Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3323

Sai Baba Leela

Sai Baba Leela

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: Om Sai Ram Hetalji, Thank you and your team for sharing Sai Baba’s leelas with us. I’m following your website every night before going to bed. I’m sharing my experience with you. 

Om Sairam everyone. I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba. I’m staying in Canada with my family. I want to thank Hetalji and her entire team for this kind of effort which gives us strength and a ray of hope in tough times. Here I want to share some of my experiences. Before that again I want to apologize to Sai Baba for my late posting. Please forgive me. Everyday I’m thinking of writing Your leela but You know how lazy I’m. For everything I need a big push from You. Thank You Baba for pushing me hard to write something about You. Today is the day again. My First post released in part: 3106 (Sai Leela) after a long wait. I emailed it in August 2020 but it was released on June 2, 2021. I never followed up with the team about why it’s not yet on the page but always a thought came into my mind that maybe I did something wrong which Baba didn’t want on this wall of the great website and sometimes I thought maybe it’s not your day buddy; wait for Baba’s timing. The day when I read my story, you have no idea how happy I was, on that night. I had a wonderful sleep. Pray and have faith. The Outcome and timing are Sai’s decision

Now coming to another Leela of my Baba. This is also regarding my son. I have written in my last post how my son came to this beautiful world. After being discharged from hospital we have some rituals to follow at home. We followed everything as suggested by our parents. On the 21st day of a child’s birth in the family, the parents should go to the temple with the child to get the blessings of the God and we also did the same. We went to our Baba’s temple which was close to our home, only a 10 minutes drive. When you have a baby with you, it’s always hard to start on time. Same thing happened with us. When we started from home, it was too late. When we reached the darbar the door was closed and you won’t believe how upset we were at that time. Then we decided let’s go to Ram Mandir and we went to Ram Mandir, did our puja and when I came out of the temple there I saw something you won’t believe – A big portrait of Baba! I was so happy at that time. Placed my baby under Baba’s feet to get blessings and after that went back home. We were very happy that time. Baba showed us that His door is never closed for His devotees. But the story is not ending here. 

This was the story of January 2018. Then after a few months my family went to India for a vacation and I was here all alone. Sorry, I was not alone as Baba was there with me. Every Thursday evening, I usually go to our Baba’s temple and after shej aarti comes back. Everyone knows me in the temple as I’m a regular visitor. When I go alone to Baba’s darbar everyone asks me where my family is. One Thursday after shej aarti, I was waiting in the queue to touch Baba’s feet. When I was in the queue I saw a couple entering the temple with a newborn baby. When you come to our temple with a baby the volunteers allow you to go directly to Baba by skipping the line. And they went directly to Baba and the priest came with a towel and asked the couple to place the baby there. They followed the priest’s order and placed their baby on Baba’s lotus feet. He did some puja and I could see the happiness on their faces after getting blessed from Baba. It’s quite usual when your baby gets blessings from Baba, you will be the happiest person at that moment. 

All these things that were happening there, I was looking from the queue and started complaining to Baba. Not complaining exactly but just started talking with Baba. I said when I came to Your darbar with my baby why Your door was closed for us? You don’t want us here in Your darbar. Is there anything we did wrong? Does my kid deserve Your blessing? With these kinds of thoughts moving towards Baba, I didn’t realize that I reached near to Baba. Then I touched my Baba’s feet and knelt down. When I stood up, I saw Alok uncle standing near Baba and he also saw me.  He is a very kind person and when I go to temple if I don’t see him, I feel like today’s darshan is incomplete. He is a very loving person. When I see him, he will come to me and give me a hug and blessings. So at that time when he saw me, he came close to me and said, “Where is my Chotu?” He called my son Chotu. I said that he was back home in India. Then he opened his wallet and gave me a Baba’s pendant. It has Baba’s portraits on both the sides. And what he said you know. He said to put it on my Chotu’s neck. When I heard this, I couldn’t stop my tears. How can you hear each and every word when we are talking to You? Even if we don’t say anything, how can you act upon them also? I was so happy at that moment, you just can’t imagine and I came back with happy tears. 

All I want to say at the end is that Baba is always there with us and is listening to what we want even though we do not say it out loud in front of Him, He listens to our heart. May He shower His blessings on His devotees. 

Om Sai Namo Namoh Shri Sai Namo Namoh Jai Jai Sai Namo Namoh Sadguru Sai Namo Namoh. 

Om Sai Namo Namoh Shri Sai Namo Namoh Jai Jai Sai Namo Namoh Sadguru Sai Namo Namoh. Om Sairam!

Om Sai Ram!

Approval Of Visa

Approval Of Visa

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UAE says: I am a Sai devotee residing in Dubai. Om Sai Ram. I am a small Baba devotee from Dubai. Thank you admin and team for maintaining this blog. 

