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How Sai Baba Helped A Family Buy Their Dream Home

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: Baba has always shown His presence and been with me and my family at all points in our life
I am grateful to have this platform to share my story. Sai Baba has always been with me and my family, guiding and supporting us at every step of our lives. Losing my father last year was a significant blow, and it left me with many unanswered questions. Despite Baba’s blessings, which eased our financial burdens, I was struggling with various pending tasks that I didn’t know how to accomplish. Some of these tasks are still pending to this day. One of the most pressing matters was buying a home to comply with capital gains regulations. However, since we didn’t have much assistance in my hometown, we didn’t know how to proceed. Baba gave us signs that the work would be completed at the right time and place, but my faith was fleeting, and I spent sleepless nights worrying for over a year.
Luckily, with Baba’s grace, my husband’s contact helped us find the perfect home. Although I wanted a new home, we were open to a used one due to time constraints. However, to my surprise, within a few days, this person found us a new flat in a desirable location. Everything happened quickly, and we were able to finalize the registration and complete other necessary arrangements. Throughout the process, I prayed to Baba for assistance and good people to surround us, and Baba made sure that everything fell into place. I am grateful for Baba’s blessings and the good contacts who helped us before and after the registration process.
Prior to leaving for my hometown, I fell ill with excruciating stomach pain. Despite undergoing ultrasound and CT scans, the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong. I prayed to Baba that my travels would not be affected, and Baba ensured that I didn’t suffer any stomach issues during the trip. This was a miracle in itself, and I am planning to write about this experience separately, with Baba’s grace. Baba also called us to Shirdi, and we had a blessed darshan. Visiting Shirdi for the first time after losing my father renewed my faith in Baba, and I felt reassured that He is there to look after us.
This home is essential to us, and we achieved it only with Baba’s grace. I pray that Baba blesses us with wisdom regarding this home and fulfills our other desires, which have been on our minds for a long time. I love owning homes, and I pray that Baba helps us achieve our numerous dreams and sustain ourselves by being financially stable. I pray for my family’s health, wealth, prosperity, stable jobs, homes, children, my sister’s marriage, and my mother’s presence in our lives forever. Baba, thank You for everything.
Gratitude Towards Sai Baba For His Help In Difficult Situations

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. I am grateful to Sai Baba for His help the other day when I found myself in a difficult situation. I prayed to Baba, asking Him to ensure that the situation did not cause any trouble, and He took care of it. I want to share my experience to express my gratitude toward Baba.
I must admit that the situation was my fault, but I didn’t want it to cause any trouble that night or the next day. Baba, I apologize for creating the situation and I promise not to repeat it. Thank You for resolving it.
Baba, I would also like to express my gratitude for Your help in resolving a work-related issue this morning. Please guide me so that I don’t make the same mistake again. I ask for Your continued help in resolving this issue.
Thank You, Sai Baba, for always helping me even when I don’t deserve it. I pray that we can come to the temple this week. Baba, I feel blessed to be Your child.
Pada Sree Vallabaya Namah, Om Shree Nrusimha Saraswate Namah, Om Shree Akkalakota Maharajaya Namah, and Om Shree Sainathaya Namah.
Miraculous Blessings Of Sai Baba On Children’s Health

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram
Experience 1: I am grateful to You for taking care of my daughter. Thanks to Your blessings, her constipation problem has reduced, and her feet are also improving. However, I request You guide her to listen to us and come out of her habit of crying over small issues. I trust in Your care for her, so please help her to stop biting her teeth in sleep, Thandri.
Experience 2: Thank You for helping my son recover from his illness. When he got a bad cold, his eyes turned red, and I was worried about his health. But with Your grace, his eyes cleared up within a few days, and he is doing fine now. I seek Your blessings to help him gain height and weight and overcome his eczema issues.
Experience 3: Baba, I am overjoyed to see my little girl achieving her milestones with Your blessings. She is sitting well, army crawling, and even has two tiny teeth now. Thank You for taking care of her health and guiding her development. I pray for Your continued care and blessings, Thandri.
Prayer: Baba, I seek Your divine intervention in my family’s life. Please bless my husband and me with a happy and healthy family life. I request Your motivation to complete my resume soon and start applying for small jobs. Om Sai Ram. 🙏
A Devotee’s Gratitude To Sai Thandri For Curing Severe Cold

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I suffered from a severe cold for over three weeks. In general, a cold typically lasts less than a week, but this time, it was more severe than any cold I have ever experienced before. Despite taking medicine prescribed by my doctor, it didn’t subside. I became fed up with using the medicine, as I had used many before. Then I made a promise to Sai Thandri that if my cold were to be cured in two days, I would submit my experience to this holy site. Within two days, I was cured. Thank You so much, Sai Thandri! I bow with all eight limbs under Your holy feet.
Sai Thandri, You know what I have been going through, and I have been praying for a long time. Please make me normal and help me lead a happy and prosperous life. “Sarve Jana sukino bavanthu, loka samastha sukino bavanthu.”
“Anathakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Shree Datta Treyaya Namah, Om Sree Pada Sree Vallabaya Namah, Om Shree Nrusimha Saraswate Namah, Om Shree Akkalakota Maharajaya Namah, and Om Shree Sainathaya Namah.”
Sai Baba’s Blessings Helped A Man Pass UK Driving Test

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from United Kingdom says: I am grateful to share a personal experience, which I consider a blessing from Sai Baba, as I had promised to Him. My husband has been trying to obtain a driving license in the UK. To do so, he needs to attend a theory test first. Despite his best efforts, he failed the test on three occasions. On the fourth attempt, he was not allowed to take the test as he arrived late by ten minutes. He was very frustrated and almost gave up on the idea of acquiring the license.
Today, he decided to give it another try, and with Baba’s grace, he successfully passed the test. I wholeheartedly thank Sai Baba, for without His favor, nothing can be achieved. Om Sai Ram. May He bless us all and forgive us for our sins, as our ever-loving Father.
Struggling For Success: A Mother’s Plea To Sai Baba For Her Son’s Academic Improvement

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Despite my son’s continued effort and hard work, he scored the least marks in his 11th class. He was sad, dejected, cried and felt ashamed to even attend class and face his classmates. His teachers scolded him, saying that he was not studying, but in reality, he worked hard to the best of his abilities. He is a sincere and good-natured child. I have been continuously praying to Sai Baba every single day, but there has been no improvement in his academics. It’s heartbreaking to see my fragile, kind-hearted child being subject to humiliation for no fault of his. Sai, I beg You to show mercy on my son and help his dream come true.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om sai Shri sai Jai Jai sai, om sai Shri sai Jai Jai sai, om sai Shri sai Jai Jai sai
Thank you baba for listening my prayers, yesterday I prayed about my daughter’s constipation and today I read your miracle about curing one kid. Thank you Sainath.
Baba much worried about nominations approval but I know with your grace everything will come positive and we will get 190 visa. Thank you in advance.
Baba please help me in fulfilling my one dream and wishes which I have been praying for last 4 years.
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram