Sai Baba Leelas

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Baba thank You for choosing me as Your devotee and thanks Hetalji and team for this sacred platform.
Experience 1: On Sri Krishna Janmashtami, I did Pooja at home in the morning and cleaned all the Gods. While applying tilak to Gods, Sai Baba’s idol fell down on the plate (I mean just tipped towards Baba’s right side). Nothing happened to the idol and I had a feeling that (not sure) what would happen and why it happened like this. We went to a temple with the kids today and after we were back they were just running around and playing in the house. Suddenly my one year old fell down on his right side and hurt his lower lip really badly. Blood flow didn’t stop for about 3-5 minutes. There was even blood on the floor. I was so scared and applied Baba’s Udi to his lip. I posted my experiences late than promised. Will Baba get angry because of procrastination? Please take care of my Kids Thandri.
Experience 2: My husband planned to take us to a water park over the weekend. For some reason, I wasn’t interested in going there. But he insisted that winter would start soon so the kids would have fun. There was a big water slide and I told him also that my daughter who is just four years old cannot do it. But he does not listen to me at all (Not just in this case, but so many times we have different opinions and end up arguing/fighting). On that day, when she came down the water slide, she fell into the small pool and she couldn’t breathe. My heart stopped beating for a moment and didn’t know what to do. I got into tears. Baba only saved her that day. Love You Baba. Please make my husband realize my importance and make him understand that he should value my opinions/thoughts and decisions. He treats me as if I don’t know anything. But You know that I was a gold medallist, state rank holder and came to the US even before he came. I couldn’t find a job even after working so hard in my life and I am on a dependent visa now. I don’t know why Baba didn’t help me to find a job after completing my Masters. I am sure that He has a better plan for our lives.
Experience 3: Both my kids got bad cold after the water park visit. Both of them started crying in the night due to a stuffy noses. I was scared given the pandemic situation. I prayed to Baba to help them to get better. My daughter started feeling a little better. Despite of his bad cold, my son is comparatively sleeping better through the night. Om Sai Ram.
Experience 4: My daughter didn’t poop for three days, Baba. She was crying that her abdomen is hurting a lot. I got really scared and prayed to Baba to help her. With Sai Baba blessings she was able to poop today and started feeling a little better.
Baba, are You angry with me these days? I don’t think my life is going smoothly since the last few weeks. Some or the other problem/tension keeps rising up. Today also I told Baba that I will post the experiences right away, but I got late and it’s already 12:30 am (it’s getting difficult with two little kids/some distraction Thandri). Exactly at 11:59 pm my one-year-old baby woke up and started crying. He was not even letting me put him down on the bed. I am lifting him in my arms and typing the experiences. I have always treated Baba like my grandfather since my childhood. I never felt He was strict with anything in my devotion towards Him. For some reason, nowadays I feel that He is getting angry with me because I am not reading His experiences on this sacred website regularly and delaying my posts here.
Baba, please take care of my kids. From tomorrow my daughter will be going to Pre-K. Please take care of her during this pandemic.
Please take care of my baby. The wounds on his feet have not healed since the last 9 months Thandri.
Please take care of my husband’s health Baba. He works very hard, but gets angry really fast. Help us to have a happy family life. His family doesn’t like me at all. They think I created a misunderstanding between him and his sister/parents. You know the truth Baba. Please help me to find a job here and also help us to soon buy a house, Thandri.
Baba, please help me to reach my weight loss goal. I get motivated for a couple of weeks and then get off track. Please help me to be dedicated. Baba, from today I am going to start reading Your experiences regularly again. Please bless me. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from New Zealand says: Om Sai Ram. This platform is God’s gift to our generation. I want to be anonymous. Thank you team.
Coming to my experience, my sister has been diagnosed with cancer. It was a real shock to our family. My parents were about to visit my sister this year for a casual visit but unfortunately, due to Covid their flight was canceled and they couldn’t go to visit my sister and her family. Only later then we came to know about our sister’s cancer. Since then my parents were really worried about her health as she had to take care of her kids too. We all used to pray to Sai Baba to give us a solution to this problem. But somehow or the other, days were just passing but there was no ray of hope that my parents would go and take care of my sister.
One fine day when she had a doctor’s appointment, out of the blue the doctor said that he would give my sister a letter so that my parents could come and look after my sister and her kids. But when my sister applied for the approval they denied and rejected the letter.
My sister was completely shattered and she completely lost hope and was angry with our beloved Sai. They again tried the second time and with Sai’s blessings their letter got approved and my parents’ tickets were booked and my parents reached safely. This was not less than a miracle because till last week we had no clue that my parents would be travelling. But our Sai Baba as He always says not even a leaf can move without His consent or He can change the impossible to possible. That is absolutely true that when we believe our Sai He will never leave our hand. Thank You so much for everything. You took care of my parents throughout their journey and made them reach home safely.
Sai, I am praying for my sister’s health. Give her strength during the process of chemotherapy. I have complete trust in You Sai. And You know about our financial problems. Sai gives us the strength to go through this difficult phase. Help us to clear our debts. Thank You for everything Sai. Bless everyone.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam
Om Sri Sai Arogyakshemadhaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Teerthaya Namaha
Sai Baba Leela

