Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3632

Sai Baba’s Divine Grace

Sai Baba's Divine Grace
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: Pranaams to this wonderful blog team and to all the readers. I have shared many experiences on this divine blog and I am again here to pen down a few more that I have experienced recently.

I have been selling small plants on social media platforms and recently I didn’t have any buyers for the plants posted and I was a bit depressed. But as Baba heard, few buyers bought a decent amount of sales within the next few days. Even though the amount is small but it really boosts my confidence. Thank You so much, Sai. Please bless me to grow in this field, Sai.

Last month when I had been to India, I had a strong desire to go to Baba’s temple but I don’t know because of my misfortune I couldn’t visit Baba’s temple. I visited another temple that had been established by Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam. Even though I went there I had an inner guilty feeling that I couldn’t visit Baba temple. But after darshan of all God’s, Baba has given me His darshan in the form of photos in the temple; not just one photo but two. I felt very happy that Baba had given His darshan. Thank You so much, Sai.

I also wanted to bring Udi (especially Udi from Shirdi) with me while coming back from India. I said this to one of my friends and she offered me two packets of Vibhuti from Shirdi. I really felt so happy that Baba blessed me to get the Vibhuti even though I couldn’t go to the temple nor really took much effort to find it.

My father was suffering from a cold and cough. His immunity is already low as he has an underlying condition. I prayed to our dear Sai to please cure him and I vowed that if he gets better then I would post it here. He is doing well now. Thank You, Sai. Baba, please keep your father’s health and blood levels stable, Sai. Please Sai.

Today is Thursday and Baba came into my dream last night. His idol was moving, especially His face. Also, I have a Kamadhenu idol in front of Sai’s idol in my pooja room. An ox also came into my dream. In the dream, I was trying to feed it a Banana. Feel so blessed, Sai. Thank You Baba for Your pious grace on this small devotee.

Baba, You know what I am really worried about presently. Please bless me to get a solution, Baba.

Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabramha Sri Satchinandha Sathguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. 

Experience With Sai Baba

Experience With Sai Baba
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear devotees, It was Christmas Eve of 2020 and also my nephew’s birthday. His father (my sister’s husband) was running a fever, cough, and cold for the last 2-3 days but refused to go to the doctor dismissing it as his usual annual winter cold. We all got scared as his fever shot up and his oxygen level dropped drastically to 64. He spent the next 24 days in the ICU of a big hospital diagnosed with severe Covid. My sister too contracted the disease after two days but could manage it at home with a doctor’s guidance.

It was the worst period waiting for my brother-in-law to recover. Only Sai’s blessings helped him to pull out. doctors were also surprised at his progress and said somebody’s prayers are working. I had fallen at Sai’s feet and prayed to Him to bring him out of the ICU after healing him. I wrote a small chit to Sai and placed it behind His photo and begged Him to please do His miracle. On 18th Jan he was discharged and came home after a miraculous recovery. Only because of Sai. We bow down to Sai every day thanking him for his miracle. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Baba’s Help

Sai Baba’s Help
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam, Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu. Baba, Please bless everyone behind this blog. 

Sai Baba thank You for helping us with the Pooja. Recently we did a pooja for 11 days to Lord Ganesha and Lord Karthikeyan and Navagrahas for the wellness and removal of some doshas.

As girls, there was tension till the last minute due to the biological cycles of every month. We prayed to Baba to make the pooja well without any obstacles. By Baba’s grace, it went well. As it said our Guru and God will also help with religious things. Thank You, dear Sai. Baba, I don’t know what my horoscope is but I am now believing like at every step I faced failure I think that it was You Who stopped those failures. I believe You to help me with this and show us some path.

Suddenly everyone is feeling sick. My father’s cough is not decreasing. I am very scared and tired. Please help, Sai. Please let him stop his bad habits and please change my mother’s work location as at this age she is getting very tired to travel that long and also the workplace is becoming toxic. Please help, Baba.

Sai Baba Helped In Interview Process

Sai Baba Helped In Interview Process
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USa says: I am from the USA. Thank you Hetalji for giving me such a wonderful platform to share my experience.

Sai Ma helped me a lot in my interview process. I was given an assessment that was completely novice to me and with Baba’s help, I was able to finish and submit it on time. I got selected for the next round and with Baba’s grace that went well. I am waiting for feedback from the company. With Baba’s blessings hopefully, I will get that job. Also, my son was very reluctant to go to school and with Baba’s grace slowly he started liking it. Thank You so much Sai Ma for showering Your blessings on us. Please hold my hand forever. 

Sai Helped With Health Issues 

Sai Helped With Health Issues 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Prayers to Sai to relieve me from all the stress around me. 

Thanks to the team for maintaining the blog and publishing my experiences. This experience is one such where I would like to thank Baba for getting my period after a delay of 15 days. Thank You, Baba. Om Sai Ram. 

Thank You Sai

Thank You Sai

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sainath K from India says: Om Sairam. Thank You so much for the favor received. Jai Sairam.

I have more experience in my devotion to Sai Baba. I gained Sai Krupa from day one to today. Each and every day I feel Sai karuna but I write it in my diary each Thursday in Odia language. I want it to be published in a book. I need some time. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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