Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3580

Sai Baba Is A Guiding Light

Sai Baba Is A Guiding Light
Day 108- 108 Days Anusthan – Chanting 108 Names Of Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a 27 years male devotee of Sai Baba belonging to Hyderabad and currently staying in Jamshedpur. 

My life has had numerous strange experiences and miracles of Baba’s blessings. I was born on Thursday, so my father named me a name starting with “Sai”. In this post, I will share one of the many experiences that I had in my life. 

In my childhood, I used to worship Baba along with all Gods but not with much devotion. In my 8th standard, I heard numerous Baba’s miracles and started praying to Baba from then onwards.

In 2015, I faced a life-threatening infection in my right leg. Due to the infection, my right leg got swollen entirely and became soft and fluid. The pain was unbearable and the fever never went down. Doctors were not so clear about the reason. But they did incision and drain type surgery to remove all the liquid pus formed in the leg.

I was on heavy intravenous antibiotics for about 55 days. For nearly two months I was bedridden. It used to be very difficult to stand and walk properly. My elder sister used to apply Sai Baba Udi on my forehead. My parents prayed to all the Gods. Somehow, due to Baba’s blessings, I could walk properly and get discharged from the hospital.

After getting discharged, my University was not ready to allow me to sit for exams because of poor attendance in my B. Tech third year. We tried a lot to convince HOD but were not successful. I was mentally prepared that one academic year would go to waste then.

In such condition, one of my Muslim friends visited me in my home to see my condition. On my bedroom wall, a Baba’s Calendar was there at that time. I was casually talking with my friend about my attendance issue and told him that I would then need to sit with our junior batch. But my friend consoled me saying that he will do namaaz for me. All of sudden, he looked at Baba’s calendar and said, “Keep faith in God, You will get whatever you ask in prayer.” I was surprised by his confidence.

The next morning my parents, my uncle, and I again went to the University. This time we went to the Vice Principal. He readily gave me permission to sit for my final exams. I was shocked and got very emotional. I gave my final exams with my batch mates and did very well in those exams. This miracle is definitely due to Baba. We tried numerous times to get permission to write final exams. All of a sudden it happened when I lost hope. Baba saved me one academic year and I also got campus placement in my fourth year. If I had a one-year gap, it would be really tough to impress the interviewers. Due to Baba’s grace, I was able to come back to normal health.

There are other strange miracles as well in my life. I will narrate them in later posts. Baba, You know I am facing emotional well-being issues and loneliness right now. Please punish me for my mistakes but never leave me, Baba. I have no one now in this new city Jamshedpur accept Your guidance and love. Don’t ever leave me, Baba. I am indebted to Your love forever. Bless all the devotees and me with good thoughts, words, and deeds. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Thanks. 

Sai Baba’s Blessings On Devotee’s Family

Sai Baba's Blessings On Devotee's Family
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi I am one of Baba’s devotees from Andhra Pradesh. Baba blessed me and my family during tough times. 

1. My family was affected by Covid during the second wave. My mother got hospitalized as her saturation level dropped. My family was worried and I was left with only one hope i.e. Baba. I prayed to Baba to save my mom’s health and I vowed to Baba that if all the test reports were normal after she got discharged from the hospital then I would post my experience. Thank You Sai Ma and sorry for posting it late.

2. My health was not good two years back. I was worried and prayed to Sai that if my reports were normal without any complications then I would post my experience. Everything was normal in my blood test reports. 

3. My mom got hospitalized due to high sugar levels. The doctor told me that with high sugars there was a risk of cardiac problems. In the hospital, they conducted every test and I strongly prayed to Baba that if Amma’s report showed that her heart condition was good then I would post my experience immediately. The report showed that Her Heart condition is good. Thank You Sai Baba for helping me in the toughest of toughest situations and for being by my side. Sorry, Baba for posting it late. Sai Rakshak Saranam Deva. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Saved Job

Sai Baba Saved Job
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a big devotee of Sai. For me, Sai is my mother, father, and friend. Daily I share with Him my happiness or worries. Daily before having my food I will call Him to join for food. There are many instances in which Sai has helped me. One instance I would like to share. 

