s very trivial and at times illogical, but Baba has proved that this blog is a medium chosen by Baba for our life experiences to be shared and reach everyone who needs answers. I will try penning down some of these experiences.
When we were traveling from India back to the US, my son got very unhappy and upset that all his cousins were leaving him and not coming along. He started crying at the top of his lungs, at the airport and we were trying so much to pacify and calm him down but to no avail. I was almost teary and started chanting Baba’s name at the airport. All were only watching us and looking at what was going on with these people who can’t even control their children. Everyone at the airport was staring at us. It went on for almost 15 minutes but he was not stopping his loud crying at all. I kept continuing my NaamJapa and then, I requested Baba to please calm him down and that I would share my experience here. Yes, within minutes my son stopped crying. My husband was very happy to inform me that he said some story about our car in the US and he stopped crying but I was sure that it was Baba’s guidance that calmed our kid.
We could board our first flight on time and then we had a layover and check-in for another flight. Now, there came another hindrance, when we were about to check-in. That time my son puked right in front of the security officer at check-in. So, I had to rush him to the bathroom and clean him up and come back to the boarding. But there again, we were stopped by the airport authorities that since my child was sick, we couldn’t board this flight and had to go through all the formalities of getting him checked at the medical facility to be sure that he has no fever and Covid and only later we could board the next flight. In our 17 years of international travel experience, we never faced such a situation at the airport, usually, it’s a breeze to walk through and only some extra checking at a few airports. This took us back and we were in a deep state of mental agony that how everything would turn out. If health reports come back normal then we could fly, if not, then the authorities would put us all in a medical facility and quarantine in a country where we know nothing! I deeply prayed to Baba to help us out in this situation and make us reach back to the US. Finally, the doctor came in and gave us the report as normal and said that it was just some stomach upset due to flight food and should be fine to fly. We were relieved but the flight had already taken off and we had to stay at the airport hotel paying a high price and catch another flight. After a lot of hustle, we got a booking for the next flight in 24 hours. During this ordeal, Baba was the only guide and company to keep us safe and return to the US. Life throws a lot of problems but Baba is the only support and guide to sail through these life miseries. As Baba says, He is only the witness of all our lives Karmas, we have to sail through the hindrances but only Baba can guide but not stop them, He can get us out of these hindrances and help us sail through life. Baba has been my strong support system in life. When no one else is, Baba is always with you!
My dad also wanted to come to visit us in the US, but his trip got postponed because of his medical condition. He had to get eye surgery and tooth extraction and finally, he was traveling here. With all the hurdles we had during our flight journey, I was very worried about my dad’s safety and was praying to Baba to please make my dad’s journey safe and smooth without any incidents and that I would surely write down my experience here and invariably, Baba always helps and made his journey very pleasant and helped him reach the US safe and sound.
Once he came to the US, my dad has become very forgetful which he was never before my mom’s loss. Once he forgot where he left his spectacles and we searched everywhere. We trailed it back for the full-day activities and my hubby took him to the park and searched there at night then, they went to the strip mall and searched there as well but didn’t find them. So, finally, we thought that it was lost and should start making him new glasses here and get the prescription emailed from India. I just thought in my mind that it would be good if he found it somewhere inside our home as dad was feeling very bad for losing the glasses here in the US for his forgetfulness. I opened an experience on this blog and there the message was exactly of finding something lost which gave me hope that he will definitely find it at home. As I saw the message, there my dad said, “I found it, it’s here in the closet.” For Baba, it doesn’t matter if it’s trivial or not, He always helps if we are in distress.
We are infinitely indebted to all the love and support of our Guru Baba. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva!
Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidmahe, Satchidanandaaya Dheemahi, Tanno Sai Prachodayat!
Miraculous Visit To Shirdi And Pandharpur

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am Sai’s daughter, living in the USA for nearly 30 years.
My visits to India are rare and very short. In Nov of 2021, I visited India to bring my mom with me. At that time I wanted to visit Shirdi but due to other commitments, it did not happen. So I was thinking that on my next trip, it would be great to visit Shirdi. I have also had the desire to visit Lord Pandurang at Pandharpur. I had been to Shirdi before but never to Pandharpur. It is not easy for someone visiting India for a few days and unfamiliar with how to get to these places and take darshan. Below is an account of how Sai fulfilled my desire.
