Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3354

Sai Baba Always Helps And Protects Us

Sai Baba Always Helps And Protects Us

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all. Thank you, Hetalji and team for providing us this platform, to read and share Baba’s leelas. You are blessed souls whom Baba has selected for spreading love and happiness in this world. The experiences teach us to follow the path shown by Baba – Practice Shraddha and Saburi that gives strength and support to overcome our problems and attain peace and happiness. This is my fifth experience. Baba, please forgive me for the delay in sharing my experience. My daughter doing medicine stays in the college hostel with an intern as her roommate. Due to the pandemic, she had returned home but the interns stayed back in the hostel as they had been posted for Covid duty. During this summer, a whitewash was going on in the hostel. My daughter’s roommate was busy in the Covid ward throughout the day, so she asked my daughter to return to the hostel and get the whitewash done for their room. My daughter was not willing to return to the hostel as Covid was at its peak in the city, but wanted to stay at home as I was suffering from the infection. 

We asked Baba for help. By Baba’s grace, the hostel warden permitted my daughter to get the whitewash done after a few days when she returned to the hostel to appear for her final examinations in June. Also, the roommate got posted in another department. Later, the hostel management allowed classmates to be room partners, which brought great relief to us. 

As the final examination was in offline mode during June 2021, the college had asked students to do the Covid test 3 days prior to the exam. Though my daughter had been vaccinated with two doses, feared going for the Covid test because if tested positive, she wouldn’t be allowed to appear for the exams. I prayed to Baba to help her come out without fear. By Baba’s grace, my daughter tested negative and also passed the exam with flying colors. She stood second from her college and got elected as class representative for the third year with Baba’s blessings. 

After exams when the Covid cases had come down in July, her group wanted to go nearby for a day picnic. I asked for Baba’s permission and requested Baba to take care of the children. Later in the evening, when my daughter called me, she informed me that the car which they had hired for travel had Baba’s idol. Such caring is our Sai. He is always with you, when you ask for help, He also protects you. Love You, Baba. 

With Baba’s blessings, my husband and I got fully recovered from the Corona infection in May 2021. However, after a few days, I experienced a toothache and swelling in my left cheek. I got tense and panicked fearing the prevalent infection of black fungus. But Sai says, ‘Why Fear When I Am Here?’ Cast all your burdens on Sai and He will show you the way. Sai’s Udi cured my toothache. A few days later the tooth cap came out, Sai helped to get it fixed too from the dentist without spending any money. 

Once, my son was selected for an online school assembly. I was wondering how it would be as sometimes we had network problems. With Sai’s grace, there was no network issue that day, and my son could easily join the assembly and present his role. Baba, it was Your blessings that helped us to celebrate the Ganesh festival happily and peacefully with my family and also my daughter and son’s birthday which coincided with Ganesh Chaturthi this year. 

Baba, kindly blesses us to enjoy the festival peacefully every year and spread happiness and positivity. Sai also cured my sister’s son aged 8, from dengue. Sai won’t leave us alone; He is always with us and helps us in every situation. Sai please eradicate Corona from the world soon. Sai, bless us to do good deeds, help others and make this world a wonderful place to live. Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva. Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidmahe, Sachchidaanandaya Dhimahee, Tanno Sai Prachodayat. 

Sai Baba Blessed Devotee With A Job 

Sai Baba Blessed Devotee With A Job

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam everyone. I am Sai Baba’s lovely daughter. 

To say Baba is my Oxygen without which I could never live. Baba has blessed me so much with everything. I am so grateful to Baba for all His blessings. Thank You Baba for each and every blessing in my life. Thank You word also would be small for everything that You have done for me. My heartfelt gratitude to Hetal didi for building this lovely site “Saiyug Network” and making us connected. Thank you, Didi.

Coming to my experience, after my graduation I had been focussed on Government job exams. But it’s been almost 3 years and I am still waiting with all my faith and patience to achieve my dream job because Baba has His own “Perfect Timings” which is never early nor late. But waiting with all faith and patience needs lots of love and devotion towards Baba because having that unshakable faith and waiting with unending patience towards Baba needs Baba’s grace. With His grace, I am waiting with unshakable faith and unending patience for His perfect timings so that Baba blesses me with my dream job. 

But as it had been years, and I was still not working, I felt I should be independent and support my family financially because the Pandemic hit has changed a lot and being independent was something I had to be. So I thought at least I should start working till I get my dream job as nowadays most of the job is work from home. Thinking in that way, I started my search for jobs. But it was not easy as neither am I a fresher nor I have work experience because from the day I had completed my graduation I had focussed on that one dream job.

I am an Electrical Engineer, so the max of job openings had asked for a minimum work experience of 2- 4 years. But Baba had His own ways of showing His miracles. One of my cousins told me that her company had openings for freshers and asked me to give it a try as I have good communication skills etc. This job role was not related nor was it for engineers, but I wanted to give it my try. So taking that opportunity I tried. I had one phone call interview, and 4 online interviews. Every interview was done one after the other with a day gap. And to say with the grace of Baba my first interview was on the last week’s Thursday and after getting selected or shortlisted in each interview, this Tuesday I got happy news from the company saying “I am selected for the Job” that too with so much competition, which was not a role for an engineer, which is work from home, no agreement and had a good decent salary package, and not only that even though it’s been three years completing my engineering, I was a fresher as I was focussed on a dream government job. Having all these complications, I was blessed with this job and this is truly Baba’s miracle and His grace on me. This whole process happened in just five to six days and I even got an offer letter and signed it too. Now from this coming Monday, I have to join the company and work from home. All thanks to Baba for His blessings.