I joined work last month. It was not a big firm. I joined the accounts department. Towards the end of the month, my boss was not satisfied with my work and asked me to leave. I felt very dejected. My mother advised me saying our Sai has better plans for me and so not to worry. I got another job and joined. My new boss had hinted to me that I will not be able to continue. I felt dejected again and told Sai that if I was able to continue then I will post it as my experience. But last week, my boss gave me my salary and sent me out. I felt very bad and considered myself unlucky. But my manager called me on Monday and told me that he had spoken to their boss and asked me if I would like to rejoin. That offer was given to me by my Sai.

Sai doesn’t leave us in any situation. Have faith in Him. Thank You, my dear Sai. 

Sai Baba Answered Question With His Post 

Sai Baba Answered Question With His Post 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam to all the devotees, Baba. I am sharing one of my latest experiences with Baba.

I am sharing one of my experiences because I had promised Baba that if it happened then I will share in the Mahaparayan group. I love someone a lot but due to some reasons we were not talking to each other (avoiding) but after 4-5 months I said to Baba to please make me talk to him. Now I am restless and I can’t suffer more. 

I said to Baba to please answer my prayer anyhow through any post or any person. So on the same day, I opened my Instagram at night. I saw what I said to Baba. There was an answer to my question. I had said that I would post my experience in the Mahaparayan group if he replied to me or talked to me. After a few days, we talked to each other and solved all the problems. This all happened because of Baba. Love You, Baba.

I had experienced many miracles of Baba but after joining the Global Mahaparayan I have experienced many more in one year. So thanks to Pooja ji for connecting me to the group. 

Devotee’s Prayers – Sai Baba’s Answer

Devotee’s Prayers - Sai Baba’s Answer
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to the team and all Sai devotees. I thank the team for this wonderful blog. Here I am sharing the miracle of my Sai, which was bestowed on me by Baba. 

I am working as an Assistant professor in a College. This year there was a major reshuffle during the allotment of posts to various places. The allotment was done through counseling. During the counseling process, I was sure that I won’t be getting the same college or the same place i.e. city. I couldn’t leave my present city as I had my own responsibilities. It was an open counseling session. I had to choose a different city and college over there. So with no option left and as known during first counseling I chose a different city and college over there. Now as I couldn’t go, I refused to go and opted for another process. My attempt failed there also.

At this stage, I felt too bad and was crying and praying to Sai all along. By now two months had passed. I had no choice left. Now at this point, Sai’s blessings came in the form of fifth counseling. I attended the counseling on Thursday as scheduled and I got posted for the same city but to a different college. This was my happiest moment and one of the greatest blessings that I received from Sai. Thank You, Sai. Om Sai Ram!

As promised I am posting my story on this blog. Om Sai Ram. 

Thank You Sai Baba 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji and team, thank you for providing us with this divine platform. 

Dear Baba, thank You for helping me get a message from the person I wanted to hear from. Thank You Baba as I understood everything. I need Your help and guidance. You always do a miracle in my life. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba cure my mother saima we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. baba shower your choicest blessings on my family by giving them a long healthy life, lots of love, devotion, faith, confidence, courage, good health, laughter, joy, inner peace and prosperity. Baba i call out for your support. Please hold our hands. Everywhere we see so many challenges. My elder is trying for internship please help him, I will post here baba as soon as he has been selected and guide him to choose the right now. Baba my younger needs your help, please be with him as his good friend and help him sustain and cope with the stress. Baba my hubby needs you, so many things affecting his work adversely. Need your blessings Baba and grace to overcome these areas. baba take care of my hubby health, help him to exercise and take care of his health with proper diet. I count on you Baba never leave me baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om Siddhivinayaka namo namah 🙏 I start the day seeking and invoking your blessings 🙏

  3. Babaji please help us solve our present problem . You only can save us.Protect our son from the present problem Help my husband solve the issues with your help.Save our son.