In 2022, I had the possibility of visiting India for work. After searching through several weeks, we finally picked a week that worked for everyone and that turned out to be the week before Diwali. So I thought that after my work was done, I would spend a few days with my extended family and celebrate Diwali there before returning back to the US. I asked my mama and mami who lived in Pune if it would be possible to visit Shirdi. They were happy to take me there. So instead of going to Bombay as usual, this time I planned to head to Pune after my work was done and booked the tickets to return to the US three days after Diwali. The rest of the family also decided to come to Pune.
In the meantime, both of my mamas and mamis were planning a five days yatra from Pune to go to Maharashtra Jyotirlingas (Trimbakeshwar, Grishneshwar, Nagnath, and Parali Vaidyanath) right after Diwali. They asked me if I would like to go with them. That would mean I had to extend my return back to the US by another three days. I asked them whether they were planning to go to Pandharpur and they said that it was not on the itinerary. The group included 14 people, including members outside my family, so it was not something that they could change on their own. So I declined and said that I would return to the US after completing my work and the Shirdi trip and booked my tickets accordingly.
In the meantime, their plans miraculously changed and someone in the group decided that Pandharpur should be included in the already-packed itinerary. My family let me know about the inclusion of Pandharpur and informed me that one seat was available but I would have to let them know in a day. There were many things needing my attention here at work and at home. However, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go with a great group on a well-organized trip at a time when I already would be in India. I just needed to re-book my return. So I said yes, although with some trepidation. I was able to change my return tickets for no extra cost.
The trip turned out to be excellent. After completing my work in Bangalore, I went to Pune and immediately made a day trip to Shirdi the next day. We had a good darshan. After that celebrated Diwali with my extended family – uncles, aunts, and my cousin and his family had come my brother and his family happened to be visiting India at that time and they joined us as well. After Diwali, we started our Yatra to Maharashtra Jyotirlingas and Pandharpur. It was a great group of like-minded people. Although many of them were new to me, surprisingly many were in the same age group as me. I was able to spend time with my mamas and mamis and got to know the others as well. And we had an excellent darshan at all the places and were able to complete it all as planned. Saw the Abhishekam from close at Grishneshwar. The final stop was at Pandharpur where we were able to get through the long queue in one hour. We chanted Vishnu Sahasranaam while standing in the queue and before I knew it, we were inside the temple. Feel so blessed to have had an excellent darshan of Vitthal and Rakumabai. After that, I flew out through Bombay and had a safe and comfortable return home.
The odds of me being able to visit Shirdi and Pandharpur in one trip are very, very small. But when Sai decides to call you, He pulls the strings and makes it possible so easily. We just need to go with the flow. My sincere gratitude and Namaskarams to my Sai and Lord Pandurang for this divine blessing. Jai Sai Ram!
Sai Baba Always Listens

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I am Baba’s daughter from the USA. This happened a couple of days back. It was Baba’s test to strengthen our devotion and believe in His timing.
This Leela happened last Sunday. I have joined a graduate program here after many years. This is certainly not easy for me as I never went to undergrad here. I have a full-time job as well. I had an assignment that was due on Saturday night at 11. 59 pm. I started working on that on Thursday itself and wanted to get it done well before the due date and time. There was a portion of the quiz where if we cannot get 100% in three attempts then it gets locked and we need to request our instructor to open it for us. Unfortunately, the same thing happened to me on Friday afternoon. I sent an email and the professor’s auto-reply came that she was gone till Monday. I tried to send an email to another email. I waited the whole of Friday but didn’t hear back from anyone. Finally, I decided to send a text message to the professor after asking Baba through chits. I always ask Baba everything through chits. The professor promptly replied and opened the quiz for me. I was feeling bad as one of my other classmates had already turned in the work though he started late. To my utter bad luck, I failed both quizzes. I even asked Baba a doubt question and Baba answered correctly. After I failed the quizzes on Saturday, I hesitated to reach out to the professor who was traveling and was on vacation. I was very tense. My husband asked Baba through chits and Baba assured me that I would pass the exam. Still, my human mind was feeling tense and bad. This Module was a requirement to pass this class. I had so many things running in my mind that the program director would have a meeting with me or kick me out of this program and all. Still, at night I tried to calm myself and worked on another assignment that was due on Sunday.
I woke up worried in the morning but still had faith in Baba. Went to the gym for a workout after a shower and came home. Read my daily parayana chapter and then sent a message to the professor. And lo, I got a very nice, kind and supportive message from her. It was as if Baba answered it Himself. My professor said that she was willing to give me two more chances and if I don’t pass then she would work with me to solve the quizzes through a zoom meeting. I had not expected such a message. She asked me not to worry at all. Needlessly to say I passed the quiz on the last attempt. I didn’t need her help. I studied hard for the next module and passed all the quizzes and got my certificate by evening time. This Leela taught me to know that Baba is very much alive; He tests us to increase our faith and patience and believe in His timing and words. Jai Sai Ma. Nobody loves us more than You. Jai Jai Sai. Baba, I am writing and posting this as promised on this holy website. Please bless all Your children. Please help me practice all Your teachings. Love You, Baba.
