Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3871

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Shirdi Sai Baba’s Long-Distance Healing

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from UK says: I am working in the UK by the grace of Baba.

Hi Sai Bandhus, sharing this recently blessed experience of mine with heartfelt gratitude. 

I am working in the UK, and my mother, father, and sister are living in Chennai. Two days ago, I received a call from my sister stating that my mom was admitted to a hospital due to severe stomach pain. I was so depressed to hear this, especially when they mentioned that a colonoscopy and some scans were required. My mother is aged, and she has already undergone many health issues. She is a strong devotee of Baba and visits Mylapore Sai temple whenever possible. I prayed to Baba to take care of my mom, having a strong belief that He would never leave His devotees’ hands. That night, I read Chapter 15 of Sai Satcharita, which states that when read respectfully, it will save the devotees from all miseries. I also took some Udhi and applied it to my stomach, thinking of my mother. Before going to bed, I offered a glass of water to Baba. At around 3 am, I woke up feeling restless and unable to sleep. At around 4 am (India time 8.30 am), I received a WhatsApp message from my mom stating that she was okay. I was in tears, thanking Baba. Baba wanted me to sleep in peace (I am pregnant) – His mercy is indescribable.

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Yesterday, my mom underwent many scans, and she was not allowed to eat anything. I went to a Lord Murugan temple in London and performed an abhisheka that was planned earlier. The abhisheka went well. I was pleading with Lord Muruga to save my mom. In that temple, there is also an idol of Baba. The idol seemed as if Baba was smiling at all of us. All this gave me hope and positivity. My mom was better and spoke to me in the evening. The colonoscopy is still planned to be performed tomorrow. However, the chief doctor told us that there was nothing like a mass or anything alarming and not to worry. Still, it’s good to perform a colonoscopy to clear everything. This was indeed a great message from Baba to us to boost my mom and all of us. Baba, we strongly believe in Your healing and miracles. Please let everything go smoothly in tomorrow’s process, and my mom will be discharged soon to home. We trust Thee and Bow to Thee. Jai Jai Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Sathya Swarupa Sai. Rama Swarupa Sai. Ever hold our hands safely, Sai Baba. I will continue reading the powerful Chapter 15 when possible on behalf of my mother.

Shirdi Sai Baba’s Guidance in Navigating Challenges

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: I have been a devotee of Baba since 2009. Have experienced numerous miracles from Baba

Today’s first experience is regarding Baba getting me admitted to the business school. I applied to the school and didn’t hear from the admissions regarding my application until the last day. Finally, I contacted them regarding my application, and they told me my application was incomplete and they needed more documents. I provided them with the documents on the same day, which was the last day of the admissions. However they told me since I was late in submitting my documents, I would be considered only for the next semester. I was a little disappointed but left everything to Baba, thinking He will have some plans for me hence the admission is delayed.

But in a week, I got a surprise email from the school informing me that I had been admitted into the school and classes started after 5 days. I was so surprised. Only Baba can do this miracle for me. In this foreign country, I have nobody to help or advise me besides Baba. Just leaving everything to Baba’s decision and accepting all His plans for me gives direction to me.

Another experience that happened last week was Baba evoked my employer to give me a 15% raise, which was very unexpected. Only Baba can bring all these miracles into our life. I have been asking for a raise for the past three years which happened now with Baba’s intervention.

Thank You so much, Baba.

Guided by Shirdi Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ganesha. I am one small devotee of our Sai Baba.

Thank you Hetal mam and team for giving us this site to share our Baba experience.

  1. Baba, because of Your blessings, our female dog’s operation was successful. Thank You, Baba, for answering my prayer.
  2. Last week, one of my colleagues came with me on my bike. After traveling around 1 km, it suddenly started raining. She was not carrying a raincoat and had to reach home on time. At that moment, I prayed to my dearest Baba, and within 5 minutes, the sky cleared. The same thing happened the next morning. It was all clear, so my friend came with me on the bike, and suddenly, after a few minutes, it started raining again. But Baba helped me, and within the next 5 minutes, the rain went away. Thank You, Baba, for Your blessings.
  3. I am a new driver and don’t know how to drive a car properly. After reaching a sloping height, I got scared to stop the vehicle and drive again. I prayed for Baba’s blessings, and Baba helped me to drive on that road with continuous traffic jams.

Baba, yesterday I gave a new laptop to the site head. Please help me so that he will not point out any issues, and the laptop will work smoothly.

As promised, I have shared all my experiences here. Kindly bless me, Baba, and fulfill my desire. You know what I am wishing for.

Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva

Sai Baba’s Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: I am a Sai Devotee residing in the USA.

Recently, we traveled to India and had to get our visa stamping done. We submitted our passports via Dropbox and had our return journey planned within a month. Unfortunately, due to the heavy crowd, the passports were not approved and returned on time. We postponed our journey by two weeks and were waiting for our passports to be issued and returned to us. Those 2 weeks seemed like a very difficult wait for us as our jobs back here were at stake, and also we had to work during the night hours in India, which was very strenuous.

We thought we had to further postpone our journey as we would not receive our passports even by then. I prayed to Baba that I would post my experience here if we got our passports on time. By Baba’s grace, we just received our passports the day before our travel date, and we traveled back safely.

Thank You, Baba, for helping us through this difficult time. Baba has also helped after returning back to work by giving us less work, so we’re able to cope with jet lag and the kids.

Om SaiNathaya Namaha !

A Devotee’s Gratitude and Prayers

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank you to the team maintaining this blog.

Om Sai Ram. 

I want to thank Baba for His help over the past few days. I was in a difficult situation, and I prayed to Baba that if it was resolved, then I would share the experience. By Baba’s blessings, it was indeed solved. Thank You truly for Your help, Baba.

Thank You, Baba, also for helping yesterday in solving the issue. I knew it was my fault, but I didn’t want to cause trouble. I prayed to Baba that if the issue gets resolved, then I will share the experience. And again, by Baba’s blessings, it was resolved.

Baba, please ensure that no issues come up like this, and please make this week go smoothly. Baba, please help cure my constipation problems, and please don’t let me make silly mistakes. Baba, thank You for always helping me, even when I don’t deserve it. Please cure my heart pain, Baba.

Baba, please bless us with a suitable match soon.

Thank You So Much, Sai Baba.

A Grateful Journey with Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from Malaysia says: Om Sairam.

Om Sairam. Thank you all for maintaining this wonderful platform.

Regarding my latest experiences, I was not able to post. Baba is my everything, and thanks to Baba for all Your blessings.

I was about to share some data with my big boss, and I requested Baba to come and help me. Baba helped me, and I was able to create a proper report with the required data.

All the meetings were good due to Baba’s support. You know what? I am praying, Baba, that people have to follow Your path to go in the right direction.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 758

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