How Sai Baba Helped Devotee With Visa
Shirdi Sai Devotee Hans Mathur from India says: Om Sairam. I am Hans Mathur from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-5281N1. I wanted to share my experience with everyone where Sai Baba helped me and increased my already strong faith in Him tenfold. Here I have shared my full experience of how Baba helped me with my visa.
I am a student and had planned to go abroad for my studies. I applied for my student visa on 22nd October 2021. I said to myself that if my visa got accepted then I would visit Shirdi. A few months later, I got the news that my visa got refused. This year many visas had been refused due to Covid, but I hadn’t even considered that it could happen to me. The re-application deadlines had just closed a few days before I got my visa refused.
At that time, my friend, who also is a Sai Devotee told me that my approach to this was wrong. They said that I should have gone to Shirdi no matter what, at the beginning of the process. Then it struck me how wrong I was. I began to pray to Sai Baba for another chance. I knew that when Sai Baba was with me, nothing could go wrong. Now that I think about it, this entire experience was to increase my faith in Sai Baba. If that happened, we will see further.
I began preparing for my Shirdi trip. I wanted to visit Shirdi and take Baba’s blessings. I didn’t know how or when I would get my visa, but I knew I had to get Baba’s blessings. The first miracle that happened was, the day we were supposed to leave for Shirdi, I got the news that the re-applications had just opened up again for a week. It had never happened before and I believe it was nothing but Baba’s leela. The applications were open from 3rd to 10th January 2022. Before that, we had a lot of discussion as to when to go to Shirdi. Some said 5th to 8th and some said 8th to 10th. Baba had everything planned beforehand and by His blessing, we chose the dates 5th to 8th. After we finished planning the trip, I got to know that the re-applications were re-opening on 4th January night. That was a leela of Baba too and I will tell you why. My friend had sent me a Sai Baba post on Instagram and that was the only reason that I came to know about the reopening of the deadlines. If I wouldn’t have received that one message regarding Sai Baba, all this wouldn’t have been possible. So Sai Baba’s miracles had started even before the beginning of the trip.
The next hurdle on our Shirdi trip was, that the FasTag on our car had expired and we thought that we would have a lot of difficulty on the way as it is compulsory on every car. Still, we took Baba’s name and began the trip early in the morning of 5th January. Again, by Baba’s blessing, this problem was solved easily too. As soon as we were going to arrive at the toll booth, we saw someone standing under a tent, luckily he was selling Fastags. That early in the morning, there was no one present, except for only that one man. No seller was supposed to get there until 2-3 hours later. Baba planned it in such a way that we would have a convenient trip.
On the way to Shirdi, we realized that the 8th and 9th of January were Saturday and Sunday respectively and thus we wouldn’t be able to re-apply if we stayed till the 8th. Luckily we planned the trip in such a way that we could reduce a day and return by the 7th. It’s true, that no matter how long we plan to stay in Shirdi or even if we don’t plan to go at all, whatever Baba plans always happens. We can neither stay less nor more than He desires.
As we were approaching Shirdi, the biggest miracle of all happened. I was driving and my mother was in the passenger seat. My grandmother and my friend were in the back seat. While driving, both my mother and I saw something strange. At first, we thought there was a statue or handmade figure of Baba being carried by someone on their back, on the side of the road, as it seemed still and yet moving. The reason we thought it was an idol, was its perfection of it. The skin was radiant and glowing with a peculiar aura and had a slight orangish-golden touch to it. The white clothes were so bright; the whitest that we had ever seen. As we approached closer, we realized that no one was carrying it and it was moving, walking backward on the road. It was Baba, reading a red book, which I assume was Satcharitra by the looks of it. The reason why it was Baba and no other human is that the road was curved, and the figure was walking toward Shirdi too backward, fast. And as I described earlier, His clothes and skin were glowing so bright and His beard was so perfect, that not a single strand of hair could be seen. It was as if it was a painting brought to life. Also, He was walking backward, so smoothly and fast, without even breaking His concentration from His reading. Not once did He look up or get imbalanced. His movement was smooth. The road was curved too and yet, He moved with great pace. I focused on the upper half while my mother saw His feet. His feet appeared to be moving forward, yet He moved backward. Neither my grandmother nor my friend saw Him, even though my grandmother was looking outside the window in the same direction. This confirmed for me and my mother that it was Sai Baba Who had blessed us and none else.
Soon we reached Shirdi and went for darshan on Thursday, 6th January 2022. In the Mandir, I got to pray to Him properly, calmly without any struggle. The Pandit even took my passport and touched it on Baba’s Samadhi and also His idol. The darshan was so heartwarming that I knew my wishes were going to come true. We came back and re-applied for my visa on 10th January 2022. A few weeks later on 28th January, I received my accepted visa.
