Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3451

Sai Baba Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a small devotee currently staying in the USA. 

Om Sai Ram. Thank you team for the platform and divine work.

My day starts and ends with Baba’s name and His prayer. In this foreign land, I trust only Baba and He is the only One Whom I have with me to share things. I trust Him completely.

My parents stay in India and my brother’s family stays in the USA but is very far from me. Recently, tenants at my parent’s house vacated our house and my parents started searching for new tenants none of them were finalizing even though they liked the house. My parents are planning to travel to the US soon and were worried if they were not able to give the house to anyone before they traveled to the USA. 

Today being Thursday, I prayed to Baba last night and in India, it was already Thursday, “Baba, please take care of this problem and make sure that the house should be finalized for rent today. I believe in You that You will make it happen and bring good people.”

On Thursday morning when I was talking to my parents, without even asking about the house, my mom told me that in the noon some family came and they liked the house and gave advance as well. I was very happy to hear that. Our Baba made it happen. He never breaks His devotee’s trust.

Thank You is a very small word to express how happy and secure we feel in His shelter. He always takes care of His devotees and hears every small prayer. Please bless and protect all human beings, Baba. Devotees, when You trust Him just leave everything to Baba to take care of. He does things in a way that we humans can’t understand but finally, we see His blessing coming. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram!

Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have known Baba for 10 plus years and Baba has been guiding me. 

Health:  My Brother-in-law pulled a muscle near his shoulder and is in a lot of pain. He had an MRI and there is some issue with his spine. Baba, please bless him to get better soon without any surgery. 

My Mom and niece had Covid-like symptoms, although my Mom’s results were negative, she was treated like she had Covid. Now both are feeling better. 

My brother’s friend had an apsis and had minor surgery and now is feeling better. Thanks so much for everything Baba! 

Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam!

Please keep my mom, husband, kids, brother, sister and their families, and my husband’s side family safe from Covid. Om Sai Arogya Kshemadaya Namaha.

Please bless my mom, sister, brother, and their families, husband, and children with good health and peace of mind.

If I have forgotten to share anything or if any of us have done any wrong then I truly apologize on behalf of everyone. 

Thank You for giving me Your Darshan at the temple I usually like to go to. 

Sai Baba Gave Job After A Career Break

Sai Baba Gave Job After A Career Break

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. My life is full of Baba’s blessings. My marriage, my job, and my kids are all Baba’s blessings. 

Coming to recent experience, I am trying to find a job after a long gap of five years after having kids. But I was not able to find any suitable role, even if I found I did not get any calls. I was praying to Baba to please help me with a job offer. After a few days, I found one job in my husband’s company which was partially close to my previous job. I applied for it and prayed to our beloved Sai. The interview went well due to God’s grace and I am going to join in a couple of days for that job. Thank You so much, Baba. Koti koti pranamam Baba. Jai Sairam.

Thanks To Sai Baba For Playing

Thanks To Sai Baba For Playing

Shirdi Sai Devotee Meghna Sai from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am the daughter of Baba – Meghna Sai. Thanks to the team. Baba, thanks for playing with me. Thanks for confirming that You are always behind me. Yesterday night I got acidity. You made me sleep peacefully. Thanks for that. As promised to post here. Thanks for helping with my work. All invoices were correct. As promised, I am posting here. Devotees ask anything to Baba and promise to post here. It will definitely happen.

Om Ganeshaya Om Shakthi Kallalamma Thaye Adhithimappa Kalikamba MKDG. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva. 

Sai Baba Is With His Devotee

Sai Baba Is With His Devotee

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Baba is my breath. Without him I am nothing. Thanks to the entire admin team. Om Sairam as promised I am sharing my experience here. 

Yesterday our beloved Baba saved me from a tough situation. In my office, one subject is being dealt with by one person and I am supporting him. Yesterday there was a hearing on that subject. I had to handle it as that particular person was on leave due to Covid. With our beloved Baba’s grace, the hearing went well. Thanks, Baba. Thanks are not enough for Your help. Please be with me forever and guide me. 

Sai Appa

Sai Appa

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai. Thank you team for this wonderful platform. My daughter was suffering from a headache, cold, and cough. Due to the pandemic, we were so worried. By the grace of Baba, the test result was negative. The day before, I had a sore throat. Again due to the blessings of Sai Appa it was nothing serious. I am fine. Thank You, Appa. You are always there. Please bless Your children and be with us. Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 693


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram

    Baba please give me courage to write to my manager to look into my sponsorship plus talk to him to make things in my favour. I was waiting for invitation from Australian government but did not get materialized so I am left with option of sponsorship and presently company is willing to sponsor as I am working nights. Baba it has been more than 3 years I am working nights and I want to talk to company to move me to day and as well as sponsor.

    With my family growing I need to support my wife both mentally, physically and financially. With sponsorship visa I can apply PR only after 3 financial years plus I can work only in one company so there is no source of extra income from other work. I am worried that company will abuse and use me as per their requirements.

    Please bless my son as he is doing his Na-plan exams as well as baby who will be joining us in end of August. Please give good health and peace of mind to my wife, parents, son, brothers and family and friends. Bless the baby in wife’s womb.

    Sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai

    • Sai Ram
      Tried to email reply last night after reading your comments
      On ur behalf ,I asked our dear Baba Sai to give me a sign that ur Australian PR will be approved n successful
      Said to Sai that if I come across a devotee experience ,within 24 hours ,where they successfully got their Australian PR …I will take it as a confirmation for you from Sai
      As am reading experiences from start of this website my next chapter to read yesterday was
      Devotees Experiences Part 253.
      And lo behold there is an experience cnfmg Australian PR
      GOOD LUCK and hold on to our dear Sai

      • Om Sai Ram Anon Ji,

        Thank you for praying and asking dear baba for the sign. This ray of hope from baba gives me lots of confidence.

        The coincidence/ baba’s miracles is i prayed to baba for sign asking him that if some one replies to my comments i take it as yes and Here we go, you did it.

        Thank you once again

  3. Om SAI RAM…. BABA please protect my husband and children. Baba shower their lives with good health, peace, laughter, joy, happiness, knowledge, foresight, wisdom, courage, strength and prosperity. Develop love and faith with devotion towards you baba. There are a lot of challenges in our lives baba, I dont know if its good or bad but I am hoping and believe these are your plans for us. Hold our hands baba and help us cross any storm that may come to get to a more beautiful and prosperous state. Dwindling work and projects are causing us tension and the committment of people is less. Help us baba through this and help us get good people at work. Please please reduce the tensions of my husband in every way. Help him Baba and protect him in every way. Keep him stress free and in good health with lots of happiness baba. Thats my request to you 🙏 Help my children too and hold their hands to lead them to the right path in life and in the right company always to be respectful always. I surrender to you Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  4. With Baba’s blessings, I have completed Navguruvar pooja successfully, doing it for a continious 9 weeks without any disruption, all due to the blessings of our beloved Sai and wish my prayer gets answered very soon and thanking Baba for taking care of me and people close to me.
    I wish everyone to get benefitted through this pooja, hence sharing it here. This pooja is very powerful and fell the closeness of Baba.

    Om Sairam
    Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai