Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3870

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Gratitude For Blessings of Shirdi Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I am an ignorant daughter of Deva, whom He loves in abundance.

Om Shri Sai Pathpradarshak Namah

Om Shirdivasay Vidmahe Sachhidananday Dhimahi Tanno Sai Prachodayat.

Thanks, Hetal ji and team for maintaining this e-Sai Satcharitra.

On a Saturday, the water supply in our kitchen stopped, so we immediately complained to the society maintenance office. Our maid was patiently waiting to complete her cleaning tasks. Typically, the water supply would resume within 15 to 30 minutes, but on that day, it was delayed for a whole hour. Frustrated and realizing we had an urgent appointment to attend, I reached out to Deva for help. After some time, my husband informed me that there was a major issue with the water supply, and it would take even longer to fix. Without waiting for the kitchen water supply to be restored, we started collecting water from the bathrooms to finish the cleaning job. Just as we finished cleaning and bathing, the water supply completely stopped. I expressed my gratitude to Deva for His timely help and guidance. 

Deva, once again, You guided me in finding a significant pricing error and helped resolve it immediately, preventing any problems in my job. Om Shri Sai Pathpradashak Namah.

Deva, thank You so much for giving me the opportunity to serve You. On 27th June 2023, I had the chance to edit devotees’ experiences for this blog. I always wanted to perform seva, but I was uncertain due to my lack of skills in any specific area. Following Sai Baba’s guidance, I began the 5 Thursday Divya Pooja on the 8th of June. Unexpectedly, on my 3rd Thursday pooja, Baba miraculously granted me the opportunity to perform a small seva for Him. Through one of Sai Baba’s devotees, I understood the proper way of editing. I also edited one of my experiences.

Hey Deva, please cure my homeopathic doctor’s health. She is a devoted believer in You as well. In April, she visited Shirdi and took my prayer letter to You. Suddenly, in June, her blood pressure shot up to dangerously high levels. Her doctor suggested a full-body checkup and an MRI to check for any signs of a stroke. But Deva, Your plans are beyond our comprehension. During the MRI, they discovered a tumor, despite her having no symptoms such as headaches, etc. She was scheduled for surgery on 11th August 2023. Please ensure her complete recovery, Deva. You are the Best doctor in the Universe, so please be with her during the surgery and grant her a speedy recovery.

Deva, You plan everything so perfectly that we humans cannot comprehend Your ways. We can only realize and be content with Your grace afterward. On 6th July, I completed my 5 Thursday Diya Puja (5 Diya Pooja) as per Your guidance. You Yourself arranged different fruits for each Thursday offering. While reading the Sai Vrat Katha, I came across a line stating that devotees should try to visit a Sai Baba Temple. I felt a little guilty because I was unable to go to the Sai temple on any Vrat day. However, during my workday, after performing my job and my puja, I was pleasantly surprised when one of my colleagues, also a Sai devotee, suddenly called me to accompany her to a Sai temple near our office during lunch. It felt as though Sai Baba’s love for me surpassed my imagination. I happily visited the temple and even bought the Sai Vrat Kath book for the Udyapan. I have been observing this vrat for the past 15 months, so I wanted to perform the Udyapan as per Your plan. I also wanted to buy the same book that I used to read for my vrat, but I couldn’t find it online. When I was buying roses for Deva near the temple, I inquired about the vrat book, and miraculously, I found the same book. Baba, You are truly the best.

Baba, thank You for guiding me in getting my bag repaired. I also want to express my gratitude for fixing my husband’s mobile phone after it got damaged by rain. My husband was worried, but I was relaxed just because of full faith in You in my heart. Thanks a lot for strengthening my faith once again. Om Shri Sai Bhaktvatsalay Namah.

