Sai Baba’s Magic Of Mahaparayan

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! Hi, Sai family members. Thanks to Hetal Ji and the wonderful team. I like to call you all Sai members. You people are so blessed to serve Sai. I would like to be a part of it.
Coming to my experience I had promised Baba that if my wish would be fulfilled then I would post my experience on this site. So I am doing that. On 23.03.2021, Baba did two miracles for me. One, making me join the Divine Mahaparayan group and getting business for my husband. Both the miracles happened on the same day.
Joining the Mahaparayan Group on 22.03.21 I saw some posts on FB and I filled the Mahaparayan register form. Immediately I got a reply and I joined that group. I was so happy. All night I dreamed of doing Mahaparayan. I was so excited. Morning I opened my whatsapp to see that they had removed me from that group. So I got upset. I thought today was not my day. Maybe Baba has His timing to join me into the Mahaparayan group. Even one who joined me in that group was feeling very guilty about what happened and she prayed for me with Baba. Again on 23.03.21 by night she joined me in another group. Thank you Moumani mam for a wonderful opportunity. Such kind hearted people, Sai devotees are.
I successfully joined the Mahaparayan Group MP-10360N1-Saburi Sai, Roll no 41, Yellow house. The next day Thursday, my first Mahaparayan and I was excited. My husband got a job as he does Earth work business. We didn’t have proper work for several months, but managed to survive by Baba’s grace and blessings. As I daily read Sai devotees’ experience, everyone used to tell about how they got a job and they promised to post their experience. So by full faith I did the same and within five hours he got the job and as promised I am posting it here. Thank You Baba.
Here I would like to tell you a few common things about how Sai Devotees connected with Baba:
1. Asking Baba to wear their desired color dress.
2. Talking mentally with Baba.
3. Asking prashnavali for every step of life.
4. Finding Baba’s picture everywhere and feeling Baba with us all the time.
5. Playing chit is like writing multiple chits and asking Baba to select the right solution.
6. Always urge to read devotees’ experience and connect with it.
7. Donating food, cloth according to their strength as per Baba’s guidance.
8. Randomly open an experience page which reads the message that we exactly needed to hear at that time.
9. Faith, self confidence and patience.
Sorry, for the long post and for my English. Please edit wherever needed. Thank you Hetalji and team (Baba Team). Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva. I am starting Sai Divya Pooja. My next post will be about how Sai name is en-half for every problem.
Sai Baba Blessings – New Job With Sponsorship In UK

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the UK says: I am a qualified Chartered Accountant working in the UK. Dear All, I would like to keep myself anonymous but would like to share a magic which was only possible due to Sai Maa’s blessings.
I migrated to the UK early this year and was relocated on an Intercompany visa. This visa does not entitle me to a PR or citizenship in future and is considered as not a great visa. I had requested my employer to shift me to the new visa as was promoted by the home office but they took their time and the decision was heading nowhere. On top of that, the frustration at work was increasing day by day as the project in which I was a part of wasn’t a success and I was deeply pained to see the users suffering in spite of best efforts put by some of us.
I have been a devotee of Baba for close to 8 months now and had started praying to Him for a new job and sponsorship with that. I started applying to companies one after another and started getting calls but none was willing to sponsor me. Suddenly a top reputed company approached me and subsequently agreed to sponsor my visa provided I cleared the interviews.
I cleared all the interviews easily due to Baba’s guidance and blessings and then the time came for an offer letter. The offer letter got delayed mainly due to the sponsorship element and there was no response from the company for some time. I was getting anxious and was praying daily to Baba. Guess what, it was on a Thursday that I emailed the HR asking for status of the offer and got replied that the offer would be shared the next day and yes got the offer the next day.
Just feel blessed to be a small devotee of Baba. I hope and pray that I get to come back to India and visit Baba in Shirdi this year which I have full confidence will happen with His blessings!
Baba Answered Prayer

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: Om Sairam to all devotees. I am a small devotee of Baba.
My 2 year old had a fever. My husband got very scared as we were not going outside anywhere in this pandemic. From nowhere the fever came. I started praying Baba to recover her soon. Thanks to Baba Who listened to my prayer and after 3 days of patience her fever vanished.
During those difficult days Baba guided us about medication and proper information from reliable sources. I prayed Baba for my after vaccination effect to be normal as some people were affected severely. But due to Baba I got the vaccine in perfect time and nothing major happened. Baba helped to relieve my daughter’s constipation issue. Baba is very kind to me. Baba even listens to my silly requests.
Baba I love You. He is always with us. He is our guide, our mentor. “Om Sairam.” Thank You Baba!
Baba Is Always Listening To Us

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Japan says: Thank you for maintaining this blog. It really gives many of us a lot of hope.
There are two instances that I want to thank Baba for.
First is at work, there was a very huge issue to be resolved and I was working on it for quite some time but there was one issue that was not getting resolved at all, and it was starting to get frustrating. I sincerely prayed to Baba and said that if I was able to fix the issue by the end of the week then I would post the experience and after 1 day I was able to figure out the issue.
Second is someone I knew had to take a medical test and I was praying for a good result and thankfully there were no problems. Thank You very much for everything Baba.
Sai Baba Never Fails

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: Thanks to Baba. Om Sairam. Thanks to everyone who is maintaining this wonderful platform. Sorry Baba for a slight delay in posting my experiences.
Meetings and training were all good. Thanks Baba.
My relative was not well and I promised Baba that post recovery, I will post this as my experience. Thanks Baba.
Governance meetings all went well due to Baba’s blessings.
All my prayers are being answered. Thanks Baba.
Sai Baba Saved Everyone

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Sai Baba saved everyone in the apartments.
Jay Sairam!
This evening I was trying to light a diya for Aarti. I was using a match to light the diya and while I was doing that, the stick part of the match (the sand color part) broke. The match fell on the floor, but Baba quickly got me to stop the fire from getting anywhere. When the match fell on the floor I blew the match. Thank You Baba for saving me and many other people around me. Baba always watches over us and keeps us safe! Jay Sairam!
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Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ram, protect him cure my parents saima we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai ram!
Love you Sai Ma
Om Sai Ram…. Happy Diwali dear Baba. Baba please protect my husband and children. Please give them good health, happiness and prosperity. Grant them the knowledge, wisdom, strengthe, faith and devotion to have a respectable living. Baba help me live upto the expectations of the family and keep everyone around me happy and content. Please visit my home on Diwali baba. I look forward to receiving your blessings. Bless my little family and keep us safe and happy always. Let us do good onto others and attain peace and prosperity. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Sai Ram to dear Sri Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing Sri Sai’s wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us.
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