Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3603

Faith And Patience – Life’s Medicine And Cure

Faith And Patience - Life's Medicine And Cure
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UK says: Om Sai Ram,  I would really like to thank Baba who is my best friend, and my uncle who brought me to this website. During my hardest times, this was my only motivation medium for taking me forward. Thanks to Hetal ji and the team.

Sai Baba has been with me during all the toughest and happiest times and still, He is, hence I don’t want to list it down as an experience. The last year after coming to the UK to pursue my master’s, Baba has changed me completely as a person and made me realize each and every moment and petal in life.

I have been sharing all the leelas and my experience from school with my friends and family, who later on became very vigorous under the feet of Baba. With all the vibes of Baba around me, it was the grace of Baba that I got admission for my masters in the UK. He sent me off to the country with great protection. The day we started at the airport, a tricycle that had Baba’s idol stopped us and gave us Udi on its own. I felt Baba Himself came to me for sending me off. Starting from there, all the good things from getting my part-time, having me without any health issues, and even any small moments, it was all after praying Baba. I had to wait but He gave it to me at the right moment.

The real phase of my life started after finishing my master’s. My friends and I who did the same course started our job hunt. Months passed and everyone got placed but not me. I was dejected slowly as time passed but after all, I know Baba is there with me and I need to have faith and patience. In spite of this, other than my job everything else went on very well for me. Few were getting a Canada visa within a month, passing my UK driving test on the first attempt, passing my IELTS with a very good band, good relationships, and name in my part-time. So, this gave me the sight that Baba is watching everything and there is a reason that He is not giving me a job.

Every day when I woke up, I would face rejection mail and as I passed, I slowly started surrendering myself completely to Baba. This was from the Q & A on asking when I would get a job and the answer was to surrender to Me completely. I started to read Sai Satcharitra (11th and 15th Chapters) daily and I would recommend those who read to do so. I did a 9 week Sai vrat. I also read experiences from this website daily and I got the information about Sai Diya Pooja from a devotee and did that as well. Slowly, I started to feel the change in me, being mature in all the tough situations and being patient in places where I would be rough. Even after all this, there was no improvement in my job. I decided to travel back to India for a while, as a change in my environment would bring a change and I felt very low seeing my friends go to work and me being home but I was completely happy for them and not jealous; it was the left out feeling everyone would have.

I traveled back on 10th June and finished my 9th-week vrat at my home and it was of great happiness. I attended Sai Aarti from the first row and I was so delighted to see Him. I got the confidence that I would get back to the UK with a job and that was for sure. But further, I was put down to depression and I had to miss my convocation in the UK. I traveled after enquiring that there won’t be a proper convocation due to the pandemic but then they changed and had a proper ceremony. It was on 5th July 2022. This was a day I will never forget. I missed my convocation which made my parents very upset and I had a rejection from the company on the same night which I expected a little. That night I was very upset, I asked Baba why is this all for me, I missed my convocation, I don’t have any work, and sitting here having nothing. I vented everything out and was fine later.

After a few days, I got an interview as usual from the company to which I had applied before and passed all the stages with blessings of Baba and all Gods to Whom I prayed finally after transforming me completely gaining utmost faith and patience, offered me a job on 19th July 2022. The company, the role was better than all of them which I had applied for before with a very good package. I’m very happy and I know this is the job that Baba wanted to give me. He took all this time to change me and show me how hard life is. As said, I’m back in the UK with a job now.

In our family, everyone had their tough times and now all is sorted out by Baba. Especially my mother who had her leg pain for so long. I wished that if it gets better a little I would post the Leela with my experience after getting a job and I’m doing that now.

I would like to say one small thing, whatever you wish and waiting for, please have complete faith and patience with Baba. He would definitely get it sorted for you, the whole process of waiting is something for good which you would understand later. I myself understood why I got rejected by each individual company later. I wish and pray for all our people who are reading this that it would get fulfilled and you would lead a happy life.

Om Sai Ram! 

Sai Baba Always Listens

Sai Baba Always Listens
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am Baba’s daughter from the USA. I want to be anonymous. 

These experiences happened during my recent trip to India. Though I feel His leelas on a daily basis, I would like to share these three experiences where I was very tense and was about to give up He took matters into His hand and made me realize that He is the Doer and no prayers go unanswered when we sincerely call Him. But we need to have Saburi too.

We had gone to our ancestral place in Odisha for my father’s first death anniversary. It is a very small town and I went there after many years. We had invited a lot of people for the Shradh ceremony. The day before my father’s first death anniversary Shraadh, we were looking for a parlor desperately. It was close to 9 pm. Our phones were not working for navigation. I was sincerely praying to Baba. First, my sister found a parlour named Sai Parlour. I was very happy initially. But then we were not able to locate it for a long time. We asked a few people too. When we were able to give up and return, our driver’s phone started working and he navigated us to a parlour. We were probably the last customers there and when I entered, my sister showed me a small statue of Sai Ram! Thank You Baba. 