Baba Ji, no one can comprehend the depth of Your immeasurable love for Your children. Today, when I was reading Sai Adbhut & Vaibhav Vrat Katha and the part where it is mentioned that a kid performed well in the exam due to Your Vrat, I felt the same miracle in my son’s case also. Six months ago, I was deeply concerned about my son’s 10th-grade exams and his lackadaisical approach to studying. Now, I am able to apply for a scholarship from my office due to his impressive score of over 90%. My heartfelt thanks for Your blessings upon Your grandson.

Please always guide Your grandson to live a proper life and improve his behavior. Deva, please accept my kids under Your lotus feet. Deva, thanks for giving me a mesmerizing darshan in Your temple today.

Deva, I am currently facing an issue with hair fall, and I have sought your mercy by applying UDI to my hair. I have also started taking a daily supplement after offering it to You. I humbly request You to stop my hair fall. Baba, due to Your mercy, the condition started to improve.

Please bless me, my family, and all with good physical and mental health. 

Om Shri Sai Sharnagtvatsalay Namah.

Om Shri Sai Vasudevay Namah

Om Shri Sai Jagannathay Namah

Shirdi Sai Baba’s Blessings: A Family’s, Gratitude, Prayers, and Hopes

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: I have been a devotee of Baba since childhood. Thank you Hetalji and team for this opportunity.

Experience 1: My daughter’s dance performance went well with Baba’s blessings.

Experience 2: With Baba’s blessings, my baby recovered from the cold and started eating and sleeping well through the night. Her first birthday party also went well and my leave request for her birthday got approved. Baba, please help her to walk and talk soon Thandri. She got hurt on her toe today and it started bleeding. Please take care of her Baba. She needs Your blessings.

Experience 3: I started getting blood in my stools and was very concerned about my health. I have three little kids to take care of and I got really scared. I prayed Baba to help me recover and put some Udhi in water and drank it in the night before going to bed. I got better in 1-2 weeks with Baba’s help.

Experience 4: My baby started choking after she ate some food and I was really scared. I immediately patted her back and it helped, but she kept coughing for quite some time after that. I prayed Baba to take care of her and she slowly stopped coughing after that.

Experience 5: I was charged late fees on one of my credit cards (I forgot to pay it off as I was busy with my little one’s birthday preparations that week) and with Baba’s grace, the customer service waived the fees for me.

Experience 6: One day we went to a friend’s place for dinner and my daughter fell down in their house while playing. She got hurt on her hand and leg. I prayed Baba to take care of her and with Baba’s care, she was fine the next morning.

Experience 7: My son is very sensitive and catches allergies/colds pretty easily. He got really congested from the cold couldn’t sleep at night and started crying. My other two kids also caught cold and it was difficult for me to get any sleep/rest. I prayed to Baba to help them recover and Baba took care of them. Thanks, Baba.

Experience 8: With Baba’s blessings, my baby’s one-year-old well-care check-up went all well and she didn’t get any fever after vaccinations. My leave request got approved for that day even with short notice. Thank You for taking care of her Baba.

Experience 9: With Baba’s blessings and my baby’s cooperation, we were able to make it for a short summer trip.

Experience 10: One day I was worried that I must have forgotten my phone at the workplace. I prayed to Baba for help and luckily found it in my handbag only.

Experience 11: My husband took my son to his first swimming class today.. He told me that my son jumped into the water suddenly when the coach was giving instructions. Luckily they got him out right away and he is safe due to Baba’s blessings.


  1. Baba… with Your blessings, I should continue my summer job without affecting my husband’s work and my kids’ well-being. You only know what is the right thing for us. Please help me through this, Baba.
  2. Baba… with Your blessings, my baby should start walking and talking soon. I get worried about these milestones, Baba. Please take care of her.
  3. Baba… with Your blessings, we should also be able to buy a house soon. All my friends who came along with us have already bought a house. Please make my husband’s mind stable and help him understand how important it is to keep the future of my kids in mind.
  4. Baba, please mend the relationship between me and my husband. He has been very rude, careless, and disrespectful towards me and my parents. I don’t want this to affect my little ones.
  5. Baba…please take care of us, my parents, my sisters, and their families, and all Your devotees Thandri. Om Sai Ram 🙏

Grateful for Sai Baba’s Miracles: A Journey of Faith and Protection

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: I am a small devotee of our devotee Baba.