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ganesha. Om Sai Ram. Thanks Hetal mam for giving us this platform for sharing our experience.
Sai Baba thank You for listening to my prayer and helping me out. Last week I had two work related issues. I work in IT dept. First problem was, 15 days back one of our HOD had given his laptop to me and the same I had given to my colleague for repair purposes. That HOD wanted that laptop back by 09.09.2021 and my friend forgot to get the laptop that day. Now we were sure that HOD would shout or say something harsh. I silently prayed to Baba to please make that HOD understand our situation and not to say anything bad, so that would share His blessings on this holy site. Needless to say, our dearest Baba fulfilled my wish. Baba, I pray to You that please, his laptop should work smooth and fine for a long time.
My second experience is about one system issue where the backup was not generated due to no storage on the PC. Actually, it’s my responsibility to keep sufficient storage available on the system for backup. Here also again I prayed to our merciful Baba to resolve this issue without any big issue and Baba did as per my wish.
Today (13.09.2021) when I am writing Baba’s miracles it’s also His blessing. For the last seven days (from 06.09.2021) I was coughing and was not well. So I took three days to leave from 09.09.2021 thinking about joining the office on Monday 13.09.2021 but my cough was not going. Then Saturday 11.09.2021 I prayed to Baba that if I become well by Monday morning then I would share all three leelas. And now from the office only I am writing about this experience.
Thank You Baba for listening to my small-small wishes and pouring Your blessings on me and my family. I request You Baba to please give a job to my friend and bless other friends with marriage. I am wholeheartedly praying for both of them. Please, please Baba fulfill this wish and I will share both Your leelas here. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba Saved From Covid Fear

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Hail to Sairam. May Baba bless all the people behind this blog and make it successful.
Om Sairam. I would love to dedicate my gold medal, which Baba gave me as a blessing in my bachelor’s degree. My whole world rotates around Him. He made me travel from nothing to what I am now.
For my convocation which happened last month, we have to attend it to receive my degree certificate. I was very scared because of the pandemic as thousands of people would attend it. I even wanted to skip it but taking a gold medal along with my parents would make them feel happy. So I requested Baba to make me attend the event and to save my family, my parents from Covid and that I would post here as gratitude if everything goes well. By Baba’s grace it’s been 14 days since then and we are fine now. Thank You Baba.
We bought a small car Baba. It’s been Your grace that we got it very unexpectedly in a few hours of time. My father is saying that it’s a Baba’s gift. Sai there seems to be some problems with its radiator, please resolve them Sai.
My father is not feeling very well; his blood glucose levels are high. Please help us with this Sai Maa and cure him. We are scared to make him take his second vaccination dose for Covid, please make it happen without any side effects and bless him health. Thank You Baba for everything. You are the only light that I have in my life with which I am leading my days. Please don’t ever leave me.
Sai Helped In Moving To A Different Job

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of our dear Sai.
Thanks Hetalji and team for maintaining this modern Satcharitra. In one of the chapters of Sai Satcharitra, three types of devotees are listed. I don’t even see myself fit in the last category but still, Sai hears and makes His presence felt time and again.
I have been in the same company for more than 15 years and for a long I have been thinking about a change. But somehow I never had the confidence in myself that I will be able to crack interviews after so long. However, since April I started to prepare whenever I found some time. In June I started applying for jobs through some contacts. My confidence level was still low but at least I wanted to give it a try to understand and get some exposure. I got my first interview call on July 6th. That week I decided to start the 9 weeks Sai Baba vrat too. Since then every Thursday there would be some progress in the job search.
Somehow in the meantime, the director of the client division I work for, got a hint that I was looking for a job elsewhere. He contacted me (that was also a Thursday) and asked me to join them and not move elsewhere. After much thought, and thinking it to be Sai’s wish accepted the client’s offer. By the time I completed the sixth week I had a job offer in my hand with a good pay and also with permissions to work from home. To someone who had no self confidence of getting a job offer within a few months was nothing short of a miracle for me. At every step, Sai was my guiding light. I just pray to Him to guide me throughout my life and never forsake me.
Sai, please bless the world and bless us to soon get rid of Corona and make the world a better place to live in.
Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank You to the team for maintaining this blog.
Om Sai Ram. I want to thank Baba for His help in a difficult situation. It was definitely my fault but I did not know how to solve the issue but my Baba came and helped me so much.
Another problem was also perfectly solved by Baba. Sai Baba I truly do not know what I would do without You because You always listen and You are there for me. I will always be at Your feet. Thank You so much Baba.
An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram, Thank you baba
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all