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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: I live in the USA. This experience is about how Baba found the perfect match for my son which is a miracle of Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat for Marriage. I am Baba’s daughter from the USA.
Dear Devotees, This experience is going to be a little long. This experience is for those mothers who are worried about their children’s marriage. Please bear with me. This Leela tells us how Baba gives us the Best and the Most Suitable at the Right time. Baba also tests our patience. I invoke Baba’s grace to pen down this experience.
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It all started when my son was in the previous medical school 6 years back where he was pursuing his MS degree and was planning to pursue medicine as well. That was our dream medical school. My son liked a girl there who was already pursuing medicine. I think she liked my son too. She seemed the best candidate in every possible way. I was very happy about this relationship. My son did great research there and was hoping to get accepted into that medical school. For some reason, that girl started avoiding my son. My son was very sad for days together. One day I told him to forget that girl and continue with his life. My son is a wonderful human being. He is very handsome and brilliant too. He followed my advice and continued with his life. He didn’t get accepted into that medical school despite his best credentials. We were all very sad. He got accepted at another very good medical school and moved to another city. One day my son sent me that girl’s engagement picture. Then I knew that my son still had not forgotten her. I asked Baba several times why he did that to us.
I started pestering my son to find a suitable girl for him in his current institution. Then came the pandemic. Then two years passed. My dearest father died. One day I went to attend a wedding in a different city. My son sent me a picture of a girl saying he was dating that girl. That girl was from a different religion and a different background. She was different in every possible way. I had a few extremely stressful days and Baba saw to it that my son broke up with that girl. It was very painful for us. But then my son realized that that girl was not suitable for him. I have posted that experience earlier in detail on this website.
I was scared to ask my son to look for a suitable candidate for him afterward. Sometimes I even had regrets about that girl. Days and months passed. I went to India and went to Shirdi on my birthday and also did an Abhishekam on 1st January at Sai Baba’s temple in our hometown. It was a wonderful experience. I prayed for my son and daughter.
The same month on a Thursday morning, my son told me that he had found a girl for him and would tell me the details after he was sure about this girl. I was very happy. I returned to the US after a month. Then one day my son sent me a picture of this girl. I didn’t like her picture very much. I have a habit of asking Baba everything through chits. I asked Baba ” Is this the girl you have chosen for my son?” I was a little desperate like any mother should be as my son is getting older. Baba’s answer was “No”. But my son went ahead with this girl seriously for a few months. Each time Baba showed a ” No”. There was a lot of tension over this. My son was very serious about this girl and had met her family too. Hence, I was really confused as to why Baba was giving a “No” to this girl. Finally, I went to meet this girl to give my consent despite Baba’s strong “No”. Devotees, once we give our problems to Baba. We should surrender completely. But we always like to be the “Karta” meaning the doer ignoring the real Doer. Baba as the Doer took care of the situation. I have written about this episode also and published on this website. My son was extremely sad after the breakup with this girl. And you can imagine my plight.
While my son was with this girl, I was doing Nav Guruwar vrat for my son’s alliance. Incidentally, this girl also went to meet my daughter on a Thursday. Hence, I was really confused as to why Baba was giving a “No” to this girl. But we are mere human beings with little intelligence. During this time my son also showed me a picture of a girl from his medical school telling how this girl was after him though he was not very interested in her. I liked this girl’s picture instantly. I told to my son also. But he was not interested. This picture he showed me during my vrat time and also the year I had gone to Shirdi asking for my son’s alliance. Baba sometimes also showed me a message through a devotee’s experience that a proposal that had already been discussed would come back again. But then my son was never interested in this girl. Hence I thought maybe the second girl who was from a very different background would come back again.
We went to India for my father’s first death anniversary celebration. My children went to join the function as well. This was a good break for my son too as he was very sad after the breakup with that girl. After we came back in July, we went to Thailand for office work and a pleasure trip. I prayed to Buddha as well. I see Baba everywhere in all the Gods. After coming back from Thailand, I experienced severe chest and neck pain and underwent a series of tests at the hospital. I have no health issues of any kind. I think Baba made me go through this ordeal for a reason. We have no idea about our own Karma. My reports were all normal. It was just muscle soreness which got cured in a day or two. After a few days of this incident in October, my son told me that he was going with the girl that he had shown me a picture, of some months back. The picture that I had liked. I immediately asked Baba if she was a good girl. Baba said “Yes”. Again I asked Baba if he was the right girl for my son. Baba again said “yes”. I gave my approval to my son. I felt like my son went hesitantly with this girl. Then see Baba’ leela.