This trip taught me many things. Firstly it made me realize that if all this wouldn’t have happened, my faith in Baba wouldn’t have increased so much. Also, this trip made me realize that no matter what we wish for or plan to do; we should always visit Shirdi beforehand and not wait for things to be a success. Baba’s blessings will always make the work possible; we just need to have Shraddha (faith) and Saburi (patience). Also, the way Baba gave us His darshan on the way, walking backward on an uneven road, without any difficulty and fully focusing on His reading, I believe He wanted to teach us that no matter how tough the path may be if we stay focused and keep remembering Baba, everything will be easy and convenient. I will never forget this experience, nor will I forget what Baba did for me. This visa meant everything to me and only Baba made it possible. I hope this experience helps as many readers as possible. Om Sairam.
Sai Baba Blessing For Virtual Audit
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ganesha Namaha. Pranam to all Sai devotees. Please keep my identity anonymous. Thank You Hetal mam and team for giving us this platform to express our Sai feelings. This is one more of Sai’s blessings that I want to share here.
I work in a Pharma Company in the IT dept. In January we had one Regulatory GMP audit. This was supposed to be an onsite audit but because of the Covid situation, Auditors said that they would do a Virtual video conferencing audit. Till now we had never done any virtual audit and this was the first one at our site. As an IT department, this was a big challenge for our team. We came to know this 15 days prior and management told us to do the arrangement.
Our one team member took the lead and started procuring required things, like Wi-Fi devices, Tabs, headsets, etc. The rest of us started identifying locations and installed available Wi-Fi devices. Management started taking demo trials for network connectivity and visibility 10 days before. Many times issues occurred but With Sai Baba’s blessings all the things were arranged on time, trials happened successfully and we were ready for the audit.
Before starting the audit I prayed to Sai Baba wholeheartedly that it should be a success and that management should praise the IT department and if so then I would share the same here. The audit lasted four days. Our IT members were divided into two teams, as two different Auditors were taking virtual rounds at two different locations. On the first day, I was with one plant team where the virtual round happened successfully but our second team faced issues in connectivity for almost 10 minutes due to some technical problem and management was not happy with this thing. Our HOD told us that the same issue should not occur again and we should check everything prior to starting the audit round.
The next day the Virtual round was in our production area where in the morning we started taking trials. At 10:00 am I got a call from QC and I had to go there for some urgent work. Here during the trial round the network started disconnecting in between. The audit round was supposed to start at 12:00 hours. All of my team members were trying to identify the issue but were not getting the root cause. For almost two hours they were struggling. Our manager even said that if it didn’t get resolved before the audit round then we would have to pack our bags. I was not aware of all these things. Somewhere around 11.30, I got a call from my friend and he told me to come immediately to production as the issue had occurred and was not getting resolved. At the same time, I prayed to Baba to resolve this issue and the network should be stable before the audit round my merciful Baba again blessed us, and just before 5 to 10 minutes of the audit round the issue got resolved. That day Baba saved our jobs. I don’t have words to express my gratitude.
That day the virtual round cleared successfully and even Plant Head praised me for the support provided. The third day was critical for me as the audit round was in QC. I am the responsible person for QC connectivity and for any system-related explanation. Baba looked at this and blessed me with a successful virtual round and no question was asked me. The last day was also completed successfully without any issues. Our higher management and all HOD praised us and this was the thing which I had prayed to Baba wholeheartedly. I was continuously praying to Baba for my health also as at that time all my contacts were coming Covid positive. I had prayed to keep me healthy and fine for this audit. Baba blessed me for this also. After the audit’s next day I got cold and took two days off from the office. Thank You Baba for Your all blessings.
Baba, because of Your blessing daddy’s blood test report came negative. There was no issue. I pray to You to please give mummy and daddy good health and life. Also because of Your blessings, there was no serious health problem with my brother’s wife. Please bless them both for a healthy child. Please forgive me Baba for all my mistakes.
Om Sai Ram
Sai Baba Saved In Covid

Shirdi Sai Devotee Pooja from UAE says: I am Pooja from UAE. Om Sai Ram!
Dear Pooja Garg,
I really want to thank you a lot for being instrumental in starting the Global Mahaparayan of Baba’s Sai Satcharitra. You are really doing an excellent job of bringing so many people closer to Baba through this Global Mahaparayan. My name is Pooja and I am based in UAE. I have been a devotee of Sai Baba from my childhood. I used to go to Sai Baba temple and used to feel so peaceful by looking at Baba’s statue but I came closer to Baba in the year 2016 and became an ardent devotee since I brought Baba’s big statue to my home in UAE from India and joined Mahaparayan in the year Aug 2018 introduced to me and my sister by her friend.
I used to read Mahaparayan experiences during my break times in the office and used to think that one day I will also write my own experience and that day is there in my life today. I have a humble request to post this experience on any Thursday if possible.
I have seen many miracles of Sai Baba, especially after I started doing Mahaparayan. Through this experience, I wanted to tell all the Sai Devotees who will be reading this the importance of Baba’s Udi.
This experience is about Coronavirus when it started and was at its peak in March 2020. I used to pray to Baba to protect my family from this virus. But it is always said that if there is something in your destiny then it will surely happen and it has its own time but still Baba protected us for the full one year.
In Feb 2021 my husband tested positive for Corona and as he has borderline diabetes, I was really worried for him. I just prayed to Baba to take care of him. He did not have many symptoms so he was home isolated and it came to my mind that I should give him Udi in every liquid he takes and in this way Baba will protect him. It was Wednesday night and I started giving him Udi in (water, tea, Kada).