Thank You so much Baba for all Your help in my day-to-day life. 

I’m always dependent on Baba for every small thing. Baba, I have no words to express my gratitude to You in this journey. Coming to our experience, we were traveling to India via Paris. Our first flight from the US to Paris was delayed by almost an hour. Our initial transit time was 2 hours. I was so worried that we might miss our flight home because of the delay. I kept praying to Baba to help us. We got out of the airplane; unfortunately, the doors connecting to the airport were locked. All the passengers were stuck in that hallway. I thought we might miss the flight but my heart had hope that Baba would do a miracle. He did prove to me once again by delaying the connecting flight. Finally, one of the airport personnel came in and unlocked the doors. We literally ran to the next gate after clearing the security check. All the passengers were on board and the flight was waiting for the delayed flight. Baba, thank You so much for all Your help. When we were about to land, there were thunderstorms in the city and once again, I called Baba for rescue. He helped us with a smooth landing. Immigration and baggage claim went well with Baba’s blessings. Baba, I don’t know what I would do without You. Baba, You know my other wishes, please help me get through them successfully.

Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!

Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

Shirdi Sai Baba’s Guiding Grace: A Parent’s Gratitude

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Gobinath Arunachalam from India says: Vanakkam to the Global Sai Children.

My daughter is undergoing professional education and took her Group 1 intermediate examination last year in November. Despite her hard work, she did not pass the examination as she got fewer than the prescribed marks in one paper, although she cleared the other three papers. She was upset for some days but took that as a message from Baba to put more effort into her own good. With determination, she took up the immediate next attempt this year in May. She put forth all her best efforts and left the results to Baba.

It’s always His way. Baba knows what to give and when to give. The results announced a couple of weeks ago brought happiness to my daughter for the tough efforts she undertook. It’s nothing but Your grace, Baba. How can we thank You enough, Baba? Please take care of Your daughter and help her get through all further examinations with flying colors. Be with her in all her efforts. Please keep us at Your lotus feet and protect us always.

Om Shri Sai Rakshak Saranam Deva

A Devotee’s Gratitude: Shirdi Sai Baba’s Healing Touch

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I have been a devotee of Baba for many years. I pray to Him whenever I want to share anything with Him. 

A few days back, my daughter fell sick, she got a high fever and was struggling a lot. I didn’t know what to do. Her fever didn’t come down even after four days. I couldn’t sleep. I kept on praying to Baba to bring her fever down. I applied Baba’s Udi on her. The next morning, her fever came down. I prayed that I would visit His temple along with my daughter. I was so happy, and I went to the temple the next day.

Thank You so much, Baba.

Sai Baba’s Eternal Presence: A Devotee’s Prayer

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: Baba ki chidiyaan.


This is Baba’s chidiyaan! I pray from the bottom of my heart that our dear Baba Sai always be with us, guide us, love us, and be drenched by our faith and patience. Baba, give us so much love for You that it never gets exhausted. Thank You, Baba, for fixing the issue at my work. Baba, please never leave our hands. We would be lost without You. You know what to give when to give, and how to give. All I am asking is please give us the buddhi to imbibe this belief that You know what is good for us.

Love You, Baba!

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We invite you to download our ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra’ book, which is a collection of powerful mantras that can help you connect with the divine energy of Sai Baba and seek his blessings. We hope this book serves as a valuable resource on your spiritual journey and brings you closer to the love and grace of Sai Baba.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 758


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents baba pls protect my father and mother saima hold them ,bless our business bless our relationship baba I am zo dependent on you,,pls change me or cure me I cant bear this anymore we are at the verge pls help baba Sai rakshak Saisaranam Ayyappa