A prayer to Baba will surely get fulfilled. Some get fulfilled immediately, for some it takes little time and some it takes a lot of time because prayers to Baba won’t get fulfilled at our timings but it gets fulfilled at Sai’s timings because Baba’s timings are always perfect. All we need is unshakable faith, unending patience, unconditional love, and devotion to Baba. I am sure very soon Baba will bless me with my dream government job and I will surely share that wonderful experience with you all soon because that experience would be filled with Baba’s leelas and His unique ways. I hope Baba makes me write about that experience here as soon as possible. Thank you all for reading about this experience. Thank you Baba Sai for everything. Om Sai Ram. 

Sai Baba Blessed Devotee With A Job In Pandemic

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ganesh. Thank you Hetal mam and team for this beautiful work. My post is about Sai Baba’s Kripa as how He blessed me with a job in this pandemic period

Today, 08th October 2021, I am writing about this miracle of our dearest Baba. Yesterday when I reached home at around 7.15 PM, my parents were looking sad. When I asked them what happened, I came to know that our 7-month-old small dog had been missing since 5.30 PM. 

My mom and dad looked everywhere in nearby areas for dogs but weren’t able to find them.
First, when I came to know this, I prayed to our dearest Baba and tried to search again but without any success. Then I took a bath and sat in front of Baba in our Puja Room and prayed to Him wholeheartedly to get our dog back and also promised Him to write about this experience immediately here. 

My brother also tried for almost one hour to find the dog but couldn’t find it. We all were sad, as we are heartily attached to our dog. We were missing her badly, not even able to think of anything else. People who have a dog at home can understand this. 

I was continuously talking to Baba and finally left everything on Him. How can our loving father see us sad? At exactly 11.00 PM the dog returned back home. 

Thank You, my dearest Baba. I don’t have enough words to express gratitude for this favor. Please always take care of all our pets. Also, I’m praying for my grandmother’s health. She should be healthy and safely return back home from the hospital. I promise I’ll share that Leela also on this holy site.

Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidmahe
Sachidananda Dhimahi
Tanno Sai Prachodayat

Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Fulfilled Devotee’s Wish

Sai Baba Fulfilled Devotee’s Wish

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram devotees. Today I again came up with one more experience of our beloved Baba. Jay Shree Sai.

We have been trying for a loan sanction for around two years but could not make it. With Baba’s blessing a few days back the loan got sanctioned. Though not the expected money we were looking for, I am happy with it and feel so blessed. 

I had kept one vow that if the loan would be approved and house construction work would start then I would do 5 days of Sai Divya Puja. With Sai Maa’s grace, the money got arranged and the pending house construction work is going on. Today I completed 5 days of puja with Baba’s blessings. As I could not go out and buy books for distribution, I am sharing link.

I have left everything on Baba’s feet. He is driving our life. He will surely complete our house construction and make everything alright. After all Baba’s two words faith and perseverance always give fruitful results. 

One prayer I have Baba, keep showering Your blessing like this on all Your children. Om Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay. Jay Ho Shree Sai. 

Sai Baba Is Life 

Sai Baba Is Life

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai. Thank you Hetalji for this wonderful platform. 

No words to express Sai Appa’s leelas. He is my life. He takes care of me. Each and every day I am experiencing His miracle. Due to His blessings, my daughter had joined the MBBS course and had completed it successfully. She had joined CRR also, all these happened on Thursday. Thank You, Appa for everything. 

You know what is running in my mind, please fulfill that wish also. Please save me, my family, Your children, and the whole world. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai. 

Sai Baba Comes To The Rescue Again

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I was supposed to send a document and my design. I ended up sending a document that contained extremely sensitive info. I was sure that my job was at stake and my wife started to pray to the great Sai. 

The next morning, I just sent an email to my boss revealing the problem and that I take full responsibility. The issue ended up as a nonissue, much to my relief. The Great One blessed us again. Thank You, Sai.

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 754


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba protect him baba cure us sai we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram, Baba please remove my laziness as I am unable to do exercise and ended up gaining weight and belly fat. Please motivate and encourage me.

    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram

  3. OM SAI RAM…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba grant them a life with very good health, peace, joy, laughter, happiness , prosperity , wisdom and infinite faith and devotion in you the Almighty. Baba, please extend your best support to my little family, please protect us from all evil and keep us safe and sound. We have a huge responsibility and without your blessings our home and work cannot be managed. Please be with us at all times. Help my children complete their education without any hindrance and get placed in good employment. Help my husband manage his work and people. Baba let him be kind to me and help me please him in all ways at home and work , I want to do outstanding work that can make him proud of my accomplishments. Baba help me do my daily chores and work to the utmost satisfaction of the family and I dont want to hurt anyone. Help me stay composed and obedient to the elders in the family. Help me choose the right path always and do some difference to make everyone proud of me. Baba all this is possible only and only with your grace and blessings. I start the day with your blessings baba. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  4. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all