This year was a very challenging year for my family. My elder son was in grade 12 and due to the pandemic there were a lot of issues regarding the CBSE exams, announcement of results etc. All throughout this time I just kept praying to Baba, reading the Satcharitra, naam jaap and left everything in His holy feet. I was mentally prepared that I would accept anything and everything that Baba had decided for him.

By Baba’s grace CBSE decided to cancel the exams and then the wait started for the results. After a long wait his results came and that too with a much higher percentage than we thought. We had decided to send him for his graduate studies to Ireland and had applied for a student visa. Even though Baba made us wait, the visa also came approved. 

I had read a lot of experiences on this website and many others and had decided to put lots to find out the fate of the visa. All the five times the decision came that the visa would be rejected. But I didn’t lose faith and continued my regular prayers as before. When the visa was approved, I understood the line that, “Doubts and difficulties come only to test our faith, and to continue holding on to His feet.” My experiences have taught me that when we have Baba with us nothing bad can happen to us. The path may be thorny but the end result will always be successful. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Saves First Time Mom

Sai Baba Saves First Time Mom

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: I am a small devotee of Baba. As part of my series as a first time mom, I just wanted to share a small but very significant miracle. 

My baby was not pooping well and I prayed to Baba if she poops tomorrow morning then I will know that You are with me even though I have so many issues. And yes my baby pooped. 

I am not sure if these experiences will be shared, but I will still continue to share on this platform, because it’s a noble and peaceful place. 

Devotees continue sharing your experiences and don’t be disheartened if your experiences are not published. Because as Shri Hemadpant said, the true author of Sai Satcharitra is Baba Himself. He chooses, so leave it on Him. I have been trying to do that. Without my mother by my side, I am taking care of an infant alone, along with my husband and a helper. I get depressed at times, I get fed up, I am nervous but it’s Baba, an invisible hand and presence which pushes me. Sairam. Take care everyone.

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: I am from Germany. Om Sai Ram. Thank you Hetalji and team for maintaining this blog where all Sai devotees can share their experiences. I would like to share one of my recent experiences of Sai’s miracle in my husband’s life. 

In Germany the language is very difficult to speak as well as to understand. He was giving an exam in German language for the first time. After coming from the exam, he said that he would not clear the exam due to its difficulty. I prayed to Sai Baba that he should clear the exam and if he cleared then I would share the experience on this platform. Not only he cleared but also got very good results by Baba’s blessings. I am very thankful to Sai Baba for showering His blessings always on me and my family. Thank You Sai Baba!

Anant koti Brahmand Nayaka Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sachidanada Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki jai. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Cured All Health Problems

Sai Baba Cured All Health Problems

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Odisha, India. Om Sai Ram. Thank you Hetalji and your team for this blog. This platform has more power which builds faith in every devotee. Please keep me anonymous. 

I have been a devotee of Sai since 2013. Day by day my faith in Baba is becoming stronger. Coming to my experiences, my aunty was suffering from leg pain and other health problems. Now she is 80% cured due to Baba’s blessing. Thank You Baba. Few days back I was also suffering from fever, toothache, cold and gas problems. Due to Baba’s blessing, now I am ok. Baba is my life. I am alive only for Baba. Baba has also cured my niece’s tonsil problem. Thank You Baba. Om Sai Ram. 

Sai Baba Saved Devotee’s Family

Sai Baba Saved Devotee’s Family

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Bangalore India and a small devotee of Sai Baba. In August 2021, my mother, father, sister, jiju and niece attended a very close marriage. I was very scared to attend the marriage with my family but we could not avoid it as it was a very close family member. I prayed to Sai to protect my family from the pandemic. After three days my mother got a cold, a cough and a fever. I was sure that she had contracted Covid. I prayed to Baba sincerely that she should be alright in two days and started giving her medicines. By the grace of Sai my mom started recovering very well and was completely alright in 3 days. Thanks a lot Sai. 

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 

© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 839


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma protect him baba cure him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa.please protect us sai

  2. Om Sai Ram… baba please protect my husband and children. Baba shower on them good health, peace, happiness and prosperity always. Please do make this milestone year a very happy and content year for us in all respects. Baba please be a guide and support to my husband to manage his company. Baba please be a parent and guide my children on the right path always. Baba help me keep everyone happy and content and perform my daily chores and work at both office and home. Baba i need some good support at work to make my department outstanding. Please guide me with a candidate in need and who is very good. Baba my elder is planning to go back and I am worried. Please show us the path of safety and security of himself if online is possible. Bab my younger college selections, I leave it entirely to you baba. Baba i surrender to you and just like the ishavasya upanishad when the maid servant is happy in all states, please help me practice it and develop shraddha and saburi in all my words, deeds and actions. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  3. BABA Please kindly help our son to get out of this mess he is in& unite them both please.Please help to change the girls mind.I am doing maha parayan for them both & the little one who was your gift.Please have mercy on us.Please cure my husbands leg problem,I am in a terrible state only you canhelp us.Please i beg you.OM SAI RAKSHAK SARANAM DEVA.OM

  4. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all