The next Leela also happened the same night. I had kept all my jewelry, clothes, and everything in my sister’s room in the hotel where we were staying in. After dinner, I went to collect my things from her room, but I was not able to open the room. The entire hotel staff tried their best. They requested us to wait till the next day when they will break the lock with some professional help. The next day was my Bapa’s varshiki Shraadh. My mind was not working at all. My sister again asked me to pray to Baba. I started chanting His name for some time. Then again I gave up. I was really tired from working the whole day for the Shradh ceremony. But after an hour or so the hotel owner came and broke the lock himself just by banging hard on the door. It was an automatic lock and run by battery. Thank You, Baba. 

My son and daughter went to India after five years. My daughter was looking a little tanned. I prayed to Baba that she should look really pretty as people are very critical there. Yes, she did look very nice all the time. Thank You, Baba. 

My father’s function went really well. My mom could stay with me for a few days at my in-law’s place happily. My elder brother is very mean to me and my children, despite that we all had a good time in India. Thank You, Baba. Love You a lot. 

Devotees, we should put all our worries, and grievances at His lotus feet. We need not handle all that. He will. We just need to chant His name all the time. That is the best way to live life happily in this world. Jai Jai Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Is With His Devotees All The Time

Sai Baba Is With His Devotees All The Time
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Namaste Sai bandhus! I have been part of the Global Mahaparayan for the past three years. 

I am staying abroad and have been introduced to this parayan by my relatives. At the time when I was introduced to the Global Mahaparayan I was at a severe loss I felt very sad and couldn’t come out of the tragedy but it was like a healing remedy that I got into the Mahaparayan and slowly got recovered from the loss. 

Then in 2020, my husband’s job was at stake and we prayed sincerely to Guru Maharaj immediately my husband got a job through his friend and everything was ok but we had to travel back to India due to visa issues and Covid related delays. I was depressed again as my kid’s education had to be stopped and we were not sure when we would be back here. It was close to four months and everything was smooth we returned back from India and even my kid got admitted to the same school without any hassle. I had also promised Baba that if everything went well then I would definitely post my experience in the forum. Throughout the phase of my difficulties, Baba kept on reminding me about “Shraddha Saburi” (Faith and Patience) through messages or Facebook posts. So whenever I was down or feeling lost I used to utter Shraddha Saburi or Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva and I could feel the difference immediately. I am now praying on the holy feet of Baba to bless me with what I have lost earlier and also bless all of us to have Shraddha Saburi.

Sai Baba’s Udi Miracle 

Sai Baba’s Udi Miracle 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I am Sai Devotee from the USA. Sai Baba is everything to our family. Please keep me anonymous. 

Om Sai Ram. Thank you for creating this platform where devotees can share their experiences. I am extremely sorry for posting my experience very late. 

This happened last April, around the same time as my younger son’s birthday. First, my older son who goes to school started with a runny nose, cough, and fever. Then it was my younger one and me. One can imagine how hard it is to have all the symptoms of Covid in this pandemic. I have firm faith in Baba. We all were drinking water with Udi and within one to two days we all started feeling better. Baba’s Udi is a miracle for us. Every time I am feeling down I start chanting Baba’s name and I start feeling better. 

Dear devotees, keep faith in Baba, Your prayers will be answered. Baba, there are miracles in my life that I have been waiting for, for a long time, please make them happen soon. Thank You so much Baba to help my parents pass their citizenship exams, it only happened because of You. Please, forgive us for any mistake that we have done knowingly or unknowingly. Please accept our namaskaram in Your holy feet.
Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba’s Miracle

Sai Baba’s Miracle
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Shirdi Sai Devotee Caroline Karthik from India says: Flower on Baba’s lap was fresh for two weeks. 

I believe in the Almighty, and so does Baba. He has been my happy place in a world full of fakeness. I went to Shirdi in 2020 right after the pandemic and He received me with open hands. He came back to my house in the form of a small green clothes statue. I did pooja and kept a flower on His lap and went to work. I travel for my work. I returned after 12 days. All the other flowers on my altar dried up except the one on Baba’s lap. He told me that He was with me. In all my trouble I trust Him and keep moving. 

Sai Baba Helped Devotee’s Husband In Getting A Job

Sai Baba Helped Devotee’s Husband In Getting A Job

Shirdi Sai Devotee Shailaja from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am Shailaja from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-411N1 India. I thank Soniaji for guiding me to write about this experience. I feel grateful to be part of the Mahaparayan group. My koti koti pranams to Baba. I have experienced innumerable blessings from Baba but the one which I am sharing today is special as it was much needed. 

During this time of pandemic due to loss in business, my husband was searching for a job. He is into the IT industry and finding the job was also difficult. I prayed to Baba to shower His blessings on us. With Baba’s blessings within a month, he got the job. I am very, very thankful to Baba for this. I always pray to Baba to shower His blessings on us. Thank You, Baba. Thank You very much.

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