Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3330

Sai Baba Encouraged Satyanarayana Swamy Vratham 

Sai Baba Encouraged Satyanarayana Swamy Vratham 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Devotees. I’m from Hyderabad and a mother of two kids. All my pranaams and prayers for everyone’s well-being. Earlier I have posted 6 to 7 miracles of Baba on this blog which got published successfully. My heart is full of thanks to Hetalji who is the reincarnation of Hemadpanthji and who is writing this Modern Satcharitra for us. 

I recently prayed to Annavaram Satyanarayana Swamy (Sakshaat Vishnu swaroopam) that I will do His vratham (pooja) at home simply using the available items but with a pure heart. But suddenly I started getting menstrual cramps that evening a day before. I was totally upset and tears started rolling in my eyes that I will miss a great opportunity to do Vishnu pooja on an auspicious date like that day as it was Saturday, Ekadasi and also Vaisakha masam which is considered the best month to perform rituals like this for Sriman Narayana. 

For anything to share sad or happy or bad or good, my Baba is the only One on Whom I am dependent. Without his consent, my day does not start or end. So I decided to apply Udi to my stomach and leave the rest to Baba. So now it was His decision and His will to make me do the vratham or not. I slept soon and woke up early in the morning at 4 am the next day, remembering Satyanaraya Swamy happily without any cramps or doubts regarding my periods. What else is needed? 

I did my pooja, reading all the Ashtothram stories and offered Tulasi dhalam and Rawa (sooji) prasadam with great inner satisfaction. Thank You so much Baba. As I always mention this point that You raise a storm in our lives and when You see us suffering then immediately You pull us and pamper like a mother to her little child. 

Friends, that day I realized one more thing which I want to share. Like a normal human mentality, I also pray to God for protecting my family and myself which is a selfish prayer, isn’t it? This Corona has made our life miserable but taught us not to be selfish and pray for the entire world because unless the entire world outside is safe and healthy we cannot be healthy. Am I right? From then I changed my prayers and felt relieved as one of my bad qualities is removed now. 

Baba, lot of deaths; younger people aged between 30 to 45 are dying. Why is this happening? Unable to digest Sai, when is this going to end.

 Sai, why don’t You come and save this world. Please Sai save us from this pandemic. 

Om Sri Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva
Om Sri Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva
Om Sri Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva

Sai Baba’s Grace Is Our Shield

Sai Baba's Grace Is Our Shield

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Requesting a prayer for my dad’s health. I am a devotee of Sai Baba from my childhood and also a member of the Mahaparayan group.

Hi, Poojaji I read all the experiences of Sai devotees that get posted in the Mahaparayan group. All these times I wanted to share my happy memories with Sai but now I’m here asking for all Sai devotees to pray for my dad and Baba’s grace.

Baba has been testing us very badly for the past 10 months. My whole family got Covid except me. It was such a difficult time to pass every single minute not knowing what will happen next. With Baba’s grace and His shield my mom and my sister got cured of Covid but my dad, who underwent heart surgery in the month of February 2021, is having so many complications. Even after two months, post-Covid he is still having so many health issues. Now doctors are saying his valve which was replaced in February has developed some infection and it has reached the brain and there are so many blood clots in his brain. As of now, they couldn’t do anything for that, since they are treating his heart valve infection and they are giving him so many antibiotics and not giving us any hope. Doctors say in his (71) age it’s risky for his kidney and his blood clot in his brain to give so many powerful antibiotics. But only with these antibiotics, his heart infection could get treated. Being a Sai devotee I have no other option other than holding Baba’s feet for mercy. I don’t want my dad to live for another 10 long years; all I want is to let him be healthy to see me getting married and let him see my sister’s kids. This is all that I am asking Baba every day. But Baba is testing me very badly. I kindly request you all to please pray for my dad’s health and let Baba heal him without any further complications. Om Sairam.