To my surprise, I had goosebumps when I started reading my allotted chapters for Mahaparayan (chapters 33 and 34) on the next day, which was a Thursday. Both the chapters were related to the importance of Udi and how Baba cured all the diseases of the devotees through this Udi.
I continued giving him Udi for all the 10 days till he tested negative and by Baba’s grace, he did not have any major issues and problems with this virus.
At the same time, I thought that I will surely write this experience for others to read and have faith in Baba and in His Udi that any problem and disease can be cured if you have full faith and trust in Baba.
Thank You, Baba. Please be with us always and protect the whole world from Corona.
Sai Devotee Pooja
Sadhguru Shirdi Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Devotee Lakshmi from India says: Shri Satchidananda Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Thanks and Baba’s blessings to the team behind this modern Sai Satcharitra. I have been reading experiences here for six years and I have shared many of our Sai leelas here. This site is our Sai Leela Amrutham. Thank You Sai Nana for being with us and helping us handle all situations even how tough it is. Sorry, Sai Nana for posting late.
My parents got attacked with a cold, cough, and fever for many days. No medicines worked for the cough. After praying to our Sai Nana they feel better now. Please take care of them, Nana. Nobody is there for them to take care of except You. We perform Satyanarayana Swamy Vratham every year but in 2021 we did not do it till December and in December we got Covid. I prayed to our Sai Nana to please make it happen at least on the last day of the year. With the grace of our Sai Nana, we were able to perform on the last day. Pranam Sadguru Sai. Without Your grace, this would have not been possible.
My younger kid’s visa is going to expire in January. Even on January 1st, we were not able to send documents for approval. I prayed to Sai Nana to make it reach the USCIS at least by January 5th. Baba made it happen and it arrived on time.
I have been facing a lot of issues at work. It is our Sai Who is guiding me to face and solve them slowly. Please bless me to make this project go live without any issues. Every day I face some other issues but with Your grace, I am able to solve them. Nowadays, I feel like leaving everything to You and You know what to do. You are the One Who is making me move on in all situations. I don’t know how to show gratitude towards You, Baba. I have been trying to post the experience for four days. When I click on submit, it stays and I am not able to post it. I hope Baba will allow me to post it now. Thank You and Pranam Sai. Bow to Sai, peace to be all. Shri Sai Ram.
Sai Baba Blessings On A Devotee Family

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Every step in our life is guided by Baba. I have been a staunch devotee of Baba for more than 14 years. All my family members are also Baba’s devotees. My daughter who is also His devotee got a Covid infection. I prayed to Baba that she should recover back to normal soon and surrendered at His feet. Baba as usual was with her and made her recover fast. I am posting the experience as promised. Thank You so much, Baba.
Next is my mother who is staying alone. She had to go to take her vaccine. I booked her appointment on Baba’s day Thursday so that I don’t have to worry about anything. Thank You so much, Baba. She got her dose and she is fine without any post-injection effects. Thank You so much Baba for making me and my husband recover from the viral fever and post-fever symptoms. I am feeling a lot better. Please help us to get back to our normal lifestyle soon. Baba’ it is only You Who has shown the boy for my daughter.
Please be with us in this journey and make it happen if You think this is her right choice. Please guide my son in his career achievements. Please help my niece get a good job, Baba. You are our father, Baba. Please be with us always. Thank You so, so much, Baba. We need Your blessings and guidance in every walk of our life. Please be with us, Baba. Thank You so much, Baba. Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Sai Ram.
Blessed Everyday By Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sairam. We thank You Sai Baba for blessing us every day. Thanks once again my Sai for helping, guiding, and taking us on the right path. Jai Jai Sairam!
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
The experience of the first devotee was a wonderful one and can inspire any one to develop Shradha and Saburi ! OM SAI RAM
OmSairam! My daughter Sampriya ‘s Final CA exams are beginning from tomorrow 14th May 2022.Kindly stay by her side and protect her with your Raksha Kavacha and make her write all the exams Easily and correctly and complete the entire paper within the time limit.SaiPaa please be with her all through the days of her exams till 29th May and safeguard her with your blessings and grace and make her come out with success in both the Groups. I m submitting all my worries on to your Lotus Feet , I’m sure you will safeguard her and bless her with your grace to come out successfull in both the Groups in this May attempt. Please be by her side SaiPaa. We are eternally grateful to you always. SaiPaa. Koti Pranams and Koti thanks SaiPaa
Om SAI RAM…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower them with good health, happiness, laughter, stress free lives, knowledge , wisdom, faith, devotion and prosperity always. Baba there are various challenges in our lives and we are working quite hard. Please give us the energy, strength, courage and the wisdom with your grace to handle them. Hold our hands baba and do not let us down. Baba help me serve you better each day. Protect my husband and children baba, this has always been in my prayers to you and safeguard them from all danger and evil. Please stay with us at all times Baba. Help me Baba do good onto others and keep everyone happy and content at all times. There are some people troubling us Baba, you know everything, please give them good sense and quieten them – protect us Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