Sai Baba Helped In Every Situation

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Bhoomi from India says: Hello, I have been a Sai devotee for the last 4-5 years. I have so many experiences with Sai Baba. Some of them are shared before and some I am sharing in this post.
- Once, I was going to driving school and I hadn’t checked whether there was fuel in the vehicle or not. It was winter and in the evening time, I came to know that there was very little petrol and I might not be able to reach home during the return. I came to know that there were no petrol pumps nearby up to 5-6 km away. I was tense as there was no one at home to help me. I prayed to Sai Baba that if I reached the petrol pump without any problem then I would share this experience and our holy Sai Baba helped me.
- I had pooja at my home and we invited guests for it. I was so tense with my period that if I got my period on that date then all the arrangements would get canceled. l prayed Baba to please make my period come a week earlier. You know what, on the next day of my prayer I got my period and I happily did pooja. Thank You so much, Sainath.
- I got a knee injury while driving a two-wheeler. I had surgery on my knee for meniscus repair. I was so tense that at the age of 30, I had a knee problem. I was tensed that I will have knee pain again in the future. I prayed to Baba and got an answer from the question-answer site that I should go with surgery. After successful surgery, I prayed to Baba, “Baba, if I can drive a car and reach Your temple and climb the staircase after surgery then I will post the experience on this site”. The same happened to me. I drove my car to the temple and also climbed up the staircase. Thank You, Sainath. Om Sainath.
- After getting proper recovery from surgery, I did Sai Divya pooja for getting a job in an MNC where I have less workload so that I can manage both – my family and work. After completing Divya pooja, I got a job in MNC and also, got a decent package. I hope Sai also will help me to manage both – work and family life.
- I prayed for many years to Sainath to call me to Shirdi. Finally, that day came. Sai Baba called me to Shirdi before the Diwali holidays and we got darshan without much waiting in the queue.
Thank You, Sainath.
Sai is always there to help me. Sai, be with me always like You have been before. Sai, please spread peace and happiness in the world. Om Sainath.
Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajashiraj Yogiraj Prabrahma Shri Satchidanandasadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jay.
Sai Baba Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Bengaluru.
Om Sairam!
I wanted to share an experience regarding an email sent to the wrong person. I was supposed to send an email to my team asking for some data to be shared with the client after a thorough review. But by mistake, I included the client also in the e-mail CC and sent it. I later realized it and tried to recall the email but the client was on leave and didn’t get any notification on whether the mail recall was successful or not and was afraid that if some team members do reply then will it cause any issues? I immediately prayed to Baba to please save me from this situation. The client was back around 10 days ago from vacation and so far I didn’t receive any mail/reply on that. Thanks a lot, Baba for saving me from this situation. Om Sairam. Please eradicate this coronavirus from this Universe. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva!
Promise To Submit Experience

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. This is my second experience. Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful Sai Satcharitra. I try my level best to read the experiences every day. It gives me a lot of motivation and positivity in the midst of a crisis.
Coming to my experience, my driver was not feeling well, I got shaken up and was suspecting covid. I prayed to Baba for help and promised to post here if the result was found negative. With Baba’s blessings, the result came out negative.
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba cure my mother’s cough and lungs cure my father too We are at the verge please herlp baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai.
Baba help me to get out of this confusion with regards to job change. I applied to different companies and the job I am really interested has not responded. Baba please bless me to get this job. I need the job change as present company is playing with me by not giving me day shift plus promotions after working for last 3 years of night shifts. Baba I want to continue here if i get promotion and little raise in salary as well. Please bless me.
Love you Deva!
Jai Sai Samarth!
Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba shower their lives with a long healthy life, filled with happiness, laughter, joy, peace, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, courage and prosperity. Baba thank you for being there with me throughout the journey. Please be my strength always. Continue to hold my hands Baba and do good to others. baba please please take care of my husband and children. Hold their hands and bring out the best in them to keep them happy and content always. Please help us get prestigious projects this year too and also complete the construction on time. I rely on you for the timely completion. Help my elder with the right opportunity. Its important he gets the right opportunity and I leave it to you baba. Please help and be with my younger too. Baba I entrust the care of my family through and with you. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏
Sai Ram to dear Sri Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing Sri Sai’s wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us.
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