I’ll for sure share all my beautiful memories of my Sai Appa in my life after things get better. 

Sai Baba Blessings 

Sai Baba Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I have been a small devotee of Baba since my childhood. Thank you Hetalji and team for providing us the platform to share the blessings of Baba.

There have been a number of experiences where I have prayed and my wishes were granted by our beloved Bhagwan Baba. A few of them are as follows:

1. I had wished for Baba’s blessing for completion of my Masters in General Practice which was granted by Baba. It is one of the toughest exams for Doctors in Australia which I could clear in the first sittings. It was all Baba’s blessings and presence during my examination.

2. I had wished for permanent residency and Baba granted us the PR of Australia early this year.

3. I was stuck in another city and my husband and daughter in another due to Covid cases. I prayed to Baba to help me to be with them during the pandemic. Baba listened to my prayer and miraculously, they opened the border for 24 hours and I was able to travel during the time period. I am with my family now. It was a true miracle. Thank You, Baba.

I have realized that if You have faith, devotion and patience towards Baba, then He’s always there to protect you, bless you and show you the right direction in life. My koti koti pranam to You Baba. Om Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. 

Sai Baba Devotee Says “”How Can I Live Without You

Sai Baba Devotee Says “”How Can I Live Without You

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Baba, I don’t know how I can live without You?

Sai Ram, I am a small devotee of Baba from the USA. First of all thank You Baba. Baba, thank You for being there for me even though I am really troubling You. I don’t know how I can be alive without You?

Before the Ganpati festival started, I requested Baba that all my family should be together and celebrate our Bappa celebration nicely. With Ganpati Bappa and Baba’s grace it was all good and everyone was back home nicely. 

Baba I trouble You a lot but I don’t know and I cannot think anything other than bugging You. I feel bad for that and I am sorry for that. I got a spot in the Mahaparayan group and I really like to read Sai Satcharitra. Thank You Baba. Baba please be with me and my family. 

Sai Helps In Many Ways

Sai Helps In Many Ways

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a Sai devotee since 2011. 

This is my experience of Sai, Who helped me to buy scooty; my long-standing wish. For this, I got Amma scheme approval which helped me to take initiative for buying the bike. Though the amount was not refunded, it’s a good initiative for my wish fulfillment. But the money reimbursement did not happen. My daughter had severe head pain for no reason and suddenly she was severely hospitalized. But with Sai’s grace, the pain reduced in consecutive days and we found the cause of the problem. Thanks a lot. 

My husband has severe back pain and we are not able to find the cause. Still, he is suffering and we do not know the reason. Please cure him and bless my family. Please solve my monetary problems. 

Sai Baba Fulfilled Devotee’s Wish

Sai Baba Fulfilled Devotee's Wish

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Sai’s daughter. He is my everything. Thank you Hetalji for this wonderful platform. 

I am experiencing Sai Leela each and every day of my life. I prayed to Sai Appa for something which He fulfilled as usual. As promised I have posted here to fulfill my prayers. Thank You Sai Appa. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai. 

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 

© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 840


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Please grant a healthy life, filled with laughter , joy and peace, full of prosperity, knowledge and wisdom and an unswerving faith in you. Baba please be with my husband as his ever guiding force, he has not yet believed in you but i know you will guide him towards you with your miracles. Please bless my children to get a respectable life and know the worth of life with your blessings. Let them do good onto themselves and the world and make a good name for themselves choosing the right path in life. Baba help me overcome criticisms and perform very well each day meeting all expectations of people around me. I have a lot of work pressure and not sure how I will cope. I want to make my family proud of my achievements and also contribute to the family income. Baba help me do outstanding tasks and also look good and feel good about myself. Baba you are the guiding force of my family, please stay with us always. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  3. SAIRAM. 2ND devotee please give your father UDI & also apply same on your father,BABA please cure him because you are DOCTORS OF DOCTOR.OM SAI RAKSHAK SARANAM.

  4. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all