On 31st December my son attended a party at this girl’s residence and sent me a picture just before I was going for havan at my place. I kind of didn’t like that picture at all and got very worried about why Baba chose this girl for my son. That day I prayed to Baba that He has the power to transform anything and anyone. I asked Him to transform this girl into a beautiful and the most suitable girl for my son. Baba only directed me to chant “hrim hrim hrim hrim lakshme soundarye vashyam kuru kuru swaha” to get the most desired wife. I wanted this for 21 days. In the meantime, I was also part of a marriage parayana group do the Vishnu mantra every day and read my chapter every Thursday. In fact I have been in this group for the last two years. Baba himself directed me to join this group. Baba directed me to continue chanting the above mantra. My son started liking this girl and thought that she was the most suitable girl for him as both of them are in the same profession. I did not like her pictures very much that my son used to send from time to time though I had liked the first picture more than one year back when my son was not interested in this girl. He used to send me pictures and all of the pictures were very different from each other. I was totally confused. My son also told me that she is much better looking than her pictures. I kept praying Baba kept my faith in Him. Just to tell you, on the first of January, my daughter was with me. She loves her brother and wants everything best for him. She is also very critical and for some reason, she told me that this is the best candidate for her brother and I should plan for marriage. That came out of the blue from a very critical person. It was as if Baba told that. I used to ask Baba if he would turn this girl into a very beautiful girl and Baba said ” yes”. Then my son sent me a picture where she looked older than my son. I was upset and again asked Baba to make her look young. I asked Baba and he said ” yes”. I asked Baba if I should continue chanting the above mantra. Baba said “No”. But He was hinting at me to chant. I was at a loss. Baba has His own way of directing us on the right path. Actually, Baba wanted me to chant the Vishnu mantra sincerely which I was neglecting for some time. We chant this mantra as part of the marriage parayana group. In the meantime whenever I was tense, Baba used to show me through Satcharitra words like ” peace and contentment”, “best and most suitable” and “dance with joy” to give me assurance. In the first picture, she looked very short. So I accepted that she was really short. I even told Baba that this was something impossible for Him to change. One day we were just talking and my son talked about her height. I was completely taken aback. It was as if nothing was impossible for Baba. Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram
Then finally on June 15th during my third Navaguruwar vrat, after finishing our pooja in the morning on a Thursday we drove to where my son is staying to meet this girl. I danced with joy. It was the perfect match Baba had found for my son. I had also asked Baba several times before through chits if this girl was better looking than her photos. Baba had said “yes”. Every word of Baba is true. Baba, now waiting for my son’s engagement and marriage to happen as soon as possible. It is already late. All our friends’ children are married. Our parents are very old too. My father who wanted to see my son’s marriage is no more in this world. But Baba knows everything. I should not worry. My sister-in-laws are very beautiful. Hence, I always prayed for the best candidate for my son. Baba knows my pain. Let their bonding be deep and let them love each other unconditionally. Waiting for a marriage function to happen soon so that I can tell the world about my son and daughter-in-law. Baba had also shown that this girl would bring fame, wealth, and everything good for my son.
After 6 long years, I am writing this experience to assure you all that Baba will find the best matches for you. This is also a Thank You note to my Baba. Baba is very much ALIVE. Navguruwar vrat is very powerful. Jodi made by Sai is a great platform to pray for marriage and desirable partners. Keep Shraddha and Saburi. Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram
Sai Baba Devotee sharing sai Divya Pooja Procedure and Outcome
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from Australia says: Om Sai Ram !!! Sri Sai Divya pooja is done for Happiness, Peace, Prosperity, Wish Fulfilment, and Fame.
This pooja is one of the most potent pooja to attain the blessings of Lord Sai Baba. The wishes of many devotees came true by performing this pooja with due formalities. This pooja is another way to get connected to our Lord Sai Baba and request our prayers to be answered.
Here are the Divya pooja details to share with you all here to get Baba’s blessings.
The devotee has shared the whole Sai Divya Pooja, however, to avoid making this post lengthy, we are sharing the link to Sai Divya Pooja Procedure on our blog for your reference.
I thank Him for my both sons’ health and my husband’s health. Sai, please forgive me for posting it late and for any mistakes in pooja. Thanks for everything Sai and please bless me with a job.
Sai Devotee Finding Solutions Through Baba’s Blessings
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram. A small devotee of our Baba currently staying in the USA.
1st experience: Om Sai Ram. Thank you Hetalji and team for this divine platform that connects millions of devotees.
My day starts and ends with Baba’s name and prayer. He is everything to me. For every small and big thing, I seek His blessings.
Thank You, Baba, for taking care of everything and keeping us safe always. Bless all Baba.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
2nd experience: OM Sai Ram. Thank you Hetal ji and team for this beautiful platform which connects many devotees.
My day starts and ends with Baba’s name and prayer. Baba is everything to us. I was stuck at my work with some technical needs. I had worked on it earlier, but now I was not able to progress and was stuck. After multiple attempts, I sought Baba’s blessings to help me with the issue, and within no time, I was able to progress, and the issue was resolved. Baba hears every call of a devotee. Thank You, Baba, for always taking care of us. Forgive us for any mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: Sai Ram everyone.
I live in the US with my two daughters and their father. Today, with Baba’s blessings, I’m in a better place. Baba gave me the strength to get through all difficult situations and helped me get a good job. Now, I am able to take care of my daughters and myself with Sai’s blessings and guidance. Baba also helped my older kid with college admission and a summer internship. Baba, I have one more Prarthana. You know how those four girls treated my older kid and how she was emotionally bullied. Please make the situation alright, Baba.
Sai Rakshaka Saranam
Shree Sai Aroghya Kshemadaya Namaha
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Download Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra Book for Free
We invite you to download our ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra’ book, which is a collection of powerful mantras that can help you connect with the divine energy of Sai Baba and seek his blessings. We hope this book serves as a valuable resource on your spiritual journey and brings you closer to the love and grace of Sai Baba.
Grateful for Sai Baba’s Blessings: Overcoming Sleep Difficulties
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank you to all the devotees for maintaining this blog.
Om Sai Ram.
I want to thank Baba for His help the other day. I was having a lot of difficulty sleeping, and I prayed to Baba that if I could sleep well, then I would share my experience. And yes, by Baba’s blessings, I was able to sleep well. Thank You So Much, Sai Baba. Baba, please make sure there are no issues tonight because of me. Baba, You know what I am praying for. Please bless us soon and help us go to the temple. Thank You for helping me, Baba, even when I don’t deserve it.
Thank You so much, Sai Baba.
Seeking Forgiveness and Guidance from Sai Baba
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Sorry Baba, I took it for granted. I am very sorry, forgive us.
Om Sai Ram.
Sorry, Baba for everything. I will try to follow Your way.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents baba pls protect my father and mother baba bless them with good health baba we are y at the verge pls help baba pl sai rakshak Saisaranam Ayyappa